18.2.2021 13:59 has stopped Australians from sharing or viewing Australian news. Not sure what happen if you're overseas. Google/Alphabet has come to financial arrangements with media companies in Australia. The legislation has bipartisan support in Australia.
#fascism #MarkZuckerbergsucks #Google #Alphabet #Australia #Auatraliannews
Saint Valentine & Saint Vitas are two of the most famous patron saints of epilepsy.
#epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #SaintValentine #SaintVitas #SaintValentinesDay
Cannot stand compulsive liars! I mean lying over pointless things, epic victim stories, fake education credentials...sigh. then when they get caught in a lie they create another or try to convince you that they never said the first lie and that you misheard. Gah!
#psychology #liars #mentalillness #compulsiveliars #narcissistic
10.2.2021 13:33Cannot stand compulsive liars! I mean lying over pointless things, epic victim stories, fake education credentials...sigh. then when they...This is when I wish the death penalty existed. Just so angry.
Women held as sex slaves, drugged and tattooed as being 'property', Queensland police say
I dislike house inspections (when you rent). They are so stressful. #rentals #RentalHousing #stress
So frustrating. I was playing LOTR Online and the world chat had a couple of conspiracy nuts and Internet trolls. Sucked the fun and escapism out of playing a role playing game.
1.2.2021 13:42So frustrating. I was playing LOTR Online and the world chat had a couple of conspiracy nuts and Internet trolls. Sucked the fun and...One of my pet rats, Speedy.
#petrats #speedy #adoptdontshop
#letherspeak #metoo #empowerment
25.1.2021 12:09 #metoo #empowermentMonkey, lording it over his realm. 🐾🐈 #cat #Monkey #adoptdontshop
24.1.2021 08:22Monkey, lording it over his realm. 🐾🐈 #cat #Monkey #adoptdontshop"Don't be afraid, daybreak has come."
My favourite song atm: theme song to the anime Kabanari of the Iron Fortress.
#music #Aimer #HiroyukiSawano #anime #KabanarioftheIronFortress
Watch "【Sawano Hiroyuki/Aimer】nZk 005 ninelie LIVE version" on YouTube
【Sawano Hiroyuki/Aimer】nZk 005 ninelie LIVE version:
The picture may lack context. It reminds me of a surrealist alarm clock. Certainly wake you up! 🤣. (Onanistic Typewriter)
23.1.2021 14:03The picture may lack context. It reminds me of a surrealist alarm clock. Certainly wake you up! 🤣. (Onanistic Typewriter)Introduction....drum roll 🙃
I am an aspiring writer of poetry, short stories, flash fiction and an erotic horror novel I am writing.
I love satire & British comedy like Blackadder & Monty Python.
I play online MMORPGs (Guild Wars 2 & LOTR Online).
I have eclectic music taste from goth, alternative, heavy metal, rock, to JPop.
I love anime, such as Sword Art Online, Tokyo Ghoul & Attack on Titan.
#anime #writer #introduction #mmorpg #music