" I feel like you always get the last word!"
...but you always leave me on Read* ...
*Seen* is the new black
The art of conversation and debate are dyinnnggg.
Pigeon meditates by succulents
26.10.2021 20:09Pigeon meditates by succulentsThis shoe (yes its a shoe) has a mini ball gag...
This reminds me of a mouth necklace I had. #isitreal #yes
Notice that none of the caricatures are black..ANYWAY
Everything is constantly changing all the time. OUR ISSUE is not lack of change but rather specific change. We ALL have to agree on wat the changewill be, a plan ofaction and agree to follow the plan. BUT:
We dont agree cuz
We talk but dont listen cuz
We might realize that no of us knows what we want cuz
We don't knowhy we are alive cuz the haunting uncertainty of death. From here we can only wonder in quiet.
That's why politics is funny
24.10.2021 14:32Notice that none of the caricatures are black..ANYWAY Everything is constantly changing all the time. OUR ISSUE is not lack of change but...https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zotoTKJ3ivE&feature=youtu.be
I remember .. I didnt get how how Salt & Pepper made baby Paprika; How everyone thouht Blue was a boy(cuz..blue).
But this random tweet decades later.. He apologized to his kid fanbase for "abandoning" them. He moved on with his life..A lifethat wouldn't be where it is today without his fans. Hiswork influencd my cognative development while my adoration ofthe show played a role inhis life. Yet we are strangrs. Most ofsociety doesnt seem to be onthe same page as Steve.
@fleeky You should make a city for inventions and experiments..and INVENT a flag and currency.
21.10.2021 01:35@fleeky You should make a city for inventions and experiments..and INVENT a flag and currency.@fleeky @jiggidy Fun housing inspiration for you both. The Womb is like Fleekys "bedwomb" at Cayuga..
I don't understand.
19.10.2021 20:29I don't understand.Okay wut..?
So phase 9 is 'Going Full Retard' ? #tropicthunder #igettosayretardbtw #whatthefackishappening
The freeze destroyed all my succulents. An oppossum ate my whole herb garden. The hurricane killed my bonsai collection. These are my new plants.
26.9.2021 14:30The freeze destroyed all my succulents. An oppossum ate my whole herb garden. The hurricane killed my bonsai collection. These are my new..."Without question, Barnum exploited the public. He understood that a cruel bit of human nature is always drawn to the unusual, the exotic, the thing that is different from 'us' ".
"Illusion is a public need, people want to be entertained and they don't care if the show is a hoax" - P.T. Barnum
I wonder if he were alive today, what his Instagram account would look like. 😯😏
#americancircus #mediamanipulation #historyofhustle
Math rules everything around me #nocashwithoutmath #book #birthdaygift #thankyou
24.9.2021 18:14Math rules everything around me #nocashwithoutmath #book #birthdaygift #thankyouReal or fake?
22.9.2021 13:07Real or fake?This guy... I wonder if we are related...
#förster #cybernethics #circles #understandingunderstanding 😂👌
20.9.2021 23:31This guy... I wonder if we are related...https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03081070310001599175a#förster #cybernethics #circles...ATTENTION!¡¿
My birthday is in three days and I am currently accepting celebration suggestions. I am also searching for 2 items. 1: An 18.5 cm RG ball (new or used) AND 2: an Original Bosu Ball, Blue, 26 inches. I have searched far and wide... for about 7 years...It is my GREAT WHITE BUFFALO. 🙏
I've been ballin' 😆😂 #outtakes #theFword #roughedit #idkthismusic #rhythmic #someoneatcayugastolemyRGball
20.9.2021 03:17I've been ballin' 😆😂 #outtakes #theFword #roughedit #idkthismusic #rhythmic #someoneatcayugastolemyRGballWho can resist 12 books for a dollar? I forgot what an ipod touch was when I saw this 😂😂 #thatthingthatlookslikeaniphonebutisntone
19.9.2021 02:52Who can resist 12 books for a dollar? I forgot what an ipod touch was when I saw this 😂😂 #thatthingthatlookslikeaniphonebutisntoneLast week I walked into this building for the first time in over 20 years and IT LOOKS & SMELLS EXACTLY THE SAME lmfao. Why does the 90's have a smell to it?
What does it smell like to you? @jiggidy @fleeky
#michellekwannabe #y2k
So lately I have been noticing ..what sounds like sad harmonica playing early in the morning, before 6 am. It only lasts for about 15 sec. then its gone. I assumd someone was playing harmonica &kept running out ofbreath.Then I thought it was in my head or possiblyghost. But this morning I heard it & I saw a jogger passing by! It was my neighbor! They jog to sad harmonica music W/O headfones! WhyTF?! Its creepy music, its a creepy time, ppl are sleepin..Idk what to do😓 Im thinkin ghost rumor..
10.9.2021 18:58So lately I have been noticing ..what sounds like sad harmonica playing early in the morning, before 6 am. It only lasts for about 15 sec....