Legs in a bath
Nice hotel bath is nice
15.3.2025 06:58Legs in a bathNice hotel bath is niceI'm lazing in a bubble bath in a hotel room and a flirt-friend is sending me voice messages reading me The Very Hungry Caterpillar and honestly, this is the life
14.3.2025 16:55I'm lazing in a bubble bath in a hotel room and a flirt-friend is sending me voice messages reading me The Very Hungry Caterpillar and...Nude, boobs with no nipples showing
Toying with the idea of posting semi-nudes, I think it will help my body positivity (I have internalised fatphobia from family stuff that I only apply to my own body).
A friend is enthralled with this pic of me and suggested I post it to R/GoneMild, but I do not Reddit - I can post it here, though! :D
Compliments are welcome, and in the spirit of kink (and read my pinned intro thread), you can also tell me what you'd like to do to me ;)
14.3.2025 10:19Nude, boobs with no nipples showingToying with the idea of posting semi-nudes, I think it will help my body positivity (I have internalised...ace-ist
Yeah, no, don't need someone in my mentions implying that being ace can be 'fixed' or has some kind of trigger to turn being sexual back on and ace people just haven't found it yet.
13.3.2025 11:38ace-istYeah, no, don't need someone in my mentions implying that being ace can be 'fixed' or has some kind of trigger to turn...Aceflux things, sex mention
- still won't want to receive anything like fingering or toys or having my nipple sucked. I can still look at people and acknowledge that they are intensely sexy, but recoil at the thought of receiving any intimate touching, until I've been up/awake for a few hours. Kisses and naked cuddles are fine, but no sexy touchings.
Brains are weird.
13.3.2025 10:23Aceflux things, sex mention- still won't want to receive anything like fingering or toys or having my nipple sucked. I can still look at...Aceflux things, sex mention
As well as having longer periods of not wanting to be touched intimately/sexily, I am very very very rarely horny in the mornings. I'm only now starting to really examine that. Touching someone else intimately is fine, but not being on the receiving end. It's like my brain can't even start processing feelings like 'arousal' until early afternoon. Sometimes though, while this is happening, I'm fine with him putting his cock in me (because it's more intimate?) but -
13.3.2025 10:19Aceflux things, sex mentionAs well as having longer periods of not wanting to be touched intimately/sexily, I am very very very rarely horny...
pets pls
13.3.2025 09:16 pets plspolyam joy
Very nice starting the day to Alex telling me how magical and beautiful I am and how lucky he is while smothering me with kisses and hugs, then another flirt-friend messaging me 'my god you're a beautiful peach'.
sex toy review
https://nexusrange.com/products/nexus-b-stroker (not an affiliate link)
One of my favourites (if not THE fave). The 'stroker beads' are supposed to emulate penetration - they don't quite do that because there are several beads that move in different dections (some go down while others go up), but it is a FANTASTICALLY delightful sensation no matter which hole you've got the toy in. The batteries also last ages and are very quick to charge. I love this little thing (and it loves me right back).
13.3.2025 08:39sex toy reviewhttps://nexusrange.com/products/nexus-b-stroker (not an affiliate link)One of my favourites (if not THE fave). The...BDSM, pronounced Buddhism
11.3.2025 08:54BDSM, pronounced Buddhism(lewd text) Alex's note on my profile
Asking for what you want during sex, D/s mention
It's even totally fine to change your mind *in the middle of* doing something!
You can stay in control of your sex life - even if, like me, you're a submissive with a Dominant partner (that doesn't mean your Dom should get the final say in what they do to you!), you can and should guide your Dom towards the things that please you the most.
Try it! Take control of your sex life, get fucked the way you WANT to get fucked <3
3.3.2025 18:41Asking for what you want during sex, D/s mentionIt's even totally fine to change your mind *in the middle of* doing something! You can...Asking for what you want during sex, genitals mention
Can you focus a bit more on my balls, and squeeze them harder?
Can you lick my earlobe while you're doing that?
I don't feel like vaginal penetration today - can you keep things around my clit?
Can you slow down/speed up a bit?
I don't feel like being intimately touched today but I would love to please you, if you'd like that?
Can you throw me onto the bed and pound me really hard?
Can you grip my arms tightly?
3.3.2025 18:40Asking for what you want during sex, genitals mentionCan you focus a bit more on my balls, and squeeze them harder?Can you lick my earlobe...Asking for what you want during sex
You deserve a happy and fulfilling sex life (if you are someone who enjoys sex), and you are perfectly valid, and reasonable, for asking your partner to accomodate your precise needs. Chances are very high that your partner just wants to please you anyway, and that they'll actually get off on seeing you enjoying yourself *even more* when you're getting exactly what you want - so give it a go!
For example:
3.3.2025 18:39Asking for what you want during sexYou deserve a happy and fulfilling sex life (if you are someone who enjoys sex), and you are perfectly...Asking for what you want during sex
Did you know that you can just ask for what you want?
If you're not enjoying something, you can ask for something else (or even nothing at all)?
It may feel daunting, especially if (like me) you have RSD and a brain that tells you you're going to 'cause offense' or 'be awkward' or 'make a scene', or that maybe you should feel lucky you're getting anything at all and you should just enjoy what you're given - but no, this is not the way!
3.3.2025 18:39Asking for what you want during sexDid you know that you can just ask for what you want?If you're not enjoying something, you can ask...I keep forgetting to make the first post of my little lewd/kink shorts public and hashtagged appropriately so that they can reach the appropriate audience, and Idon't want to re-draft them after they've gotten some likes, so here:
3.3.2025 10:48I keep forgetting to make the first post of my little lewd/kink shorts public and hashtagged appropriately so that they can reach the...Penis, oral, lewd
- claw into the bed sheets and his toes curl and he gasps a string of expletives, and we are both left deeply satisfied.
Penis, oral, lewd
-'but your cock needs me, Daddy' and 'just a few more minutes', with my hands around his his shaft and my tongue across his tip, squeezing some lube into my palm and stroking him slowly and lightly until he's absolutely gagging for it and 'maybe you should save that' turns into 'I think I might cum soon if that's okay', and I ask him where - in my mouth? In my hands? Or as Kevin Smith is fond of saying, 'All over my face and chest'? And he does, and it's long, and his hands - 🧵
3.3.2025 08:46Penis, oral, lewd-'but your cock needs me, Daddy' and 'just a few more minutes', with my hands around his his shaft and my...Lazy morning penis play
Weekend mornings are great. I'm never horny first thing in the morning (I think I might have a tiny bit of morning dissociation), but he's *always* horny in the mornings, and on weekends when we've got a couple of hours to ourselves in bed, and I wake up to find his hard cock poking into my thigh, I LOVE having a little fondle that turns into a big fondle that turns into a lengthy tease of him saying 'you might want to save that for when you're horny' vs me saying - 🧵
3.3.2025 08:41Lazy morning penis playWeekend mornings are great. I'm never horny first thing in the morning (I think I might have a tiny bit of...photo (safe) with eye contact, lewd kink text
After he came home:
"Why don't you come over here and sit on my lap"