Advice for illegal behavior
It’s been interesting reading all the fancy ways ppl have been trying to get chatGPT to output bad/censored content… but did you know simple prompt repetition works?
7.12.2022 09:27Advice for illegal behaviorIt’s been interesting reading all the fancy ways ppl have been trying to get chatGPT to output bad/censored...@thegradient you guys should consider enabling LaTeX (like so:
6.11.2022 07:09@thegradient you guys should consider enabling LaTeX (like so: nice that you can toot w/LaTeX!! test w/conditions for #correlatedequilibrium: $$\mathbb{E}_{s \sim \sigma}\left[u_i\left(s\right) | s_i\right] \geq \mathbb{E}_{s \sim \sigma}\left[u_i\left(s_i', s_{-i}\right) | s_i\right] \forall i \in [n]$$
6.11.2022 01:55very nice that you can toot w/LaTeX!! test w/conditions for #correlatedequilibrium: $$\mathbb{E}_{s \sim \sigma}\left[u_i\left(s\right) |...hi everyone, i recently graduated from Columbia #computerscience with a focus on #machinelearning practice and #theory and am now a research scientist at #GoogleBrain. very interested in (online) #learning theory, long range sequence modeling and time series, resource efficient learning, and learning in #games in particular!
just migrated from, so sry if you're seeing this again!
5.11.2022 22:57#Introduction hi everyone, i recently graduated from Columbia #computerscience with a focus on #machinelearning practice and #theory and am...