I have a new 100-word HORROR story out today, Hanging from a Telephone Wire at Flash Phantoms. It's the fourth story on this page: https://www.flashphantoms.net/horror-micro-fiction
Let me know what you think :)
27.11.2024 19:22I have a new 100-word HORROR story out today, Hanging from a Telephone Wire at Flash Phantoms. It's the fourth story on this page:...My newest 100 word story went live today: Running on Empty, by Kim Kjagain Moes - Friday Flash Fiction https://www.fridayflashfiction.com/1/post/2024/06/running-on-empty-by-kim-kjagain-moes.html Check it out, let me know what you think :)
21.6.2024 18:39My newest 100 word story went live today: Running on Empty, by Kim Kjagain Moes - Friday Flash Fiction...#100rejections update. I hit my goal!!!
Thank you
for helping me find suitable places to submit my work! Close to 30 acceptances in 2 years!
To receive a 10% discount on an annual membership for curated submission opportunities, click here: https://subclub.substack.com/06c61c76
#wheretosubmit #writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity
Hey writer friends. What if I told you there's a bunch of crazy (awesome) people who curate super spectacular twice-weekly lists to help get your writing out into the world? Free & paid options. For a discounted annual membership, visit: https://subclub.substack.com/06c61c76
#submissioncalls #writers #writerslife
Check out my newest story, Getting Caught in the Rain, published today at Bright Flash Literary Review.
3.5.2024 16:29Check out my newest story, Getting Caught in the Rain, published today at Bright Flash Literary Review....Almost half way to my goal #100rejections!
As of April 30 - 49 rejections
105 submissions
26 distinct pieces (poetry, flash, micro)
47 different journals
4 acceptances
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity
Q1 2024
Jan 43 submissions
Feb 4 submissions
Mar 28 submissions
TOTAL 75 submissions
25 rejections (from 2024 submissions)
2 acceptances
Might take a rest day tomorrow :) Maybe
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
My newest publication out today in miniMag. Picture of page 16 & 17 attached to this post, or you can read it in the PDF at the link below.
This was based on a prompt of science fiction, on a pirate ship, with botox, and had to be under 300 words.
22.2.2024 16:33My newest publication out today in miniMag. Picture of page 16 & 17 attached to this post, or you can read it in the PDF at the link...On today's episode of Procrastination (true story)
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
My newest poem picked up by Jake Magazine.
First acceptance of 2024. Also, a first attempt at a one-word story, edited into a prose poem. https://jakethemag.com/that-one-time-i-had-reason-to-panic/
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
#100rejections #update
15 days into 2024
31 submissions
12 different titles at 16 different journals
2 flash, 7 micro, 22 poems
7 rejections (2 high tier)
I think I need a rest day. 😃
How is your January tracking?
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #Writever #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
If you see this phrase in the submission guidelines, how would you interpret it?
Flash fiction—up to 750 words with maximum of 1,000 words
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #writingcommunity #flashfiction
10.1.2024 20:46If you see this phrase in the submission guidelines, how would you interpret it?Flash fiction—up to 750 words with maximum of 1,000...My vision this year is: More in '24
more love, more laughs, more gratitude. more writing.
it will evolve throughout the year
The second picture shows my 2024 writing goals including final numbers for 2023.
Aiming for #101rejections in 2024
And I got my first rejection today!! Thank you @WelkinPrize
Now to write more, revise more, create more
2.1.2024 21:13Aiming for #101rejections in 2024And I got my first rejection today!! Thank you @WelkinPrize Now to write more, revise more, create more2023 writing goal #100rejections
177 submissions
20 acceptances
102 rejections
Several still pending.
A super fun writing year.
"Oh, another rejection, YES!" or
"Oh, another acceptance? I better write/submit something else!"
#amwriting #goalscrushed #ididit #writers #writing #microfiction #writer #writerslife #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
Here's an updated list of my published writing so far.
Let me know if you have a favourite 🙂
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #Writever #writingcommunity
#poetry #amwritingpoetry
Who would ever think I'd be hoping for more rejections 🤣
But I'm not complaining about the acceptances!
And with each rejection, I learn something about my writing and strengthen it.
#pennedpossibilities #wordweavers #writerscoffeeclub #writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #Writever #writingcommunity
Day of the Dead, Janitzio, and fun times.
22.10.2023 02:05Day of the Dead, Janitzio, and fun times.https://kjagain.wordpress.com/2023/10/21/all-the-scary-things/I didn't win The Scribes Prize, but I'm still a winner for having two stories make it to the final round 🙂 To read the other stories that DID win, visit https://www.fairfieldscribes.com/issue-34.html
"Sticks and Stones" made it to the top 5% of the competition. 3 of the 7 judges voted yes and it was a very close call. They have asked to publish in their November issue. In the meantime, you can find it here: https://101words.org/sticks-and-stones-2/
Comments from the judges:
1) Very well executed narrative that builds up appropriately to the twist at the end and maintains its overall tone. I truly enjoyed reading this story.
2) Wonderful writing and a great twist at the end.
"Tick Tock" made it to the top 15% of the competition. To read this piece, visit here: https://www.fridayflashfiction.com/100-word-stories/tick-tock-by-kim-kjagain-moes
Comments from the judges:
1) This story tells depths in such a succinct way. I think it's perfect for readers to get the entire narrative and not have any question as to what is going on or the emotions being conveyed.
2) A lifetime told in about 100 words. A story filled with emotion that is easily conveyed to the reader - very well done.
Back to writing!
#writers #writing #microfiction #writer #amwriting #writerslife #Writever #writingcommunity
15.10.2023 20:37I didn't win The Scribes Prize, but I'm still a winner for having two stories make it to the final round 🙂 To read the other...Today at @afterpastreview
The Last Second Chance
I wrote this one back in 2014 or 2015 for the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction contest. It placed in the top 5 that round. Now, after several rejections and significant edits, she has found her acceptance.
And another one today @afterpastreview
Thicker Than Water
My first attempt at magic realism, due to the prompt at The Writing Battle this summer. Made it through a few rounds but fell short before hitting the semi-finals.
Enjoy :)
#writers #writing #NYCmidnight #writer #amwriting #writerslife #flashfiction #writingcommunity
28.9.2023 18:08Today at @afterpastreview The Last Second ChanceI wrote this one back in 2014 or 2015 for the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction contest. It placed...