CIV VII looking great!
20.8.2024 22:55CIV VII looking great!My legs are telling me that I did, in fact, ran too much.
19.8.2024 18:07My legs are telling me that I did, in fact, ran too much.First run in months went surprisingly well. Doubt I’ll feel the same tomorrow though. I can’t do the slow buildup and walking. It’s running or nothing.
18.8.2024 12:42First run in months went surprisingly well. Doubt I’ll feel the same tomorrow though. I can’t do the slow buildup and walking. It’s...I had been ages, but yesterday I finally had a great programming experience again. Not even technically difficult, but where the design wasn't obvious.
I nearly forgot how it felt when it finally clicks, and the implementation just flows out of your fingers. You start implementing edge cases and it just works.
Sad that that has become so rare in my day to day.
17.5.2024 09:53I had been ages, but yesterday I finally had a great programming experience again. Not even technically difficult, but where the design...Tried to get started with mobile development. Wanted to go for cross-platform since I like the idea, and though little, I have some experience with react so, went the (recommended everywhere) route of react-native + expo.
I feel like I have entered the 7th circle of hell.
The expo tutorial failed at the third command. Three random GitHub gists and 2.5 hours later I finally have the default app running on my phone.
8.5.2024 21:59Tried to get started with mobile development. Wanted to go for cross-platform since I like the idea, and though little, I have some...So. The downside of self-hosting. Had an issue with my mastodon server. Didn't have the time nor the energy to look into it. Mastodon effectively down for two months.
Solution: rebooting the server. Oh well. Happy it's fixed now!
5.4.2024 18:17So. The downside of self-hosting. Had an issue with my mastodon server. Didn't have the time nor the energy to look into it. Mastodon...What a week. Luckily not impacted by the lay-offs at #spotify, but a 2nd close call in a year isn’t great for anxiety.
I super feel for my impacted colleagues. Feel free to reach out and I can put you in touch with a bunch of great ex-spotifiers. They’re all super capable, and more importantly, great human beings.
6.12.2023 11:20What a week. Luckily not impacted by the lay-offs at #spotify, but a 2nd close call in a year isn’t great for anxiety.I super feel for my...3 weeks of downtime since I ran out of diskspace again. The downside to hosting your own mastodon server I guess.
Obviously I can add monitoring, but since I'm the only user of the server, I feel like I don't really want to do that.
And that's kind of a nice thing? I like being part of a community here, but I don't want to add an on-call to my personal life. I've got work for that.
16.11.2023 14:393 weeks of downtime since I ran out of diskspace again. The downside to hosting your own mastodon server I guess.Obviously I can add...An update from #adhd land: the hops are still on the vine. I did redo the entire pantry.
7.10.2023 11:56An update from #adhd land: the hops are still on the vine. I did redo the entire pantry. our D&D session was the exact amount of time I needed to figure out what went wrong.
FYI: if your update fails, in my case precompiling assets failed without an error. Apparently it does that if your server doesn't have enough memory. Stopping all running mastodon services fixed it for me.
25.9.2023 21:12Apparently our D&D session was the exact amount of time I needed to figure out what went wrong. FYI: if your update fails, in my case...Let's casually update mastodon to 4.2.0 on the side. Whatever could go wrong?
25.9.2023 21:11Let's casually update mastodon to 4.2.0 on the side. Whatever could go wrong?It's D&D time again. Torinn the warlock will be making his glorious return tonight!
25.9.2023 19:28It's D&D time again. Torinn the warlock will be making his glorious return tonight!What a day this was.
21.9.2023 13:52What a day this was.Apparently we have a huge hops plant in the garden, that's in full bloom.
Unrelated to that: I have a homebrewing kit in storage that I wanted to start using again.
Guess I'll be figuring out how to harvest, process and store fresh hops?
20.9.2023 14:26Apparently we have a huge hops plant in the garden, that's in full bloom. Unrelated to that: I have a homebrewing kit in storage that I...Solar panel installation day 🥳☀️!
12.7.2023 07:53Solar panel installation day 🥳☀️!So, is it just me, or does mastodon use quite a lot of data? Single user instance, barely any posts, don’t follow a ton of people. 25gb’s in use. That’s with the weekly clean-ups configured.
At least the security update was easy and went smooth.
8.7.2023 07:24So, is it just me, or does mastodon use quite a lot of data? Single user instance, barely any posts, don’t follow a ton of people....The king is dead. Long live the king. #rutte
7.7.2023 22:21The king is dead. Long live the king. #rutteAnd so it begins 🤟! #gmm #graspop
15.6.2023 11:50And so it begins 🤟! #gmm #graspopFirst time the self-hosted instance went down. It’s exactly what I thought would be the first thing to break: ran out of disk space.
On the bright side: it did force me to add storage volumes to my vps, and move over mastodon data to it.
18.5.2023 21:14First time the self-hosted instance went down. It’s exactly what I thought would be the first thing to break: ran out of disk space.On the...I may have had an unknown disease, but Sabaton definitely was the cure.
13.5.2023 20:26I may have had an unknown disease, but Sabaton definitely was the cure.