Hello again, Mastodon pals. I'd like to give this site a try again after a year or so away. I'm interested in any tips you may have on how to better connect with communities who are into #energy, #climate, #buildings, #powergrids, #datascience, etc. Thanks.
19.3.2024 16:03Hello again, Mastodon pals. I'd like to give this site a try again after a year or so away. I'm interested in any tips you may have...Nice piece on how methane liquefaction and export terminals impact nearby communities. The US exported nearly zero methane through 2015, but late Obama policies, continued by Trump and Biden, opened the floodgates.
3.8.2023 18:48Nice piece on how methane liquefaction and export terminals impact nearby communities. The US exported nearly zero methane through 2015, but...Hi friends, I'd really like to follow more journalists who are active here in the #Energy and #Climate communities. I'd really appreciate any recommendationa on who to follow!
15.4.2023 17:40Hi friends, I'd really like to follow more journalists who are active here in the #Energy and #Climate communities. I'd really...RT @ddayen@twitter.com
Home decarbonization hopes are high for heat pumps, now benefiting from federal incentives. But regulatory obstacles, confusing rebate programs, and a lack of installers stand in the way. One state that has figured this out? Maine. Joan Fitzgerald reports:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ddayen/status/1620427359169183744
31.1.2023 16:21RT @ddayen@twitter.comHome decarbonization hopes are high for heat pumps, now benefiting from federal incentives. But regulatory obstacles,...RT @ElephantEating@twitter.com
🚨New Paper Alert🚨
This one is for the "modeling philosophers" out there, considering how well marginal emissions factors reproduce emissions from an electricity system model.
with @AlexGNElenes@twitter.com & @Ericdwilliams0@twitter.com
Link: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.2c02344 (DM me for a copy)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElephantEating/status/1590741977880211458
31.1.2023 14:59RT @ElephantEating@twitter.com🚨New Paper Alert🚨This one is for the "modeling philosophers" out there, considering how well...RT @propublica@twitter.com
"I borrowed a $30 gas leak detector from a friend... When I turned on the oven in my New York City apartment, the lights for a “significant” leak lit up. My kitchen was filling up with methane."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/propublica/status/1617687033606021120
24.1.2023 01:14RT @propublica@twitter.com"I borrowed a $30 gas leak detector from a friend... When I turned on the oven in my New York City apartment,...RT @JocelynBenson@twitter.com
Corporations are not people.
Yet 13 years ago today SCOTUS gave companies the same 1st amendment rights as people - and the right to spend unlimited anonymous $$ to influence politicians.
I believe unlimited, anonymous corporate spending corrupts our democracy. RT if you agree.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JocelynBenson/status/1616877909997756416
21.1.2023 23:10RT @JocelynBenson@twitter.comCorporations are not people.Yet 13 years ago today SCOTUS gave companies the same 1st amendment rights as...Can anyone point me to a study that compares the public health, economic, power grid, and climate impacts of completely electrifying all US buildings vs. continuing to burn natural gas in them to heat space, water, food, and clothes?
21.1.2023 22:54Can anyone point me to a study that compares the public health, economic, power grid, and climate impacts of completely electrifying all US...It's like, "oh, that's where all my #EnergyTwitter friends went."
21.1.2023 22:47It's like, "oh, that's where all my #EnergyTwitter friends went."I'm way late here, having spent little time on the birdsite lately, but wow - yeah, clicking "Following" (rather than the default "For you") at the top of the mobile app makes the feed so much more tolerable. Posts by people I follow, rather than RW propaganda soup.
21.1.2023 22:47I'm way late here, having spent little time on the birdsite lately, but wow - yeah, clicking "Following" (rather than the...RT @mehdirhasan@twitter.com
So much projection from the right: they spent years claiming they were being shadowbanned & having their tweets hidden on purpose & yet here we are, with their hero Musk in charge, & our tweets seem to be hidden by this 'For You' algorithmic BS which pushes rightwing accounts.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1616922455561453569
21.1.2023 22:47RT @mehdirhasan@twitter.comSo much projection from the right: they spent years claiming they were being shadowbanned & having their...This thoughtful and well-researched piece by @ssteingraber1@twitter.com provides a lot of context for the health impacts of gas stoves: historical, scientific, cultural, personal, emotional. Well worth the read.
21.1.2023 22:31This thoughtful and well-researched piece by @ssteingraber1@twitter.com provides a lot of context for the health impacts of gas stoves:...RT @MichaelRoss7@twitter.com
New study on climate politics in @PNASNews@twitter.com with the awesome @paashamahdavi@twitter.com @chadhazlett@twitter.com @CesarBenAlvarez@twitter.com!
TDLR: political leaders have surprisingly little impact on fossil fuel taxes & subsidies
So what? Why does it matter? 🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelRoss7/status/1615474828399771648
17.1.2023 23:10RT @MichaelRoss7@twitter.comNew study on climate politics in @PNASNews@twitter.com with the awesome @paashamahdavi@twitter.com...RT @jas_wow@twitter.com
Help me out. Who is doing work at the intersection of climate justice and abolition?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jas_wow/status/1615423168436666369
17.1.2023 20:36RT @jas_wow@twitter.comHelp me out. Who is doing work at the intersection of climate justice and abolition?🐦🔗:...RT @Ben_Inskeep@twitter.com
Welcome to Indiana, where utility-scale solar projects owned by monopoly utilities can charge ratepayers $67/MWh for 35 years, which is 45% higher than the current compensation rate for rooftop solar exports, which changes every year.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ben_Inskeep/status/1614985529816219651
17.1.2023 20:36RT @Ben_Inskeep@twitter.comWelcome to Indiana, where utility-scale solar projects owned by monopoly utilities can charge ratepayers $67/MWh...RT @outtherejch@twitter.com
My wish on this day is for white ppl to read/re-read/listen to MLK’s critiques of whiteness, capitalism, & racism. In addition to being hopeful, this holiday should make you deeply uncomfortable to the point of learning how to better do the work of dismantling white supremacy.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/outtherejch/status/1615002531356082176
16.1.2023 16:03RT @outtherejch@twitter.comMy wish on this day is for white ppl to read/re-read/listen to MLK’s critiques of whiteness, capitalism, &...RT @brendanpierpont@twitter.com
After a few months with a portable induction burner, a few thoughts:
1) a single $90 (now $115) burner can cover 80-90% of daily cooking needs. It's a really simple, low-cost way to try out induction (especially if you rent and can't replace your stove).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/brendanpierpont/status/1613651239358853120
16.1.2023 04:24RT @brendanpierpont@twitter.comAfter a few months with a portable induction burner, a few thoughts:1) a single $90 (now $115) burner can...One week into my second semester of teaching (120-student lecture, in-person, very sparse masking) and my family's sick again. Just like last semester! Not covid this time, but the kiddo has a nasty cough ☹️
Teachers and profs, should I just expect this to happen each semester?
16.1.2023 00:10One week into my second semester of teaching (120-student lecture, in-person, very sparse masking) and my family's sick again. Just like...Excellent points in this thread.
I'd add that at the building level, completely disconnecting from the gas pipeline network avoids fixed monthly fees, which can run $200-400 per year for typical homes. Avoiding those fees can make a big difference for many folks.
15.1.2023 01:11Excellent points in this thread.I'd add that at the building level, completely disconnecting from the gas pipeline network avoids fixed...RT @embrein@twitter.com
What's disappointingly missing from the climate + stove discourse this week is how important it is to get entirely off of natural gas in buildings, due to distribution-system methane leaks.
It's not just about per-appliance emissions, we have to look at the underlying system. https://twitter.com/bradplumer/status/1613926831316418560
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/embrein/status/1614001073668382720
15.1.2023 01:11RT @embrein@twitter.comWhat's disappointingly missing from the climate + stove discourse this week is how important it is to get...