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OR Department of Corrections is systemically fucking with prisoners' mail. This is being carefully tracked by attorneys and others. But...

OR Department of Corrections is systemically fucking with prisoners' mail. This is being carefully tracked by attorneys and others. But the reality is that it is happening.

Please note the following draconian rule changes so you can have the best chance of getting mail through. If your letter is refused, please document it and dm us!

Do not let this deter you from writing. Especially for folks in the hole being deprived of books, possessions and contact, it is so vital to have material to read and know folks care. Follow the guidelines, take photos of mail beforehand in case it's rejected. Send printed news articles and poetry and other interesting reading.

If you can swing it, sign Malik up for a newspaper or magazine subscription (dm us if you do so we can prevent duplicates and know he should be expecting it).

Love, rage and solidarity!

11.3.2025 09:24OR Department of Corrections is systemically fucking with prisoners' mail. This is being carefully tracked by attorneys and others. But...

Please write to Malik and let him know you stand with him!Malik Muhammad #23935744Snake River Correctional Institution777 Stanton...

Please write to Malik and let him know you stand with him!

Malik Muhammad #23935744
Snake River Correctional Institution
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario, OR 97914-8335

*Note*: Please include page numbers and return addresses on each page because the prison typically does not give inmates the envelopes.

Visiting his blog at:

9.3.2025 02:31Please write to Malik and let him know you stand with him!Malik Muhammad #23935744Snake River Correctional Institution777 Stanton...

PHONE ZAP FOR MALIK ⚡☎️⚡ Political prisoner Malik Muhammad is facing repression and has been thrown in solitary confinement again!...


Political prisoner Malik Muhammad is facing repression and has been thrown in solitary confinement again! Show him support by calling the prison and demanding his release!

Call Snake River Correctional with the following demands:

• Return Malik to general inmate population;
• Restore communications rights and mail;
• Return all books and possessions immediately;
• End the persecution now!

Master Control: 541-881-5018
Superintendent: 541-881-5002
Inspector: 541-881-5081
Chaplains: 541-881-4624,
General Line: 541-881-5000

Call these numbers at any time of day, and leave messages with these demands if they don't answer!

9.3.2025 02:30PHONE ZAP FOR MALIK ⚡☎️⚡ Political prisoner Malik Muhammad is facing repression and has been thrown in solitary confinement again!...

Amir got his bike!

Amir got his bike!

14.2.2025 20:22Amir got his bike!

Letters For Malik! February 22 from 6:00-9:00PM at Alder Commons, 4212 NE Prescott. ADA accessible space, masks required indoors.Join us to...

Letters For Malik!

February 22 from 6:00-9:00PM at Alder Commons, 4212 NE Prescott.

ADA accessible space, masks required indoors.

Join us to send letters to political prisoner, Malik Muhammad!

Malik has spent an atrocious amount of time in solitary confinement in Oregon after being arrested in the 2020 BLM protests. He's now been transfered to a prison across the state, cut off from family and resources. Let's send Malik some love <3

This event is being hosted by Black & Pink PDX.

10.2.2025 06:33Letters For Malik! February 22 from 6:00-9:00PM at Alder Commons, 4212 NE Prescott. ADA accessible space, masks required indoors.Join us to...

Malik has a new address!Malik was recently transferred to Snake River Correctional in Eastern Oregon. While it is a relief that he is out of...

Malik has a new address!

Malik was recently transferred to Snake River Correctional in Eastern Oregon. While it is a relief that he is out of the torturous conditions in solitary confinement at OSP, it is also bitter that he is being moved much farther from his home base in Portland. Nonetheless, his staunch resistance and our solidarity will continue wherever he is.

If you have a moment, please drop him a note of support and solidarity to help ease this transfer. Let's give him a morale boost and make sure the guards know that people outside have his back. His new address is:

Malik Muhammad #23935744
Snake River Correctional Institution
777 Stanton Blvd
Ontario, OR 97914-8335

23.1.2025 19:57Malik has a new address!Malik was recently transferred to Snake River Correctional in Eastern Oregon. While it is a relief that he is out of...

Update from MalikI just want to thank everyone who called in to the prison. I do now have all of my property, I'm back out of that cell,...

Update from Malik

I just want to thank everyone who called in to the prison. I do now have all of my property, I'm back out of that cell, which is amazing. Me and my lawyer have litigation planned for their tazing and beating me, as well as for the first time they maced and beat me and left me in a bare cell with nothing. So, things are looking up.

In much, much lighter news, I'm currently trying to apply for a grant from Anarchist Horizons and from Jen Angel Anarchist Media Group to self-publish my first book of poetry! Inshallah I will get it, that is my hope, be it God's will.

And ya, I just wanted to give a quick update. As far as ways that people can help me, contribute, anything that you've already been doing has been amazing, writing letters. I'm obviously currently going to need help spreading about the book though, once I'm getting ready to get published. Thanks!

12.12.2024 17:11Update from MalikI just want to thank everyone who called in to the prison. I do now have all of my property, I'm back out of that cell,...

"Choosing to eat"Malik shares a poem he wrote shortly after ending his 9-day hunger strike.[Poetic transcription:]Think tactfully,...

"Choosing to eat"

Malik shares a poem he wrote shortly after ending his 9-day hunger strike.

[Poetic transcription:]

Think tactfully, impactfully, only one path I see
It’s bittering, though, ‘cause I hate to show any signs I slow,
Or relent, repent or give in, ‘cause I do not quit, I can’t ever not resist
I stand ‘til the last man falls, risk it all or nothing
What’s the point of givin' if you ain't givin' your all?
Thinking of quitting now? I'm appalled!
My struggle, my strength, resolve – where was it all, so easy to fall? [...]

9.12.2024 02:50"Choosing to eat"Malik shares a poem he wrote shortly after ending his 9-day hunger strike.[Poetic transcription:]Think tactfully,...

Thanks to @bloomingtonabc for making this zine of some selections of Malik's writings -- check it...

Thanks to @bloomingtonabc for making this zine of some selections of Malik's writings -- check it out!

4.12.2024 02:10Thanks to @bloomingtonabc for making this zine of some selections of Malik's writings -- check it...

UPDATE: OSP made all sorts of promises to encourage Malik to end his hunger strike.They promised to:* return his posessions* get him out of...

UPDATE: OSP made all sorts of promises to encourage Malik to end his hunger strike.

They promised to:
* return his posessions
* get him out of the "torture tier" cell
* restore his security level to get him back on track to leave solitary and return to general population

They fucking lied.

Please listen to a recording of Malik's poetry venting about current circumstances:

If OSP thinks there are no consequences for this, they are wrong. The legal / media / public pressure is only beginning to build.

Love, rage, and solidarity

27.11.2024 23:16UPDATE: OSP made all sorts of promises to encourage Malik to end his hunger strike.They promised to:* return his posessions* get him out of...

UPDATE: Malik Ends Hunger StrikeAfter 9 painful days of not eating, Malik has secured some key demands; he will be getting his property...

UPDATE: Malik Ends Hunger Strike

After 9 painful days of not eating, Malik has secured some key demands; he will be getting his property back, will be moved out of this "torture tier" cell, and will steadily increase his level in BHU to be on track to be out of solitary and back in general population in just over a month.

"I personally am resigned to die in this cell if it could compel momentum to end Oregon’s excessive hole times. I must confess though, my family I love dearly, I want to see my son again, his mom, my mom, they’re who I draw strength from. I pray to Allah daily for guidance and IDK if I’m misinterpreting something or I’m being selfish, but I’m hearing I have a lot more I can do and say than impact with my death"

Malik's full statement here:

Fuck solitary confinement; the struggle continues.

Love, rage, and solidarity

26.11.2024 06:32UPDATE: Malik Ends Hunger StrikeAfter 9 painful days of not eating, Malik has secured some key demands; he will be getting his property...

UPDATE: Day 8 of Malik's hunger strike.When most people miss a meal or two they get "hangry". Malik hasn't eaten in 8...

UPDATE: Day 8 of Malik's hunger strike.

When most people miss a meal or two they get "hangry". Malik hasn't eaten in 8 days. And while this hits hard (physically, mentally, emotionally), he is no less determined to raise awareness about his conditions and those of so many others who face the terrors of solitary confinement (and prison more generally).

Even though prisoners in OSP's SMH (Special Management Housing, aka solitary) are isolated and understandably preoccupied with their own struggles, 8 inmates submitted grievance reports about COs assaulting Malik. To see a Black man doing nothing wrong being tased repeatedly, beaten, pinned on the ground... it is enraging. And though they know the deck is stacked against these complaints, they are advocating on his behalf anyway.

Please continue to call and raise awareness. Phone numbers can be found in prior posts.

Fuck OSP; until all of us are free, none of us are free.

Love, rage, and solidarity

21.11.2024 22:01UPDATE: Day 8 of Malik's hunger strike.When most people miss a meal or two they get "hangry". Malik hasn't eaten in 8...

UPDATE: A week without food. It is day 7 of his hunger strike and Malik is obviously feeling the impacts of not eating.Medical staff are...

UPDATE: A week without food. It is day 7 of his hunger strike and Malik is obviously feeling the impacts of not eating.

Medical staff are pretending like they don't know about the situation despite Malik clearly refusing trays and posting a sign in his cell to that effect (something nurses and other staff clearly can see when they come by to distribute meds).

Malik's disciplinary hearing was yesterday and COs gave conflicting stories about what happened (even though the event was recorded). The hearing officer clearly didn't have evidence to substantiate the wild charges involving inciting a riot, etc. They did however keep one trumped up charge and are imposing a 45 day loss of privileges as punishment. So Malik will not have his property returned, will stay in the "torture tier", and his BHU status dropped from level 6 to level 2 (which is one of the ways they keep people in solitary confinement indefinitely).

But his legal team and supporters sure as shit aren't just accepting this. Oregon Department of Corrections hate prisoners like Malik; people who aren't just quiet and docile in the face of this injustice.

Please keep calling and applying pressure. Call OSP, call OR state legislators, call city counselors. ODOC is feeling the pressure and it's more important than ever to support Malik at this critical time.

Love, rage, and solidarity!

20.11.2024 16:40UPDATE: A week without food. It is day 7 of his hunger strike and Malik is obviously feeling the impacts of not eating.Medical staff are...



We cannot overstate our love and appreciation for CLDC for repping Malik. The struggle isn't over when a verdict is cast. When prisoners are getting beaten, abused, tortured with solitary all while the perpetrators cower in the shadows... it's more important than ever to have incredible lawyers fighting for people's fundamental rights and dignity.

CLDC slaps; show some love their way too and support their work if you're able. Lord knows they're supporting ours.


UPDATE: Day 6 of Malik's hunger strike.Supporters spoke with Malik today. He's still in Oregon State Penitentiary's...

UPDATE: Day 6 of Malik's hunger strike.

Supporters spoke with Malik today. He's still in Oregon State Penitentiary's "torture tier". Because 8 months of solitary confinement isn't enough torment, they've decided to take away his photos and his books and the space he had made for himself as well. All for speaking out about the racism and abuses and abysmal conditions at OSP...

But they will not break Malik. Despite almost a week without food, he is strong. Mentally, physically, emotionally. But he needs support now more than ever.

Please keep calling. Get through to counselors, the superintendent, the desk clerk, whoever you can. Make sure they know we know Malik is on hunger strike and what OSP has done and is doing to him. Echo the demands that they recognize his fundamental rights and dignity. Return his property; get him out of that cell.

Love, rage, and solidarity!

20.11.2024 02:58UPDATE: Day 6 of Malik's hunger strike.Supporters spoke with Malik today. He's still in Oregon State Penitentiary's...

UPDATE (Saturday 11/16/2024): Day 3 of Malik's hunger strike. Supporters spoke with Malik today and while he is hungry and fatigued, by...

UPDATE (Saturday 11/16/2024): Day 3 of Malik's hunger strike.

Supporters spoke with Malik today and while he is hungry and fatigued, by far the worst experience has the retaliatory placement in a remote cell near people screaming throughout the night.

COs are refusing to report the fact that he is not eating (so they can pretend this hunger strike isn't happening). They are REQUIRED to disclose this to the OIC.

Malik has witnesses of COs assaulting him; at no point did Malik resist or put hands on corrections officers. He has been bleeding from the spot where he was tased and has not been seen by any medical personnel.

Please call OSP and demand they:
* return Malik's possessions
* let him back in his original cell (away from the psychological torment of being near people screaming all night)
* stop retaliating against him for speaking out about OSP's conditions

OSP's main phone number: 503-378-2453
Other contact numbers (thanks @igd_news ):

Please write to Malik; please call OSP ASAP. The attention and public pressure make a huge difference!

16.11.2024 17:01UPDATE (Saturday 11/16/2024): Day 3 of Malik's hunger strike. Supporters spoke with Malik today and while he is hungry and fatigued, by...

UPDATE: Malik is on day 2 of his hunger strike. He has been placed in a bare cell without his books, photos of his son, or any material to...

UPDATE: Malik is on day 2 of his hunger strike.

He has been placed in a bare cell without his books, photos of his son, or any material to occupy his time. He was deliberately placed in an area where prisoners in adjacent cells are screaming throughout the night and yelling graphic details about their sex crime cases. This psychological torment is meant as clear retaliation for Malik speaking out about the abhorrent conditions at OSP.

He has a few basic demands to end his hunger strike:
* return his property
* let him back into his old cell (at the very least away from the barren cell next to people screaming at night)
* maintain his level 6 status in BHU (level 7 means return to general population)

Please call OSP to let staff know about your concern for Malik's well-being and reiterate these demands.

Numbers to call listed here:

Note: while the Officer in Charge (OIC) is required to be notified when a prisoner is not eating, COs have not been doing this (to avoid having Malik's hunger strike officially reported).

15.11.2024 16:21UPDATE: Malik is on day 2 of his hunger strike. He has been placed in a bare cell without his books, photos of his son, or any material to...

On Tuesday, November 12th, Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP) corrections officers tased and beat political prisoner Malik Muhammed (SID:...

On Tuesday, November 12th, Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP) corrections officers tased and beat political prisoner Malik Muhammed (SID: 23935744). One CO even placed a knee on Malik's head. Malik had done nothing wrong and was assaulted and violently moved to a different cell for having the audacity to ask a new CO why they were arbitrarily changing access to the rec area.

Malik has been in solitary confinement for over 6 months (which violates the already inexcusably long 90 day limit that Oregon legislators recently passed). He is in the Behavioral Health Unit (BHU) and this status is one of the many ways ODOC circumvents supposed limits on solitary confinement. For more background on why solitary is torture, see

Please call OSP, inquire about Malik's health and housing status and insist that he be returned to general population as soon as possible.

Malik is considering a hunger strike given the retaliation and mistreatment he has faced and needs all the support we can rally!

14.11.2024 16:22On Tuesday, November 12th, Oregon State Penitentiary (OSP) corrections officers tased and beat political prisoner Malik Muhammed (SID:...

Support Malik’s Son Amir!Amir is raising funds to get him outside and active in his local Scouts crew!Building peer relationships, outdoor...

Support Malik’s Son Amir!

Amir is raising funds to get him outside and active in his local Scouts crew!

Building peer relationships, outdoor skills, etc… this type of engagement is so important and we’d so appreciate if you’d step up and support him by buying a bag of popcorn. Thanks so much for kicking in; means a lot to Amir, Malik and their whole family.

Click here for some overpriced popcorn! 👇👇👇

12.10.2024 01:58Support Malik’s Son Amir!Amir is raising funds to get him outside and active in his local Scouts crew!Building peer relationships, outdoor...

"Happy Birthday to Amir"September 17th 2016, the birth of my son was the greatest gift I’ve been given. Yet one I don’t...

"Happy Birthday to Amir"

September 17th 2016, the birth of my son was the greatest gift I’ve been given. Yet one I don’t deserve. I never wanted to be a dad or have kids; I was fucked up as a kid so I don’t wanna do it to another human tryna figure out this crazy life. To be charged with the care of this human and pretend to be some “authority” about anything to ANYONE but specifically him is wild to me. But mahshallah I’ll find a way cuz Allah saw fit [...]

12.10.2024 01:57"Happy Birthday to Amir"September 17th 2016, the birth of my son was the greatest gift I’ve been given. Yet one I don’t...
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