Uktar 22, 1360 DR #rollenspiel #drow #oc #fantasy
Wir brauchten 2 Tage, um aus den Gewölben heraus zu kommen, als das Kind plötzlich vor Erschöpfung zusammen brach. Ich wickelte es in meinen Umhang ein und hob es auf meinen Rücken. Wir mussten unbedingt einen Unterschlupf finden, denn auch wenn ich Elementarmagierin bin, [...]
Uktar 22, 1360 DR #uhuc #bkali #service
Wir brauchten 2 Tage, um aus den Gewölben heraus zu kommen, als das Kind plötzlich vor Erschöpfung zusammen brach. Ich wickelte es in meinen Umhang ein und hob es auf meinen Rücken. Wir mussten unbedingt einen Unterschlupf finden, denn auch wenn ich Elementarmagierin bin,...
yay ... I've inspired a friend of me to start #writing about her #character 🎉
We already decidet, to write some #crossover later. That could be real fun
Sorry I'm so quiet these days. I have a lot on my plate at the moment and my head is still trying to write the next blog entry. 😅
22.1.2020 19:55Sorry I'm so quiet these days. I have a lot on my plate at the moment and my head is still trying to write the next blog entry. 😅omg ... I love "The Dark Chrystal" so much. And I love strategy like Final Fantasy Tactics. Now I can get both in one game 😍
Can't wait for february 4th
#roleplay #rp #dnd
I woke up with a headache in a small cave. Apparently a dead end. From the open end of the cave it shimmered in a warm yellow light. "By Lolth, where did I end up here?" I whispered in a soliloquy. When I leaned down to get back on my feet, a stabbing pain forced me to ground again. An arrow apparently caught me on my arm when I was pulled into the portal.
20.1.2020 22:06#roleplay #rp #dnd woke up with a headache in a small cave. Apparently a dead...I keep my #twitter and my #mastodon account clean with using of 👾
19.1.2020 00:40I keep my #twitter and my #mastodon account clean with using of 👾When you have netflix ... you need to take a look to "The Trollhunters". I really love it and above all the character development of the characters.
17.1.2020 22:53When you have netflix ... you need to take a look to "The Trollhunters". I really love it and above all the character development...I also added the mobi format for users with a #Kindle
OK, I decided using in future. It's much more neutral than the .de domain. And since I write mostly in English anyway, it should be less daunting 😅
For the offline readers, I uploaded the EPUB and PDF, which are available on the sidebar at
Happy reading 📚
16.1.2020 21:41OK, I decided using in future. It's much more neutral than the .de domain. And since I write mostly in English anyway, it... or 🤔
16.1.2020 13:49 or 🤔I cross-post from Mastodon to Twitter ... But I will react on both social sites. I'm just to lazy to post twice, so I let a bot do that. I have chosen Mastodon for first posts, because here I have 500 characters for my messages.
16.1.2020 10:59I cross-post from Mastodon to Twitter ... But I will react on...Thinking about adding an #ebook version of my blog as download on my #homepage. The only real question is, if in English and German, like the homepage, or only in English? 🤔
16.1.2020 09:00Thinking about adding an #ebook version of my blog as download on my #homepage. The only real question is, if in English and German, like...Sometimes I feel really bad when I show my affection for an artist with money. 😔
15.1.2020 22:53Sometimes I feel really bad when I show my affection for an artist with money. 😔#roleplay #rp #dnd
As soon as Miara and I were laced up, a horn sounded, not far from our property. "Is that the sound of a war horn?" I asked Miara, who answered me with a trembling voice: "I have no idea. I hope not". We grabbed our weapons and went to our mother, who was already waiting for us outside the door. "They come from the hill there," she pointed to a small hill which it glowed up reddish.
13.1.2020 10:48#roleplay #rp #dnd soon as Miara and I were laced up, a horn sounded, not far...Although I don't like to be the center of attention, I always loved my birthdays. A human custom introduced by father. Mother always sent us outside in the morning to collect so that she could take the kitchen apart in peace. She was a grandiose alchemist and elementalist, but after baking or cooking the kitchen always looked like a Night Hunter had raged, which is why Miara or I usually took over.
10.1.2020 12:15#roleplay #rp #dnd Although I don't like to be the center of attention, I always loved my birthdays. A human custom introduced by...Just as I was going through some new movements with Mother, a voice rang out behind us. A deep, feminine voice. Mother seemed to know who she was, because she put a hand directly on the dagger on her belt. When we turned to the voice, I recognized her as well. Lysha Backdorn. A narcissistic sociopathic leader and teacher of the Magician Academy called Mallagea, which is more than obviously an indoctrinative training centre for assassins.
10.1.2020 12:12#roleplay #rp #dnd Just as I was going through some new movements with Mother, a voice rang out behind us. A deep, feminine voice. Mother...My song of the year 2019 is
It was more than one time an inspiration for me
Dank des Tipps von @Tealk gibt es die Sprachwahl jetzt auch in der mobilen Ansicht auf
Thanks to the tip from @Tealk, language selection is now also available in the mobile view on
8.1.2020 20:16Dank des Tipps von @Tealk gibt es die Sprachwahl jetzt auch in der mobilen Ansicht auf https://teleyal.deThanks to the tip from @Tealk,...All contents on my website are available in German ( as well as in English (at
Alle Inhalte meiner Website sind sowohl in deutscher ( als auch in englischer Sprache ( verfügbar.
8.1.2020 14:08All contents on my website are available in German ( as well as in English (at Inhalte...