I'm taking a break from social media. Not sure when (if?) I'll be back. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and may the new year be filled with love and light for you all.
20.12.2022 02:46I'm taking a break from social media. Not sure when (if?) I'll be back. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and may the new year...I'm looking forward to joining Jubilee Mennonite Church tomorrow morning in Advent worship. In the midst of our fears we hear these words: "Don't be afraid! God is with us!" We anticipate the celebration of God's arrival in Jesus.
Then, in the afternoon, there's this happening. If you're in Winnipeg, come join us!
17.12.2022 14:30I'm looking forward to joining Jubilee Mennonite Church tomorrow morning in Advent worship. In the midst of our fears we hear these...My mood today. #KyrieEleison
12.12.2022 16:42My mood today. #KyrieEleisonThings are bad out there between the flu, rsv, and covid (especially flu in Canada it seems). The summary of expert advice on the news tonight? "Get vaccinated, mask up, and stay home if sick." We can do this!
#flu #covid #rsv #MaskUp #GetVaccinated
12.12.2022 03:55Things are bad out there between the flu, rsv, and covid (especially flu in Canada it seems). The summary of expert advice on the news...Glad to join North Kildonan Mennonite Church this morning for worship. Lots of reason for Advent hope, even in our questions and doubts. God is at work among us, and God is at work all around us!
11.12.2022 15:59Glad to join North Kildonan Mennonite Church this morning for worship. Lots of reason for Advent hope, even in our questions and doubts. God...When the men's #FIFAWorldCup ⚽ groups were announced, some said Canada was in the toughest group. Looks like they were right. Congrats to #Croatia and #Morocco for making it to the semifinals!
10.12.2022 17:04When the men's #FIFAWorldCup ⚽ groups were announced, some said Canada was in the toughest group. Looks like they were right....This post ages, but remains evergreen: "'How do we know?' and 'Whom do we trust?' Some Thoughts on #Experts and #Expertise"
10.12.2022 00:40This post ages, but remains evergreen: "'How do we know?' and 'Whom do we trust?' Some Thoughts on #Experts...Content warning:CW: MMIWG2S
Search the landfill.
If it were my wife, my daughter, my mother, I would expect no less. And they would probably search.
If it were a million dollars buried in there, they would definitely search.
Search the landfill.
9.12.2022 03:55Content warning:CW: MMIWG2SSearch the landfill.If it were my wife, my daughter, my mother, I would expect no less. And they would probably...Content warning:CW: violence, misogyny, racism
On this day, two horrific stories converge. One, a story 33 years old, of women murdered at École Polytechnique. The other, a story still unfolding, of Indigenous women murdered in Winnipeg. #NationalDayOfRemembranceAndActionOnViolenceAgainstWomen #NoMisogyny #NoRacism
6.12.2022 23:03Content warning:CW: violence, misogyny, racismOn this day, two horrific stories converge. One, a story 33 years old, of women murdered at...An interesting recent survey of infectious disease experts on their own personal precautions with #Covid at this point in the pandemic: https://www.statnews.com/2022/11/21/how-infectious-disease-experts-are-responding-to-covid-nearly-three-years-in/
6.12.2022 21:16An interesting recent survey of infectious disease experts on their own personal precautions with #Covid at this point in the pandemic:...Pastors know well this law of church motion: for every opinion in the church there is an equal and opposite opinion. It's funny how many times I've had equal and opposite opinions expressed to me on X on the same day. It's happening again over this piece: https://michaelpahl.com/2022/11/28/digging-deeper-into-love/
6.12.2022 16:11Pastors know well this law of church motion: for every opinion in the church there is an equal and opposite opinion. It's funny how many...Content warning:CW: suicide, LGBTQ+ discrimination
Heartbreaking. As Christians and Christian organizations we must do better. Our shared spaces must be safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people.
6.12.2022 03:58Content warning:CW: suicide, LGBTQ+ discriminationHeartbreaking. As Christians and Christian organizations we must do better. Our shared...I've been in binational denominational meetings in San Francisco the past few days. Great interactions with colleagues across Canada and the US, with some time for an excursion or two around the city.
3.12.2022 19:03I've been in binational denominational meetings in San Francisco the past few days. Great interactions with colleagues across Canada and...Now this is a shock.🙂
1.12.2022 05:41Now this is a shock.🙂#Bach #BaroqueBe wary of "gospel gatekeepers" who proclaim a gospel Jesus never preached in the Gospels, or a gospel the apostles never preached in Acts.
The gospel is not, "God is holy. You are sinful. You deserve death. Jesus died your death. Believe this and you get to go to heaven."
The gospel is more, "This is Jesus. Look how he lived, hear what he said. See how he died, and how he lives again. This is God's reign come near."
28.11.2022 22:22Be wary of "gospel gatekeepers" who proclaim a gospel Jesus never preached in the Gospels, or a gospel the apostles never preached...Yes, love in the way of #Jesus demands that we as Christians love each other. But that is not the totality of Jesus’ way of #love. His is a devoted love of God expressed pre-eminently through loving our most vulnerable neighbour as if their needs were ours.
28.11.2022 21:19Yes, love in the way of #Jesus demands that we as Christians love each other. But that is not the totality of Jesus’ way of #love. His is...I confess, I see other Canadian prairie cities with public transit like this and I get a wee bit jealous... #Winnipeg #wpgpoli
28.11.2022 02:12I confess, I see other Canadian prairie cities with public transit like this and I get a wee bit jealous... #Winnipeg...Timed my #FIFAWorldCup ⚽ watching well today, starting both France-Denmark and Argentina-Mexico in the 60th minute. Watch a game for 30 minutes, see all the best moments in the game.
Follow me for more World Cup watching tips. 😜
26.11.2022 21:01Timed my #FIFAWorldCup ⚽ watching well today, starting both France-Denmark and Argentina-Mexico in the 60th minute. Watch a game for 30...For the first Sunday of #Advent I'll be joining St. Julian's Table in Beausejour for worship. Looking forward to being with this ecumenically minded community of faith as we anticipate the coming of Christ together.
26.11.2022 17:30For the first Sunday of #Advent I'll be joining St. Julian's Table in Beausejour for worship. Looking forward to being with this...4 thoughts on #Canada's #FIFAWorldCup loss to Belgium today:
1. That was a great team doing what it needed to do to win.
2. Canada impressed, but simply couldn't finish their chances. Davies' PK was emblematic of this.
3. Canada's back line was too vulnerable.
4. Canada played well, but they can still play better. That bodes well!
#CanMNT 🇨🇦⚽
24.11.2022 03:044 thoughts on #Canada's #FIFAWorldCup loss to Belgium today:1. That was a great team doing what it needed to do to win.2. Canada...