Males of all North American velvet-ant species are winged, although males of Myrmilloides grandiceps are brachypterous—the wings are present, but they're tiny and non-functional.
The intimidation factor of the large mandibles is offset by the derpy-looking wings, in my opinion. 😀
22.10.2024 15:48Males of all North American velvet-ant species are winged, although males of Myrmilloides grandiceps are brachypterous—the wings are...I thoroughly enjoyed the ECN/ESA meetings this year in National Harbor.
Is it too soon to be thinking about #ECN2024? 😀
#EntSoc23 #ECN2023 #NaturalHistoryCollections
10.11.2023 16:25I thoroughly enjoyed the ECN/ESA meetings this year in National Harbor.Is it too soon to be thinking about #ECN2024? 😀#EntSoc23 #ECN2023...the Eyes have it...
Here's a robber fly in the genus Holcocepha for #Flyday Friday.
Did you know...
filament for 3D printing is available in a variety of colors?
Including translucent white?
#NaturalHistoryCollections #Macrophotography #MakeYourOwnDiffuser
20.9.2023 16:52Did you know...filament for 3D printing is available in a variety of colors?Including translucent white?#NaturalHistoryCollections...This might be a cause for concern in most other situations, but not in a natural history collection!
#NaturalHistoryCollections #Entomology #Insects
13.9.2023 22:06This might be a cause for concern in most other situations, but not in a natural history collection!#NaturalHistoryCollections #Entomology...Curation Station.
I've been playing around with new diffusers for our focus-stacking system. I like how this image turned out.
#Insects #Entomology #Taxonomy #Ochodaeidae #Macrophotography
Yesterday, we picked up the second half of a specimen donation that will...ah...significantly increase our holdings of Odonata! 🐉🪰
#NaturalHistoryCollections #Curation #Entomology #Dragonflies #Taxonomy
6.7.2023 14:21Yesterday, we picked up the second half of a specimen donation that will...ah...significantly increase our holdings of Odonata!...So, I'd really love to connect with more entomologists on this platform. Please feel free to follow if you love insects (or are insect-adjacent).
#Entomology #Hymenoptera #Taxonomy #Insect #CanYouIdentifyThisFamily
This is a lovely, lovely beetle.
This species of spider beetle is considered a cosmopolitan pest of natural history collections.
It's a amazing creature, none the less.
#Insect #Beetle #NaturalHistoryCollections
So, who got the coolest Christmas gift this year?
Me. The answer is me. 🍷🦇
10.1.2023 18:32So, who got the coolest Christmas gift this year?Me. The answer is me. 🍷🦇CW: Very awesome insect picture behind the blurry screen.
This is a mosaic gynandromorph. I think bilateral gynandromorph images are shared more frequently—maybe because bilateral gynandromorphs are more obvious? Anyway, females of this species of velvet-ant are almost entirely orange-ish. The black head on this specimen looks like the males of the species. Also, in this family of insects, only males have ocelli (simple eyes) on the top of the head.
14.12.2022 23:41CW: Very awesome insect picture behind the blurry screen.This is a mosaic gynandromorph. I think bilateral gynandromorph images are shared...OK, where shall I start the bidding for this fine pair of forceps? 😀
I am giving a talk this Saturday at the annual meeting of the Entomological Collections Network (ECN). This is by far my favorite annual meeting go to each year.
I'll be discussing the importance of mid-sized, regional #NaturalHistoryCollections when looking at occurrence data (for insect specimens, in this case).
I think this image captures the impact regional collections can have on filling species' data gaps.
8.11.2022 15:47I am giving a talk this Saturday at the annual meeting of the Entomological Collections Network (ECN). This is by far my favorite annual...This is a close-up image of an insect.
Yay! I CAN share images. You were right, @Cyborgneticz , the server(s) was being upgraded over the weekend.
This is is fairly typical of the types of posts I will likely make, i.e., close-up shots of #insects, often in the order #Hymenoptera, although really all insects are fair game.
#Macrophotography #NaturalHistoryCollections #Mutillidae
Deleted original and redrafted with CW, as requested! #MastodonNewbie
7.11.2022 14:59This is a close-up image of an insect.Yay! I CAN share images. You were right, @Cyborgneticz , the server(s) was being upgraded over the...Apparently I cannot post images. I haven’t been able to successfully attach an image via a browser on my computer. I tried using different computers and different browsers. I just tried via the phone app and it seemed promising—I uploaded an image and added alt-text—but the ‘publish’ button is grayed out! When I delete the image, the publish button is suddenly active. So frustrating. Apparently I am not smart enough to master a new social media platform. I am just so so tired.
7.11.2022 01:04Apparently I cannot post images. I haven’t been able to successfully attach an image via a browser on my computer. I tried using different...I'm the curator of an insect collection at a midwestern U.S. university. I enjoy posts and discussions about #NaturalHistoryCollections , #Taxonomy , #Insects , and pretty much all biology & science. #introductions
6.11.2022 16:07I'm the curator of an insect collection at a midwestern U.S. university. I enjoy posts and discussions about #NaturalHistoryCollections...