Just a quick reminder in the context of his not so (at all) recent "they*-have-left-wing bias" campaign https://washingtonpost.com/news/innovations/wp/2018/05/24/pravda-elon-musks-solution-for-punishing-journalists/ *[as in Us vs Them] See also: https://twitter.com/search?q=(bias OR biased OR fake) (from%3Aelonmusk)&src=typed_query&f=top It looks familiar like it's from someone else's playbook? Alas, social media megaphone propagandists appropriate the concepts and terms we work with, and that, in fact, is among the key characteristic of their destructive toolkit for public discourse.
10.12.2022 09:54Just a quick reminder in the context of his not so (at all) recent "they*-have-left-wing bias" campaign...