Tried my best to capture what it’s like in Los Angeles right now. #wgastrike #sagstrike #WGA #HotLaborSummer
31.8.2023 16:50Tried my best to capture what it’s like in Los Angeles right now. #wgastrike #sagstrike #WGA #HotLaborSummer...Coming out of the adoption fog—leaving behind fear, obligation, guilt—was a long, complicated, beautiful journey.
My story @medium
#adopteevoices #adoptee #adopteerights
8.8.2023 19:12Coming out of the adoption fog—leaving behind fear, obligation, guilt—was a long, complicated, beautiful journey. My story...Months into writing #Sneakerella for
#Disney after submitting countless free drafts, they demanded one more.
Seasoned writers told us we had to do it. That’s just how things work.
We said no. Not for free. They refused, did not extend our contract.
That same year, #BobIger earned $36M
#Hollywood runs on fear: of obsolescence, financial ruin, being labeled difficult (we were). Studios exploit that fear.
We’re fucking done being exploited. #wgastrong #solidarity #sagaftra
13.7.2023 20:39Months into writing #Sneakerella for #Disney after submitting countless free drafts, they demanded one more. Seasoned writers told us we had...Stunning words by Wahtola Trommer #poetry
25.5.2023 17:59Stunning words by Wahtola Trommer #poetryThelma & Le Wheeze
Adoption Is Trauma.
My thoughts on life as an adoptee.
7.4.2023 14:56Adoption Is Trauma. My thoughts on life as an adoptee. #adoptionIn season 5,746 of The Donald Trump Show, much to the glee of watchers, writers went with Pecker as the surprise damaging witness.
Give them all the awards.
#TrumpIndictment #HeFuckedAroundAndFoundOut🍆
4.4.2023 19:59In season 5,746 of The Donald Trump Show, much to the glee of watchers, writers went with Pecker as the surprise damaging witness.Give them...The single best piece of writing about the adoptee experience I’ve ever read. A must read for adoptees and those who love us.
Tremendous gratitude to #TheNewYorker and #LarissaMacFarquhar for centering adoptee voices and to the adoptees who shared their stories with the world. #adopteevoices
4.4.2023 16:16The single best piece of writing about the adoptee experience I’ve ever read. A must read for adoptees and those who love us. Tremendous...I have no words for what I just watched😱
#yellowjackets Season 2 Ep 2 🔥🙌🏻
1.4.2023 20:09I have no words for what I just watched😱 #yellowjackets Season 2 Ep 2 🔥🙌🏻So glad the Dodger’s got rid of Trea Turner🙄😭 #WorldBaseballClassic
21.3.2023 23:47So glad the Dodger’s got rid of Trea Turner🙄😭 #WorldBaseballClassicI really love baseball #worldbaseballclassic
21.3.2023 02:01I really love baseball #worldbaseballclassicI remember when Trea Turner was on my team. What a mfucking beast. #worldbaseballclassic
19.3.2023 02:20I remember when Trea Turner was on my team. What a mfucking beast. #worldbaseballclassicI was 48 when I sold my first script, 52 when it got made, 54 when it was released.
Let me and tonight’s #Oscars be your reminder that it is never too late, you are never too old.
And ladies, as #MichelleYeoh said, we are NEVER past our prime.
Don’t stop until you’re dead.
13.3.2023 03:36I was 48 when I sold my first script, 52 when it got made, 54 when it was released.Let me and tonight’s #Oscars be your reminder that it...Holy shit. #thelastofus
6.3.2023 05:19Holy shit. #thelastofusHumans are so exhausting. Don’t be this human.
3.2.2023 19:32Humans are so exhausting. Don’t be this human.Love a 2am earthquake😬 Missing #earthquake Twitter right now. Everyone okay out there in #LosAngeles ?
25.1.2023 10:17Love a 2am earthquake😬 Missing #earthquake Twitter right now. Everyone okay out there in #LosAngeles ?‘Merica
23.1.2023 03:13‘MericaEnough with entitled old white men who treat classified papers like Playboys they hid under their mattresses.
Whitmer/Buttigieg 2024?
#politics #Biden #classified #2024PresidentialElection #thisissoexhausting #whyaretheysodumb
14.1.2023 18:11Enough with entitled old white men who treat classified papers like Playboys they hid under their mattresses. Whitmer/Buttigieg 2024?...REGINA HALL FOR THE WIN🤣🤣🤣 #GoldenGlobes
11.1.2023 04:00REGINA HALL FOR THE WIN🤣🤣🤣 #GoldenGlobes