I have a rather large collection of long-running music videos for #work #music - most of these fall in the category of #techno #deeptechno #melodictechno but there are also some others.
I normally listen to them with mpv --no-video "$url"
in the background while coding.
Here's my full list as of today:
Feel free to #retoot
25.12.2023 13:47My work music collectionIs it bad that I don't post here very often?
24.11.2023 06:56Is it bad that I don't post here very often?What is the difference between a #category and a #tag in #friendica exactly?
29.11.2022 08:30What is the difference between a #category and a #tag in #friendica exactly?So, I recorded a programming video. Not too much actually, just under 8 minutes. But it was a weird experience and I am not sure I like the quality I got out of my webcam actually. But I think, because my picture is actually not that big, that it might suffice for the first few steps. Also, the screen recording could be better... I don't know,... I think I just have to scale up my UI a bit.
#Rust #programming #rustdev #recording
29.11.2022 08:29So, I recorded a programming video. Not too much actually, just under 8 minutes. But it was a weird ...So I am not writing too much in this account actually. I do repost my mastodon account here, but I think this might even be the first post I type into the web interface of this account directly.
I am a bit sorry about that, because I rather like the UI and UX of friendica now. Also, it seems that squeet.me got faster recently and isn't loading for minutes anymore but works rather good now. Not sure whether the admins did something to the server hardware, if they did, they did a good thing! 😀
29.11.2022 08:28This accountThe Perfect Commit | Hacker News
I like that discussion there. Makes me confident that my idea of git commits is the right one.
30.10.2022 10:36The Perfect Commit | Hacker NewsIt seems that mastodon.technology is offline?
6.10.2022 14:43It seems that mastodon.technology is offline?I canuse j/k for scrolling down/up to the next post, but using g for going to the top would be nice, too! 😉
3.5.2022 11:59vim keybindings in friendicaHello world.
1.5.2022 07:51Hello