Labour under fire for failing to name MPs for key EU role @brexit
10.11.2024 17:10Labour under fire for failing to name MPs for key EU role...Petition: Apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible @brexit
7.11.2024 17:10Petition: Apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible ...Johnson’s Brexit left 'wholly negative legacy' across Ireland, says new SDLP leader ""
] @brexit
EU citizen who applied for pre-settled status is to be deported from Scotland @brexit
1.11.2024 17:10EU citizen who applied for pre-settled status is to be deported from Scotland...Keir Starmer creates new ‘Europe Hub’ as PM eyes closer ties with EU post-Brexit @brexit
31.10.2024 17:10Keir Starmer creates new ‘Europe Hub’ as PM eyes closer ties with EU post-Brexit...Sorry, Rejoiners—the UK’s path back to Europe will be slow @brexit
28.10.2024 17:10Sorry, Rejoiners—the UK’s path back to Europe will be slow @brexitRe-opening Brexit agreements 'off the table' in EU-UK trade talks, says UK trade minister @brexit
25.10.2024 16:10Re-opening Brexit agreements 'off the table' in EU-UK trade talks, says UK trade minister...Britain aims to reset EU trade ties to boost growth, says minister @brexit
22.10.2024 16:10Britain aims to reset EU trade ties to boost growth, says minister ...Staggering cost of UK’s Brexit divorce revealed – and there’s billions more to pay EU @brexit
19.10.2024 16:10Staggering cost of UK’s Brexit divorce revealed – and there’s billions more to pay EU...City of London chief says Brexit 'disaster' cost 40,000 finance jobs @brexit
16.10.2024 16:10City of London chief says Brexit 'disaster' cost 40,000 finance jobs...The EU needs Britain as much as Britain needs it. Where is Starmer’s solidarity? | William Keegan @brexit
13.10.2024 16:10The EU needs Britain as much as Britain needs it. Where is Starmer’s solidarity? | William Keegan...Spain threatens UK with hard border on Gibraltar [] @brexit
10.10.2024 16:10Spain threatens UK with hard border on Gibraltar [] @brexitStarmer is boxing himself in over Europe – and putting approval ratings above young people’s futures @brexit
4.10.2024 16:10Starmer is boxing himself in over Europe – and putting approval ratings above young people’s futures...I was bluffing on no-deal Brexit, says Boris Johnson @brexit
1.10.2024 16:10I was bluffing on no-deal Brexit, says Boris Johnson...Brussels officials tell Ursula von der Leyen don’t do any favours for… ""
] @brexit
If even Stephen Fry has turned his back on Britain, what does that sa… @brexit
25.9.2024 16:10If even Stephen Fry has turned his back on Britain, what does that sa… @brexitRisk of increased food prices and product shortages from new border controls, says Logistics UK @brexit
22.9.2024 16:10Risk of increased food prices and product shortages from new border controls, says Logistics UK...Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit @brexit
19.9.2024 16:10Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit...UK port freight declines in Q2 2024 amidst post-Brexit trade shift | Logistics Manager xtracted content:
```plaintext @brexit
Reset means Reset @brexit
13.9.2024 16:10Reset means Reset @brexit