Make Banks Boring Again
Robert Reich
Exhausting getting /acclimating to a new computer...
Goodbye arm wrestling 9 year old windows 10 Now to learn windows 11 and not make a mess of it.
Goodbye MS Office 7 hello Libre office...
Hello again may I introduce you to a graphics card and twice the memory lane!
Meanwhile I am forcing the life long data horder to unwind half a turn... let it go..let it goo... let it go...
#technology #senior #makeitwork #geek #lifechange #ugh
Banks Fleece US again.
"First Republic Bank’s regulatory filing for December 31, 2022 shows that it held $176.25 billion in deposits, of which $119.47 billion were uninsured, or 68 percent of all deposits. JPMorgan Chase’s same regulatory filing (FFIEC Call Report) for December 31, 2022 shows that at year-end it held $1.527 trillion in deposits of which an estimated $1.058 trillion were uninsured – or 69 percent.
#StopDirtyBanks #crypto #wallstreetonparade
How's life after a #SpinalFusion Just past my 5 year anniversary from hell...L4-L5 ...Downhill snow skiing yesterday first time since then! Oh joy such a magical day!
9.3.2023 22:15How's life after a #SpinalFusion Just past my 5 year anniversary from hell...L4-L5 ...Downhill snow skiing yesterday first time since...@rbreich With your amazing voice, brain trust and white board I wish you would amplify what is happening in Crypto, both FDIC insurance for with crypto holdings Banks and the mind blowing toxic FTX Crypto bankruptcy court proceedings.
#cryto #FTX #wallstreetonparade
my week in review
13.2.2023 22:40my week in review@MammalAmongMammals Reading your bio... Will be making notes too as we build new communities here. Just the nudge I needed.
19.1.2023 23:08@MammalAmongMammals Reading your bio... Will be making notes too as we build new communities here. Just the nudge I needed.My simple art...
Find fun joyful pickleball gifts and other whimsical designs for adventurous spirits.
Enjoy the love!
I prefer Giving Thanks Day
23.11.2022 01:58I prefer Giving Thanks Day #thanksgivingComing from a messy aka disruptive childhood this is good sibling reflection ... I act out in other ways... 😎
22.11.2022 20:47Coming from a messy aka disruptive childhood this is good sibling reflection ... I act out in other ways... 😎...Laid off in 2007, burned out, a garage sale shopper told me about ( ) a free graphic art software... and #PrintOnDemand Websites... WaLa.... here I am still plugging away. Full heart ... stretching my art gift... Still living a frugal life.
22.11.2022 00:35Laid off in 2007, burned out, a garage sale shopper told me about ( ) a free graphic art software......@marcelias Such good news! You, your cohorts etc...are freak'n amazing. So grateful.
21.11.2022 21:58@marcelias Such good news! You, your cohorts etc...are freak'n amazing. So grateful.Do you write about FDIC Insurance and Cryptocurrency One example (New link ok?)
Constantly disturbed by depth of economic injustice
@DanielleBrian Thx
FDIC Insurance and #cryptocurrency Ugh.
#banking #WallStreetOnParade
Newbe y wanting to find and follow Marc E Elias at Democracy Docket.. @democracydocket
Now I'm not sure how it did it. Did I end up going to #explore or Federated in search? #voting ? #legaleagle #DemocracyDocket #vote
19.11.2022 17:43Newbe y wanting to find and follow Marc E Elias at Democracy Docket.. @democracydocket OH JOY I DID IT!Now I'm not sure how it did...Always looking for silver linings in this chaotic world.
19.11.2022 04:16Always looking for silver linings in this chaotic world.