Only 22 countries have never been invaded by #Britain
Source:…According to the book "All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To", there are only 22 countries Britain never invaded throughout history. There aren't many gaps on the map, but some of the more notable include #Sweden, #Belarus and #Vatican City. The biggest blank spots can be seen on the African continent, even though the Royal African Company founded in 1660 alone was responsible for forcibly removing 212,000 slaves from their homeland and shipping them to English colonies in the Americas between 1662 and 1731.
#history #military #politics #invasion #slavery #colonization #knowledge #problem #empire……
28.1.2021 08:38Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophilesInteressante interaktive Karte zu allen aktuellen Streitigkeiten aller Länder dieser Welt.…
#Fake #NASA #ISS #Space #Augmented #Virtual #Reality #ISSHoax #MoonHoax #Technical #Breakdown
I’ve Been BANNED From Owning A Firearm, A Warning Of What’s To Come For All Conservative Americans
#news #politics #democrats #bigtech #dictatorship
#Pictures of #ChairmanMao and …
Former Tennessee Congressman Harold Ford Does Interview and Shows Off His Mao Pic and Another Really Sick Piece of Art
#pedophile Adults with #Children
These people are sick.
Former Tennessee Democrat Congressman Harold Ford Jr was interviewed on FOX this past week. It was quite an interview as reports:From comparing the president to a terrorist to having one of the sickest Communist leaders hanging on your wall, Democratic leaders are on a roll this week.You may of not heard of Harold Ford Jr., to be honest neither have we. Well the former US Congressman (’97-’07) appeared on FOX news with Brett Baier via satellite at his home. The discussion they were having focused on the incitement of insurrection with President Trump.
Now you have probably heard of Mao Zedong, the guy who led a Chinese communist revolutionary responsible for the death of tens of millions of people… Well that guy’s portrait can be seen HANGING ABOVE FORD’S MANTEL. The portrait looks like Warhol’s Mao, so if it’s in pretty colors guess it’s okay to have in your home.
The picture of Ford with Mao is above.
But what is even creepier is the picture on the wall across from the wall with the Mao painting on it. On this wall we see a picture that appears to be adults with children.
Für #Merkel und CO. sind wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse nicht maßgebend, ............für diese Politkasper /innen zählen nur die Aussagen von Virologen hier #Lügenbaron #Drosten etc. und sein armseliger Märchenerzähler #Tierarzt #Wieler !