I'm incapable of cooking anything less than family-sized batches. It's just me and my husband. I never mean to make this much food.. oh well. 😄
I made picadillo. I've made it before, but I like the changes I made this time. I put the carrots, potatoes, and olives in with the rice instead of with the meat. That worked out well.
6.12.2023 00:31I'm incapable of cooking anything less than family-sized batches. It's just me and my husband. I never mean to make this much food.....Well, I didn't get as much done this weekend as I had hoped, but I've now run out of willpower for productivity so it's time to lose the next six to eight hours in Planet Zoo and City of Heroes. And I'm not gonna kick myself for it; it is what it is.
3.12.2023 21:28Well, I didn't get as much done this weekend as I had hoped, but I've now run out of willpower for productivity so it's time to...One of the first things I do each day is bring Rusty and Jasper out of the ferret room and into my bedroom. Jasper takes off immediately but sometimes Rusty curls up and falls asleep on my chest like he did this morning. When I have to continue my day, I put him between our pillows and am delighted when he falls asleep there.
Amber gets to come out when she asks, but she and Onyx both prefer to stay in the ferret room most of the day.
3.12.2023 15:53One of the first things I do each day is bring Rusty and Jasper out of the ferret room and into my bedroom. Jasper takes off immediately but...The four stages of Art as I experience them:
Stage 1: get idea
Stage 2: refine idea, get excited about it
Stage 3: attempt to execute idea, realize I have nowhere near the artistic vision or skill to pull it off
Stage 4: abandon idea, berate self as worthless and incompetent
I hope yall's weekend is going better than mine. :\
2.12.2023 19:49The four stages of Art as I experience them: Stage 1: get ideaStage 2: refine idea, get excited about itStage 3: attempt to execute idea,...As an aside, is it just me or are roasting racks totally useless? All the birds were still soggy in the back, so we'll crisp them up in the toaster oven when it's their turn to hit the plate. The rack always just ends up being another thing to wash, I think I'm giving up on it..
23.11.2023 19:35As an aside, is it just me or are roasting racks totally useless? All the birds were still soggy in the back, so we'll crisp them up in...I'm the worst at getting all the food done at the same time, but I didn't do too badly this year! And all done in under three and a half hours, so we can spend the rest of the day goofing off. I'll make stock (my first time ever) from the carcasses when we're done.
Happy holiday if you celebrate, happy Thursday if you don't. I hope you have a belly full of good food and get to spend your time in the company and activities of your choice!
23.11.2023 18:55I'm the worst at getting all the food done at the same time, but I didn't do too badly this year! And all done in under three and a...Me: Do you want A or B?
Them: Yes.
Me: Question 1? And Question 2?
Them: Answer to question 1.
I know, I should know better and word my questions so they can't do this but.. SIGH.
22.11.2023 19:55Me: Do you want A or B?Them: Yes.---Me: Question 1? And Question 2?Them: Answer to question 1.--EVERY. DAY. I know, I should know better and...With the way advertising is going, I'm imagining a future where restaurant & store restrooms will have little TV screens embedded in the stall doors, and we'll have to watch one 30 second ad per square of toilet paper we want dispensed from the machine. Maybe the nicer places will let you insert money or swipe your card to skip the ads.
22.11.2023 05:01With the way advertising is going, I'm imagining a future where restaurant & store restrooms will have little TV screens embedded in...My husband brought home the cold that's going around his work. He says everyone has it. Now I have it too.
This virus is smart. Makes the host's nose run like a faucet, but otherwise symptoms are so mild that nobody is willing to take PTO and stay home. Maximum contagion.
Husband tested negative for covid so at least we know it's not that.
I've gone through a whole box of tissues since yesterday. At least I can breathe through both nostrils at the moment.
19.11.2023 14:55My husband brought home the cold that's going around his work. He says everyone has it. Now I have it too. This virus is smart. Makes...I went to bed "early" at a quarter after midnight and, as expected, I woke up 4 hours later thinking "That was a nice nap. Now I am awake and hungry." So now I'm messing around online and having Saucy Shrimp. I'll go back to bed in a bit.
In the meantime, I've been reading through the ultimate Mythbusters summary, and what strikes me is how weak a stick of dynamite is? Apparently a stick of dynamite exploding under an SUV does no damage to the SUV nor the ice it was sitting on (episode 101), and two sticks of dynamite exploding on a log does no damage to the log (ep 163)? I'm sure one stick is enough to severely injure or kill an animal, but apparently anything more durable than us flesh bags can withstand a whole lotta dynamite.
I thought it was much more powerful than that. I thought a single stick would blow up a whole SUV. Learning every day!
18.11.2023 11:45I went to bed "early" at a quarter after midnight and, as expected, I woke up 4 hours later thinking "That was a nice nap....I've been wanting to do a purple-magenta-gold gradient for a while, so I finally did. The yellow got a little lost but it's still a nice look.
Holo Taco & Enchanted Polish
#NailPolish #NailArt #NailDesign #Holo #Nails
16.11.2023 19:10I've been wanting to do a purple-magenta-gold gradient for a while, so I finally did. The yellow got a little lost but it's still a...I was just reminded of something that happened a couple decades ago:
Person in Charge: Go edge that sidewalk. *hands me a string-trimmer*
Me: *accustomed to being given the wrong tool for the job* Okay! *spends hours edging the sidewalk* (Later) I'm done! *gives back string trimmer*
PiC: Why did that take you so long?
Me: You told me to Edge.
PiC: ... I meant trim!
Too late. It's edged. 🤪
I always gave him the benefit of the doubt & assumed he just had a brain fart, and not that he didn't think I'd know the difference (given that I'm a woman).
11.11.2023 19:17I was just reminded of something that happened a couple decades ago:Person in Charge: Go edge that sidewalk. *hands me a string-trimmer*Me:...Trying to keep this top of mind right now:
"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh."
-George Bernard Shaw
We unexpectedly had to say goodbye to Opal Princess this evening.
She was limp and unresponsive last night, and then had convulsions most of the night. Cause is most likely insulinoma that we didn't realize was so advanced. We gave her honey to bring up her blood sugar, and the vet gave her IV glucose and steroids, but she never came out of a stupor. So we said goodbye to her this evening.
I know this is what we sign up for as pet parents, and the joy outweighs the sorrow. I will miss my mean wezul.
Rest in Peace, Opal Princess
January 2017 - November 2023
#Pumpkin #NailArt for #Hallowen!
The leaves on my left hand came out more like I planned (I'm right-handed). But while the leaves on my right hand came out more messy than planned, I think they look better so it's okay! :D
Please pardon my cuticles, I know I need another round of cleanup. ;)
28.10.2023 14:21#Pumpkin #NailArt for #Hallowen! The leaves on my left hand came out more like I planned (I'm right-handed). But while the leaves on my...I'd LOVE to get a good sample size on this poll, please boost if you're so inclined!
Do you think elected officials should consult experts on a subject before attempting to legislate it? Or do you think it's okay for government to enact laws about things they know nothing about?
CGP Grey has been talking on the Cortex podcast for a couple months about the video that was definitely going to come out in September, but didn't. He just released a video and if this is the one he's been talking about, I now understand why it look longer than expected. Good bit of fun if you have a few minutes though! ^_^
19.10.2023 17:55CGP Grey has been talking on the Cortex podcast for a couple months about the video that was definitely going to come out in September, but...Keeping my belly happy! Here's what I've been eating lately..
Fancy nachos with bell pepper, fresh jalapeno, black beans, onions, cheddar cheese, sour cream, chipotle powder.
Deluxe tacos with cheddar, ground pork & spices, black beans, bell pepper, fresh jalapeno, green onion, tomatoes, sour cream, chipotle, romaine in hard shell.
Chunky potato leek soup topped w/hot sauce & green onion.
French Toast Croque Madame (ham & cheese sandwich w/French toast, topped w/sour cream & cheese, sunny side up egg, maple syrup). Or, "a heart attack and a half" as I may end up calling this recipe. 😀
18.10.2023 23:36Keeping my belly happy! Here's what I've been eating lately.. Fancy nachos with bell pepper, fresh jalapeno, black beans, onions,...I only did a couple sections of the driveway yesterday and my husband did the rest. We are both SORE today! My husband is impressed with how clean the driveway looks, and how it gleams brightly in the streetlight at night. I care less about how it looks and more about how it's no longer slippery. I was sure that either one of us would slip and hurt ourselves, or someone else would and sue us. Now you can't slip if you try!
This short video taken while I was cleaning lets you really see the difference!
My husband and I are taking a break from #BaldursGate3 this month to participate in the #CityOfHeroesHomecoming festivities. Trick or Treating interspersed with Zombie Invasions, Haunted Banners, and chasing down a magical tomb.. I love this game! #CityOfHeroes
15.10.2023 17:52My husband and I are taking a break from #BaldursGate3 this month to participate in the #CityOfHeroesHomecoming festivities. Trick or...