It's amazing we're still using CSVs as an industry - and the creativity (laziness?) some companies have in producing them.
The csv parser in #ruby so far was able to handle it all - but now I've encountered a case where it didn't work as "expected". After spending some time trying to debug this, I've decided to file an issue with my findings so far:
#csv #madness #ruby #debug is pretty awesome
9.11.2023 11:40It's amazing we're still using CSVs as an industry - and the creativity (laziness?) some companies have in producing them.The csv...One last thing on dealing with timezones, I wish I had found / looked at earlier...
8.11.2023 08:38One last thing on dealing with timezones, I wish I had found / looked at deeper into this timezone madness, it's indeed intentional, as described here:
All I wanted was to use a non-DST timezone as an offset to UTC to run some daily actions at different times for different parts of the world. Which sounds easy enough - but as it seems impossible to simply say "use "+0900" as a timezone, one must somehow figure out to use "Etc/GMT-9".
8.11.2023 08:36Diving deeper into this timezone madness, it's indeed intentional, as described here: it's intentional as in - but seems everyone else decided to move on from whatever POSIX decided?!
7.11.2023 15:02seems it's intentional as in - but seems...I'm very confused by in #ruby right now.
=> 2023-11-07 05:51:37.361671 -0900
=> 2023-11-07 23:52:19.065061 +0900
according to Wikipedia ( and other sources it seems that tzinfo uses opposite signs than it should be using?
7.11.2023 14:57I'm very confused by in #ruby right now.Examples:TZInfo::Timezone.get("Etc/GMT+9").now =>...