#Mastodon censorship in collusion with #birdsite evil #twitter KEN
2.3.2023 20:13#Mastodon censorship in collusion with #birdsite evil #twitter KENHuman energy: what scientific/medical/ethical problems may it pose—if any—to harness the energy our bodies produce as we do with the sun, water, crude oil, biofuel etc?
#science #renewableenergy #doctors
System failure
2.3.2023 11:51System failure#birdsite #corporateretaliation
Literally straight out of Orwell 1984. Everyone spied on through their screens...yup. #hackers
#Twitter #CorporateRetaliation
This tweep knows what my haircut looks like. Mf could only have seen my haircut if he's abetting the moron #hackers. See you on the #birdsite in 6 days.
This is corporate retaliation
#hackers #twitter
Wow. Here too.
28.2.2023 15:27Wow. Here too.It's been *years* since I've watch Swingers from the start. And I'm up to...the ☆answering machine scene☆. THIS IS WHAT WATCHING #MOVIES IS ALL ABOUT
25.2.2023 16:00It's been *years* since I've watch Swingers from the start. And I'm up to...the ☆answering machine scene☆. THIS IS WHAT...🎶hell yeah the time draws high
(i'm talkin about the ganja)🎶
"'Fausta, a drama in verse'.
What could be worse?"
#namethatmovie #thatfilm #movies
#Optimum (cable/phone/internet) fuckery continues on the #birdsite
24.2.2023 13:11#Optimum (cable/phone/internet) fuckery continues on the #birdsiteCome on kolektiva. wtf
23.2.2023 13:15Come on kolektiva. wtfNach Roth's broadcast https://www.facebook.com/10158663996020829/videos/690354396170235
23.2.2023 13:11Nach Roth's broadcast https://www.facebook.com/10158663996020829/videos/690354396170235Did you know that—LESS THAN A WEEK AGO—the 2 heads of the Federal Trade Commission resigned over corruption, and quote, "complete disregard for the rule of law".
#FTC #RaidShadowLegends #Plarium
Fuckery on #birdsite
"We can't load, uh...well any images actually. Even images of images you couldnt load. Those too. Hell, our hands are tied. Darn."
22.2.2023 11:17Fuckery on #birdsite "We can't load, uh...well any images actually. Even images of images you couldnt load. Those too. Hell, our...Straight up #Antisemitism
As a Jew it's like, wtf? I mean that's a Jewish Star of David. It isn't used for anything else. And it's portrayed as a symbol for monstrous power. Am I being paranoid or am I just #Jewish (or both? for good reason?)?
22.2.2023 02:23Straight up #AntisemitismAs a Jew it's like, wtf? I mean that's a Jewish Star of David. It isn't used for anything else. And...Autism, NT compared with NA
So many autism-spectrum people have such sophisticated and quality humor—like more than neurotypical types—specifically their #toots (and their bird droppings on the #birdsite).
I'm not trying to make anyone AWARE of #autism, like look at these puzzle pieces (I NEVER got that...what, here's a ribbon for...a problem with no answers? Like, dumb). It's been obvious to me for years (!) at this point that obviously so many of us are either on the autism spectrum or otherwise neuro-atypical, so if I went on about that I would definitely be virtue signaling.
I'm interested in something else. Like especially what was once known as "weird-[birdsite]," which seems to have plenty of like-minded people here, and the hilarity of their absurd humor. Inventive from a perspective I could never mimic. And so many neuro-typicals have, imho, embraced absurdist humor on micro-blogging sites because of atypicals brinfing their humor out of the closet in all their comedic genius—demonstrating the universality of the human condition, whether your mind is typical or not.
I'm not saying, "You know we're all people!" like an autism tinted Atticus Finch, but beyond that, while all our minds interpret reality from different starting points, it won't change that all people share the human condition of living in an unfair world, which all things considered doesn't make a lot of sense, and the sense it does make is inconsequential—it only describes our world, it doesn't make sense of it.
So you just need to laugh.
21.2.2023 19:48Autism, NT compared with NASo many autism-spectrum people have such sophisticated and quality humor—like more than neurotypical...OKAY I WILL ADMIT IT
The director's cut is better than the theatrical release I fell in love with, but it's missing these lines of monologue, and the movie has never been the same to me without them:
"My name is Dr. Daniel Paul Schreber. I am just a man. I help the strangers conduct their experiments. I have betrayed my own kind."
#namethatmovie #thatfilm #movies
21.2.2023 11:17OKAY I WILL ADMIT ITThe director's cut is better than the theatrical release I fell in love with, but it's missing these lines of...(Image) Twitter and Optimum platform manipulation / corporate retaliation
20.2.2023 13:01(Image) Twitter and Optimum platform manipulation / corporate retaliation