I've bought netting to cover that pot. Not only does the #cat use it as its litter-box now, but the #dog digs up what the cat leaves behind 😞
13.3.2025 14:43I've bought netting to cover that pot. Not only does the #cat use it as its litter-box now, but the #dog digs up what the cat leaves...We have a cat-litter, a garden and two neighbours' gardens, but no...
13.3.2025 07:50We have a cat-litter, a garden and two neighbours' gardens, but no...#CatsOfMastodonIt seems I was a bit tired yesterday evening when I 'fixed' the door.
12.3.2025 06:54It seems I was a bit tired yesterday evening when I 'fixed' the door. #humor #diyfailsStacking wood. Restful for the mind, good for the body. The Germans call that #entschleunigung . I call it that, too, and also kind of a #meditation .
8.3.2025 13:18Stacking wood. Restful for the mind, good for the body. The Germans call that #entschleunigung . I call it that, too, and also kind of a...Erster Tag im Ferienhaus. K1 um 5.45 wach. 😵💫 #FedieEltern
5.3.2025 06:28Erster Tag im Ferienhaus. K1 um 5.45 wach. 😵💫 #FedieElternFirst #flowers in the garden.
#bloomscrolling #blooms #TimelineCleanser
2.3.2025 11:31First #flowers in the garden. #bloomscrolling #blooms #TimelineCleanserUnsere Kinder haben unseren #Hund 'putt gemacht.
Zum Glück ist sie nur völlig ausgepowert!
#FediEltern #dog #dogsofmastodon
1.3.2025 21:11Unsere Kinder haben unseren #Hund 'putt gemacht. Zum Glück ist sie nur völlig ausgepowert!#FediEltern #dog #dogsofmastodonI am convinced #cats and #dogs have a different interactivity with time and space than we do.
Door opens for me to put the rubbish out, dog and cat teleport to the end of the cul-de-sac in nanoseconds.
Door opens for me to let cat and dog out to do business, they move in metres-per-century.
Feeding time: I obviously open the tin in hours-per-come-on-get-a-move-on according to their #physics .
Here's my cat, patiently waiting for the universal cycle to refill my plate with ham.
1.3.2025 17:54I am convinced #cats and #dogs have a different interactivity with time and space than we do. Door opens for me to put the rubbish out, dog...Just made my own #healing herbal concoctions. Each bottle is filled with a specific plant, and cognac.
They'll now go into the cellar to rest for three months, then they can be added dropwise to tea or water as needed.
#Medicine #Shamanism #naturalremedies
1.3.2025 15:56Just made my own #healing herbal concoctions. Each bottle is filled with a specific plant, and cognac. They'll now go into the cellar to...Listening to the news of the conference between Russia and the USA in Saudi Arabia, without #Ukraine ...
Does anyone else see similarities to the Munich Agreement in 1938?
#riyadhtalks #munichagreement #appeasement
18.2.2025 16:41Listening to the news of the conference between Russia and the USA in Saudi Arabia, without #Ukraine ...Does anyone else see similarities to...I've added more words to my MerkinPolytricks filter.
Stuff happening over there is causing heated discussions, mostly with a doom-and-gloom or resist-and-fight theme.
It's getting me down because I don't have the time or local knowledge to separate fact from fake, genuine concern from scare-mongering, rallying-call from bashing.
So I'm hoping my feed will now be a little brighter.
When it concerns Europe, that's when I'll get active again.
16.2.2025 19:03I've added more words to my MerkinPolytricks filter.Stuff happening over there is causing heated discussions, mostly with a...Something to smile about
15.2.2025 14:10#caturday and #dogsofmastodon Something to smile aboutA hundred years ago, would Google Maps have renamed the Mediterranean Sea "Mare Nostrum" at the behest of the then government of Italy?
That idea #agedlikemilk back then, didn't it?
#gulfofmexico #GulfOfAmerica #googlemaps
12.2.2025 07:12A hundred years ago, would Google Maps have renamed the Mediterranean Sea "Mare Nostrum" at the behest of the then government of...Is anyone going to require Google Maps to label a certain city on the Atlantic coast of North America "New Amsterdam (temporarily known as New York)"?
12.2.2025 06:52Is anyone going to require Google Maps to label a certain city on the Atlantic coast of North America "New Amsterdam (temporarily known...I'm wondering whether to add DOGE and certain related keywords to my 'MerkinPolytricks' #filter
On the one hand, it drags me down, and my feed is flooded with it at the moment. Nor am I directly affected.
On the other hand, I kinda want to know what's being done because it'll bleed over into Europe.
I'll ponder this today...
12.2.2025 06:42I'm wondering whether to add DOGE and certain related keywords to my 'MerkinPolytricks' #filter On the one hand, it drags me...#Gilching zeigt Farbe. Mehrere Vereine zeigen Banner mit der Aufschrift "Bunt, offen und vielfältig".
Was mir besonders gefällt - es ist ein Banner FÜR etwas und nicht GEGEN etwas.
Aus dem #Huna #Schamanismus - das, was du ansiehst, wird groß.
#Makia - energy flows where attention goes.
8.2.2025 18:41#Gilching zeigt Farbe. Mehrere Vereine zeigen Banner mit der Aufschrift "Bunt, offen und vielfältig".Was mir besonders gefällt -...Papa zu K2: du scheinst recht viel Energie zu haben, wollen wir spazieren gehen?
K2: Nein, und stimmt nicht!
K2: <flitzt seit 10 Minuten so schnell es kann den Flur hin und her>
8.2.2025 14:48Papa zu K2: du scheinst recht viel Energie zu haben, wollen wir spazieren gehen?K2: Nein, und stimmt nicht!K2: <flitzt seit 10 Minuten so...Triple-sleeping #pet bliss... #cat #dog and #parrot
5.2.2025 15:11Triple-sleeping #pet bliss... #cat #dog and #parrot@adar nice to meet you!
4.2.2025 20:54@adar nice to meet you!The night was bad ( #dog with diarrhoea), but the day will be better.
Double #rainbow over #Gilching
Be blessed!
29.1.2025 06:54The night was bad ( #dog with diarrhoea), but the day will be better. Double #rainbow over #GilchingBe blessed!