How to access a remote machine.
5.8.2019 22:05How to access a remote machine.Schade.
7.5.2019 19:54Schade.They are still using Perl in Egypt, apparently.
23.3.2019 12:04They are still using Perl in Egypt, apparently.#perlEin Obstbauer baut Obst an, aber was baut ein Autobauer an?
Und wieso ist Journalisten ein "-hersteller" zu kompliziert?
22.2.2019 17:14Ein Obstbauer baut Obst an, aber was baut ein Autobauer an?Und wieso ist Journalisten ein "-hersteller" zu kompliziert?protip: keep a statically-linked busybox at /
19.2.2019 18:19protip: keep a statically-linked busybox at /Danke, Hermes.
16.2.2019 13:06Danke, Hermes.Short reminder that the Pioneer KEH-P7450 remains the coolest car radio to date.
13.2.2019 22:05Short reminder that the Pioneer KEH-P7450 remains the coolest car radio to date. is truly amazing how often Mozilla goes out of its way to implement new and shiny annoyances.
4.2.2019 16:30It is truly amazing how often Mozilla goes out of its way to implement new and shiny annoyances.I have built a semi-automated Mastodon crossposter.
4.2.2019 02:53I have built a semi-automated Mastodon crossposter.How to drastically improve your web experience:
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2.2.2019 19:33Gibt es hier eigentlich einen Account wie running Void Linux + musl libc + Plasma. It's amazing.
31.1.2019 14:50Now running Void Linux + musl libc + Plasma. It's amazing.Früher war mehr Newgrounds.
24.1.2019 17:14Früher war mehr Newgrounds.You can write Lisp in any language.
22.1.2019 18:35You can write Lisp in any language.Finally!
20.1.2019 12:35Finally!I hate grub so much...
19.1.2019 22:48I hate grub so much...Zalando: by and for soulless people.
19.1.2019 14:04Zalando: by and for soulless people.Emacs > iMacs
18.1.2019 09:26Emacs > iMacsThese are unbelievable prices, even for Apple.
17.1.2019 22:38These are unbelievable prices, even for Apple.The KDE HiDPI Experience.
16.1.2019 21:47The KDE HiDPI Experience.