I finally came around to playing Wasteland 2, a game from 2014 (!). And oh boy, it's more relevant today than ever.
4.2.2025 13:06I finally came around to playing Wasteland 2, a game from 2014 (!). And oh boy, it's more relevant today than ever.Just realized something after a short shitposting match with friends:
All those wires connected to augmented people in cyberpunk are not for data. They are from chargers for devices from different vendors that each use incompatible proprietary charging protocols.
Picture for reference : https://www.deviantart.com/aaragonnega/art/Motoko-Kusanagi-Ghost-in-the-Shell-469377505
3.1.2025 06:33Just realized something after a short shitposting match with friends:All those wires connected to augmented people in cyberpunk are not for...От слова «кодить» до слова «шкодить» одна буква
24.12.2024 09:05От слова «кодить» до слова «шкодить» одна букваhttps://youtu.be/nQ-pxlKgiTI (Ghost - Twenties) Official soundtrack of the coming years #UsPol
16.11.2024 08:13https://youtu.be/nQ-pxlKgiTI (Ghost - Twenties) Official soundtrack of the coming years #UsPolTo this day my mind refuses to accept the fact that Crowdstrike is the real name of a big cybersecurity company and not some edgy script kiddie’s idea of a name for his first ddos tool.
11.8.2024 09:07To this day my mind refuses to accept the fact that Crowdstrike is the real name of a big cybersecurity company and not some edgy script...Metal peaked at Red Alert 2 soundtrack by Frank Klepacki. Don’t change my mind. #music #metal #videogaming
26.6.2024 12:26Metal peaked at Red Alert 2 soundtrack by Frank Klepacki. Don’t change my mind. #music #metal #videogamingJust misheard “LOUND AND QUEER” instead of “LOUD AND CLEAR” in Tibetian Sun. Now I imagine a mod where Grobal Drag Initiative fights The brotherhood of CIS.
15.2.2024 12:17Just misheard “LOUND AND QUEER” instead of “LOUD AND CLEAR” in Tibetian Sun. Now I imagine a mod where Grobal Drag Initiative fights...