"Give a Man a gun and he can Rob a bank. But give a Man a bank and he can rob the world."
Mr. Robot, what an awesome & underrated show.
31.8.2024 19:37"Give a Man a gun and he can Rob a bank. But give a Man a bank and he can rob the world." Mr. Robot, what an awesome &..."Men say they know many things;
But lo! they have taken wings, —
The arts and sciences,
And a thousand appliances;
The wind that blows
Is all that any body knows."
-- Henry David Thoreu
4.3.2024 18:28"Men say they know many things;But lo! they have taken wings, —The arts and sciences,And a thousand appliances;The wind that blowsIs..."El sometimiento del deseo engendra deseo de sometimiento".
-- Judith Butler
4.3.2024 18:22"El sometimiento del deseo engendra deseo de sometimiento".-- Judith ButlerLearn CSS Layout, the pedantic way:
29.2.2024 17:57Learn CSS Layout, the pedantic way:https://book.mixu.net/css/How video games use LUTs and how you can too:
29.2.2024 17:56How video games use LUTs and how you can too:https://blog.frost.kiwi/WebGL-LUTS-made-simple/The one and only Jhon Coltrane
#johncoltrane #jazz
Ant geopolitics
27.2.2024 20:14Ant geopoliticshttps://aeon.co/essays/the-strange-and-turbulent-global-world-of-ant-geopolitics¿Recuerdan cuando consideraban a las personas de 30 años como adultos?
27.2.2024 19:20¿Recuerdan cuando consideraban a las personas de 30 años como adultos?¡Ayuda!Botanical gardens can cool city air by an average of 5 °C :
27.2.2024 18:54Botanical gardens can cool city air by an average of 5 °C :https://newatlas.com/environment/surrey-cooling-effects-green-spaces-waterways/He sido un fan de la película #Stalker de Andrei Tarkovski (probablemente mi película favorita de él) desde hace años.
Pero nunca había leído la novela en la que estaba basada: #picnicextraterrestre (o su título original: #roadsidepicnic) de los hermanos Strugatsky.
Me ha encantado el universo que han creado así como los personajes y los diálogos de éstos.
Es diferente en muchos aspectos a la película de Tarkovski, lo cuál hace que ambas obras se aprecien sin pisarse los talones una a la otra.
<<Sabemos que no hay verdad en la autoridad, no obstante, seguimos jugando su juego y obedeciendo a fin de no perturbar la marcha normal de las cosas.>>
*Slavoj Žižek - Goza tu Síntoma.
27.2.2024 17:29<<Sabemos que no hay verdad en la autoridad, no obstante, seguimos jugando su juego y obedeciendo a fin de no perturbar la marcha...Nunca paren de desaprender
19.8.2023 17:02Nunca paren de desaprenderI'm an Emacs user, but a lot of times I have to use VIM and actually like it, so, despite neovim being on the rise, I think the death of Bram will leave a big hole in the free/open source software community.
9.8.2023 23:47I'm an Emacs user, but a lot of times I have to use VIM and actually like it, so, despite neovim being on the rise, I think the death of...#Anarchism is the idea that the state, or any coercive authority from the top down, is the enemy of ordinary people and Is the source of all social violence, human against human, that we see in the world today.
- Modibo Kadalie
4.8.2023 16:59#Anarchism is the idea that the state, or any coercive authority from the top down, is the enemy of ordinary people and Is the source of all...¡Tomo pulque y malas decisiones!
29.1.2023 22:18¡Tomo pulque y malas decisiones!In Heaven,
Everything is fine.
In Heaven,
Everything is fine.
You got your good things,
And I've got mine.