There is an epidemic of the nation's cartoonists trying to keep people alive because the government refuses to do anything to help people on low incomes.
@firstdogonthemoon has prepared a guide to surviving christmas in a car, with bonus gofundme to support the people featured in today's cartoon.
Please take the time to read and share ❤️
19.12.2022 06:30There is an epidemic of the nation's cartoonists trying to keep people alive because the government refuses to do anything to help...Content warning:cost of living, survey
Something I’m working on right now: ideas for improving Buy Now Pay Later regulation and action for government to address the cost of living.
Everyone knows things are getting more expensive, but official data doesn't tell us much about what that means in people’s lives day-to-day.
Help the Antipoverty Centre get a better understanding of how you've been affected by cost increases and shape our recommendations. Do & share the survey here 👉
We are living in a “society” where many of us are forced to buy groceries using #BNPL services like Afterpay.
We need to break the poverty machine before it breaks even more of us. #BTPM
The government *chooses* to do this to people.
They could just as easily ensure no one lives in #poverty overnight by raising #Centrelink payments like they did in 2020.
Further to this! Today I've talked to a lot of brilliant people who want to share their experiences and views at this inquiry.
But! People in the political class are stupid, and do not realise POVERTY is a bit of problem when there are costs to get to the poverty inquiry.
The Antipoverty Centre is doing our best to cover costs for people so they can attend.
If you can help, we would be very grateful for any contribution (that you can *comfortably* afford). If you're able to chip in you can do so here:
Edit: If we somehow manage to raise more than the costs for this hearing we will carry over those funds for the next one, which is in South Australia :)
1.12.2022 09:35Further to this! Today I've talked to a lot of brilliant people who want to share their experiences and views at this inquiry. But!...ALSO: we know there can be barriers to do with cost, disability etc that make it hard for people to participate – we will work through these with you
1.12.2022 02:58ALSO: we know there can be barriers to do with cost, disability etc that make it hard for people to participate – we will work through...Welfare recipients and people below the poverty line in #BRISBANE: send me a DM if you might be interested in sharing your experiences and ideas at an inquiry next week. #BTPM #poverty #Centrelink #welfare
1.12.2022 02:31Welfare recipients and people below the poverty line in #BRISBANE: send me a DM if you might be interested in sharing your experiences and...Content warning:welfare, suicide, community care
And it was nice to see the interim report for this inquiry include substantial quotes from our submission. We went well beyond the narrow definition of care they are operating with, and it is pleasing that they have tacitly acknowledged our call to expand the scope of how we think about caring labour.
30.11.2022 06:16Content warning:welfare, suicide, community careAnd it was nice to see the interim report for this inquiry include substantial quotes from...Content warning:welfare, suicide, community care
I often spend time assisting folks who need help navigating the complex and cruel welfare system, or supporting people in great distress, including people who feel suicide is the only logical step.
Today has been a particularly intense day on that front, with a higher number of people than usual in my DMs. These spikes happen from time to time, sometimes predictably (like when a policy changes) and sometimes not.
Today has got me thinking about a submission the Antipoverty Centre contributed to the senate inquiry on work and care, and I thought it timely to share. You can view the full thing here:!Ao2X7nRblAZUkYktJ2Yzg6wqTWP_kw?e=W13FQ0
If there’s one thing you do with your Tuesday evening please make it watching this brilliant and challenging talk on #abolition by Tabitha Lean, a staunch Gunditjmara woman who has been criminalised by the illegitimate Australian state.
She is one of the smartest and fiercest people you will ever encounter.
Content warning:auspol, welfare
Update: Here’s more on (some) of my concerns with the new committee that will decide whether #welfare payments are adequate, and that will be led by the treasurer and social services minister – the same people currently responsible for justifying keeping people in poverty. #auspol
27.11.2022 23:27Content warning:auspol, welfareUpdate: Here’s more on (some) of my concerns with the new committee that will decide whether #welfare...Content warning:auspol, welfare
Yesterday the government announced a new Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee as part of its deal with David Pocock to pass the industrial relations bill.
It was welcomed by the kind of people who claim to have the best interests of welfare recipients at heart, but if the people you claim to speak for don’t agree, who are you really doing it for?
I’ll be on ABC Illawarra this morning at 8:40 giving my thoughts on it all. TLDR: it ain’t great! Tune in live or catch up here:
#BTPM #auspol #centrelink #welfare #poverty #politics
27.11.2022 21:21Content warning:auspol, welfareYesterday the government announced a new Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee as part of its deal with David...#VicVotes meme
26.11.2022 09:32#VicVotes memeContent warning:#VicVotes
am I expected to know who or what Sam Groth is? #VicVotes
26.11.2022 09:15Content warning:#VicVotesam I expected to know who or what Sam Groth is? #VicVotes@benraue oh and probably a million people already told you this but the Tally Room site is down! Good luck fixing, I hope it's not much work.
26.11.2022 09:03@benraue oh and probably a million people already told you this but the Tally Room site is down! Good luck fixing, I hope it's not much...Thank you for #VicVotes election coverage as always @benraue. Do you know of any other psephology peeps following it on Mastodon?
26.11.2022 08:41Thank you for #VicVotes election coverage as always @benraue. Do you know of any other psephology peeps following it on Mastodon?Content warning:birdsite mention
am i the only person who ever used chronological feed on the other site? you’d think no one had ever heard of it.
24.11.2022 10:22Content warning:birdsite mentionam i the only person who ever used chronological feed on the other site? you’d think no one had ever heard...Content warning:work, stress
I don’t get paid enough for this lol
23.11.2022 10:21Content warning:work, stressI don’t get paid enough for this lolContent warning:work, stress
I’ve been really struggling to keep my head in the game lately so I thought I’d sit down and map out everything that needs to be done between now and March. Here’s the beginning and there’s another whole page as well 🥲 Let’s all hope this has scared me enough to get back to full speed.
23.11.2022 10:20Content warning:work, stressI’ve been really struggling to keep my head in the game lately so I thought I’d sit down and map out...every time a person gets on the Disability Support Pension a Julia Gillard loses her wings 🥰
22.11.2022 04:37every time a person gets on the Disability Support Pension a Julia Gillard loses her wings 🥰