Well. After today I am resigning from my job. I just literally cannot do it any more.
14.3.2025 22:52Well. After today I am resigning from my job. I just literally cannot do it any more.Happy Saturday! Started BabyGoth’s Xmas/holiday present.
8.3.2025 21:45Happy Saturday! Started BabyGoth’s Xmas/holiday present.#3GoodThings
1. I had a good morning before my latest meltdown today.
2. BLTs for dinner.
3. Got more progress on my last bobbin’s worth of singles.
03/04: My creative life is an essential part of who I am. True or false.
Yep. True. I come from a long line of people who made things or did without. It is a part of me.
1. Had a long talk with my boss about the issues I’m having at work. I didn’t cry (very big deal) and I found out that I got a raise.
2. I managed to get through the day without crying. Yay.
3. We have a leak in the basement, but it’s manageable. Probably.
And I forgot - yesterday we went out to dinner with BabyGoth and her partner for her birthday. Our favorite Thai place, and he even liked what he got. Relief.
2.3.2025 18:52And I forgot - yesterday we went out to dinner with BabyGoth and her partner for her birthday. Our favorite Thai place, and he even liked...#3GoodThings (and 1 from yesterday)
1. A crazy warm day for the third day in a row. Hello March.
2. Got red beans on the stove for somebody who won’t eat jambalaya on Tuesday.
3. Almost done with my Justice braid singles.
#spinning #
#ScribesandMakers 3/2: Are you inspired by nature? Please explain.
Yes and no. I feel energized and inspired to make things when I’m in nature. Sometimes the colors I’m drawn to are inspired by the nature around me now, and what I grew up with living near the ocean.
The reasons that I create are directly inspired by climate change, a respect for the earth, but other than that, not really.
2.3.2025 16:57#ScribesandMakers 3/2: Are you inspired by nature? Please explain.Yes and no. I feel energized and inspired to make things when I’m in...#ScribesandMakers What are your goals for this month?
1. Make it through the month.
2. Start working on an ugly Winter Solstice sweater. I will have one this year.
3. Finish BabyGoth’s birthday present, and the rest of the yarn for it.
US politics
Good morning. Thinking about encouraging my baby and her boyfriend to leave the country while they can. You know, like a concerned parent or something.
1.3.2025 17:02US politicsGood morning. Thinking about encouraging my baby and her boyfriend to leave the country while they can. You know, like a...#3GoodThings
1. Got through another day without having my boss yell at me again.
2. Dodged my performance review. Again.
3. It’s a beautiful, weirdly warm day today.
1. Got to see my daughter and her bf play in their first community band concert. 💜
2. Having chili dogs and fries for dinner.
3. Working more on my blanket this evening.
Food, baking
Got the bread out of the oven.
22.2.2025 19:09Food, bakingGot the bread out of the oven.It’s been a while.
1. I passed my training class yesterday.
2. Got ciabatta in the oven. No, not a euphemism.
3. It’s a beautiful sunny day.
Good morning. I passed my training yesterday! Now I just have to be certified, and I’ll be ready to be fired! (Only a little bit of a joke).
Today I’m making ciabatta, and probably work on spinning the rest of the Courage braid from Dye Mad Yarns. Hope you all are having a good day too.
22.2.2025 17:57Good morning. I passed my training yesterday! Now I just have to be certified, and I’ll be ready to be fired! (Only a little bit of a...Good morning. Last day of training at work, let’s see if I can pass the exam this time.
Oh, and there’s a foot of snow outside. Thank goodness it’s so cold, because it’s fluffy.
21.2.2025 13:20Good morning. Last day of training at work, let’s see if I can pass the exam this time. Oh, and there’s a foot of snow outside. Thank...Happy Sunday! The kids are out of the house today - one’s at work, the other’s at a dog show - so it’s been a very quiet morning. Getting ready to work on my giant blanket again
16.2.2025 18:17Happy Sunday! The kids are out of the house today - one’s at work, the other’s at a dog show - so it’s been a very quiet morning....