The last days of Robin Hood Gardens
16.3.2025 21:48The last days of Robin Hood Gardens saw this bird by Hallsville Road in Canning Town on Saturday. It was too quick for me and flew off before I could get a good photo. I think it’s a kestrel.
16.3.2025 21:27I saw this bird by Hallsville Road in Canning Town on Saturday. It was too quick for me and flew off before I could get a good photo. I...Photographing the sunset on the Royal Docks
15.3.2025 22:47Photographing the sunset on the Royal DocksInsect learning centre, Statford
15.3.2025 22:42Insect learning centre, StatfordUS trade officials scour the globe for more eggs as woke, cultural Marxist, leftists push up prices egging Teslas.
15.3.2025 13:50US trade officials scour the globe for more eggs as woke, cultural Marxist, leftists push up prices egging Teslas.🏗️ I love architects. Crazy, fluffy people in their statement glasses. They have never lived even a minute in the real world
14.3.2025 08:01🏗️ I love architects. Crazy, fluffy people in their statement glasses. They have never lived even a minute in the real worldA stickered telecommunications box in Hackney
13.3.2025 23:05A stickered telecommunications box in HackneyHow do you tell Labour and Tories apart? Both are dogmatically neoliberal with apparently no clue how to address Britain’s serious structural problems. One way is to remember that Tories scapegoat immigrants first and “feckless benefits cheats” second. For Labour it’s the other way round
11.3.2025 07:21How do you tell Labour and Tories apart? Both are dogmatically neoliberal with apparently no clue how to address Britain’s serious...How do we raise the money to defend our country and preserve our values in an ever more dangerous and uncertain world?
By ditching our values and creating a society that is not worth defending.
Starmer decries ‘worst of all worlds’ benefits system ahead of deep cuts
11.3.2025 06:28How do we raise the money to defend our country and preserve our values in an ever more dangerous and uncertain world?By ditching our values...🥢 Very tasty lunch at the newly-opened Din Tai Fung in Canary Wharf.
2.3.2025 15:14🥢 Very tasty lunch at the newly-opened Din Tai Fung in Canary Wharf.Keir Starmer is so not the prime minister the UK needs during the breakdown of the post-war liberal order. A man completely lacking in vision, despite regular donations of spectacles.
"Starmer slashes aid to fund major increase in defence spending"
26.2.2025 06:33Keir Starmer is so not the prime minister the UK needs during the breakdown of the post-war liberal order. A man completely lacking in..."These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others."
Starmer and Lammy absolutely craven on Trump today.
24.2.2025 18:32"These are my principles. If you don’t like them I have others."Starmer and Lammy absolutely craven on Trump today.Sir Neville Starmer and his foreign secretary are flying out to Washington to meet the Musk-Trump co-presidency at the MAGA Laager. Will they be back with a piece of paper bringing peace in our time?
23.2.2025 11:05Sir Neville Starmer and his foreign secretary are flying out to Washington to meet the Musk-Trump co-presidency at the MAGA Laager. Will...Boarding the Rainbow Train
21.2.2025 08:33Boarding the Rainbow TrainThe right are doing with “net zero” what they did with “woke”. Woke is “freedom, fairness, community” - few are against that. Call it “woke” and you have something to attack. Net zero is “efficient transport, comfortable homes and workplaces, low cost energy”. Few were against that until “net zero”.
20.2.2025 11:04The right are doing with “net zero” what they did with “woke”. Woke is “freedom, fairness, community” - few are against that....Instead of producing migrant deportation porn to show how out of ideas it is, the Labour government could take a leaf out of Trump’s “stick it to the elites” book but actually do something useful with it - like nationalising the water industry, starting with Thames Water. The finance-rentier oligarchy and tbeir economist-apologists would vomit more shit than a Thames Water sewage farm about how contrary this ...
14.2.2025 07:20Instead of producing migrant deportation porn to show how out of ideas it is, the Labour government could take a leaf out of Trump’s...Well, know we know: “ensuring AI is open, inclusive, transparent, ethical, safe, secure and trustworthy, taking into account international frameworks for all … [and] … making AI sustainable for people and the planet” is “not in UK national interests”.
11.2.2025 14:18Well, know we know: “ensuring AI is open, inclusive, transparent, ethical, safe, secure and trustworthy, taking into account international...Timothy Snyder, getting the ongoing coup in the US about right.
"The new world they imagine is not just anti-American but anti-human. The people are just data, means to the end of accumulating wealth."
3.2.2025 22:00Timothy Snyder, getting the ongoing coup in the US about right."The new world they imagine is not just anti-American but anti-human....Liberal democracy just died. It’s been on life support for some time now. And when the alarm sounded, when the patient flatlined, did we call for the crash-cart? No, we ambled down the corridor to get fresh coffee.
23.1.2025 00:22Liberal democracy just died. It’s been on life support for some time now. And when the alarm sounded, when the patient flatlined, did we...🤠 A lot of folks wearing a Stetson in Hackney tonight. Not something that you see often.
22.1.2025 19:53🤠 A lot of folks wearing a Stetson in Hackney tonight. Not something that you see often.⬆️