Keep being queer. We are stronger that way. Plus its more fun.
8.2.2025 15:57Keep being queer. We are stronger that way. Plus its more photo, eye contact, bad day has become good
Today started bad, but ended up pretty good.
Note to self: remember this can happen the next time a day starts off looking like its gonna suck. I almost decided to just not leave the house and stay in bed. Glad I got up and gave it a try anyways.
Computer all day, forget to eat, sleep 12h with nightmares, feel fine the next day.
Grocery shop, eat something besides ramen, stop computering an hour before bed, do some paper crafts, read myself to sleep without any struggle, wake up 6h later angry at myself for nothing, am hungry and unable to fall back asleep.
wtf brain? I'm only 2h into the day and I can barely keep my eyes open. Now I need to get ready for work.
11.1.2025 13:29mh-Computer all day, forget to eat, sleep 12h with nightmares, feel fine the next day.Grocery shop, eat something besides ramen, stop...Some winter holiday seasons are better or worse than others due to family or personal situations, travel or weather, world events, but without fail there will be progressively more daytime each day from now till june, and I am here for it!
21.12.2024 21:09Some winter holiday seasons are better or worse than others due to family or personal situations, travel or weather, world events, but...@Sasukecoochieha There is a new variation on catgirl-me art! Maeve, a very talented bean from the @stars beanpod (plural bundle of friends), was looking for a character to sketch and she drew this in just a few hours! I am so happy to have more art of this kitty!
30.11.2024 17:43@Sasukecoochieha There is a new variation on catgirl-me art! Maeve, a very talented bean from the @stars beanpod (plural bundle of friends),...Humanity lost their collective written knowledge, stored in the Library of Alexandria, when it was destroyed in a war 1800 years ago. Now we are seeing this pattern again with @internetarchive. We, as a global network of people, need to keep ourselves from making the same mistake again.
Whether it be due to legal attacks from publishers or disruptions from vandals, we risk losing our most accessible source of historical records to war again. Everything from detailed scans of historic texts to tweets from last week.
The fact that its come under attack when accurate information on conflicts abroad and within communities is at its most critical and least available is genuinely terrifying to me, and should be to anyone else who wants to know what is going on in the world.
Here's hoping for the best we can get, and fighting for the rest of what we need.
> We need to take information, wherever it is stored, make our copies and share them with the world.
> With enough of us, around the world, we’ll not just send a strong message opposing the privatization of knowledge — we’ll make it a thing of the past. Will you join us?
> - Aaron Swartz (
^ Don't anyone dare let that link 404 forever. You'll only be hurting yourself along with the rest of us.
@Sasukecoochieha @wgahnagl welp, I frogot to hide that post from public timelines. I hope no one who finds my profile dislikes catgirls. Eh, if they would've been that weird about it, they probably wouldnt have stayed here anyways.
28.9.2024 02:40@Sasukecoochieha @wgahnagl welp, I frogot to hide that post from public timelines. I hope no one who finds my profile dislikes catgirls. Eh,...The physical copy of catgirl-me has arrived in the mail from @Sasukecoochieha, and I love what he has done with the cutout!! It is purrfect! This will be hanging behind my monitor so I know I'll be smiling whenever I'm leaving my room for the day.
@wgahnagl please ensure your wonderfully gay and talented partner is as cozy and loved as possible tonight (and the rest of forever). He is the best (well, you both are really, and many of my other friends are also the best, but rn Reese is the one at the front of my mind as "the best" [you probably already knew what I meant, and I should stop typing now, but its funny to over-explain this much and I've been given a very large character limit on this instance so I will use it])!!!
Woke up still tired and with quite the headache, so today has been a day of rest. Which means a Price is Right marathon, since nostalgia is in fact one hell of a drug. has a bunch pre-2010 episodes, same for Jeopardy.
Also, Bob Barker really did hit on every single woman that was called up to play it seems.
Oh and when someone had a perfect bid in contestants row (when they are competing to see who gets to play the game) they would get to take $100 *from Bobs pants pocket*. This was broadcast in the daytime??
Catgirl me as drawn by Reese "The Legendary" @Sasukecoochieha. He is an excellent artist friend and I'm so happy to have him be the first to draw a furry me. (Also, yeah, this catgirl furry is a part of me now it seems). But anyways, the head tilt, subtle smile, and necklace are all common parts of my vibes that I'm so glad to see translated so well over to here. Now if only I could find an outfit like that one, especially the jacket, grass green was never a color I had considered wearing before.
16.9.2024 11:27Catgirl me as drawn by Reese "The Legendary" @Sasukecoochieha. He is an excellent artist friend and I'm so happy to have him...Y'know, I really dont get why people want computers to emulate "human level capabilities", I'm pretty sure even Twitter is working properly more often than my brain is lately.
26.7.2024 00:00Y'know, I really dont get why people want computers to emulate "human level capabilities", I'm pretty sure even Twitter is...I really do wonder what Wordsworth said to get JKS to write this? James seems like the kind of guy to bring a pen, paper, and sharp wit to a pistol duel *and win anyways*.
Unrelated: I really should clean my room soon.
26.6.2024 21:19I really do wonder what Wordsworth said to get JKS to write this? James seems like the kind of guy to bring a pen, paper, and sharp wit to a...The internet is a massive tangled pile of unwound spools of yarn. Today's thread went from mechanical animated lights, to Apollo-era circuit boards, and now I'm reading about some relentlessly witty poet from the late 1800s who really loved to parody William Wordsworth.
Oh, and I still need to do my laundry, but that isn't related to this at all.
26.6.2024 20:59The internet is a massive tangled pile of unwound spools of yarn. Today's thread went from mechanical animated lights, to Apollo-era...If you ever need to avoid swearing for professional or interpersonal reasons, just learn a programming language!
That way you can call someone a buggy piece of legacy code and they wont know what you meant to say!
This might even work for human languages too!
26.6.2024 16:27If you ever need to avoid swearing for professional or interpersonal reasons, just learn a programming language!That way you can call...Insomnia brain tonight. This is mildly unpleasant, though I've found its a lot more tolerable with someone to chat with. If any of y'all wanna ramble back and forth with a geeky gay gal, DM me.
Topics on the menu include: Doctor Who, H2G2, audio cassettes, solarpunk, music history, synthesizers, etc
26.6.2024 05:46Insomnia brain tonight. This is mildly unpleasant, though I've found its a lot more tolerable with someone to chat with. If any of...I'm not the type to go out and protest or fight the frontlines directly, but I will gladly be the emergency contact to bail someone out if needed, or the friend to give a ride home with snacks and tea for those who do go out.
18.6.2024 01:50I'm not the type to go out and protest or fight the frontlines directly, but I will gladly be the emergency contact to bail someone out...I think @wgahnagl would be the one holding this sign, and no you cannot convince me otherwise.
1.3.2024 03:56I think @wgahnagl would be the one holding this sign, and no you cannot convince me otherwise.This is gender goals. I've been told my room already looks like this, but I disagree. Their floor is way too clean to look like mine. This is my room if I threw out half my stuff and put away half of what was left. The techno witch vibes in this photo are very strong though, and I want more of that.
2.2.2024 06:02This is gender goals. I've been told my room already looks like this, but I disagree. Their floor is way too clean to look like mine....@hankgreen Your latest video on "Cat, I Farted" had me laughing so hard that I might need a Pepsi, cause I was dying of laughter.
16.12.2023 01:19@hankgreen Your latest video on "Cat, I Farted" had me laughing so hard that I might need a Pepsi, cause I was dying of laughter.@AntennaPod Having a locally generated, non-sponsored year in review was such a refreshing surprise from the only podcast app I've consistently used in years. I will admit I was feeling leftout seeing peoples yearly reviews, but not enough to want to put all my data in a corporate owned "cloud". Thanks for supplying a comparable feature without spying on me!
Its great to see a podcast app that continues to support new features without locking itself behind a subscription or becoming a streaming platform with walled-garden exclusives.
Looking forward to future updates in 2024!