Happy Rum Rebellion Day, commemorating the only time Australia's leader has been deposed by force: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum_Rebellion
Governor William Bligh (yes, _that_ William Bligh, of _Mutiny on the Bounty_ fame) was appointed by the Brits to be the tough guy to reign in the local not-really-in-control army corps. He wasted no time in making enemies, and the corps marched to Government house, found him hiding behind a bed, and arrested him. He and other notable figures were returned to England, where he was made a Rear Admiral to prevent him from being in a position to make trouble again.
More rapid than emus his big roos they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dazza, now, Bazza, now, Sheila and Shazza,
On, Damo, on Davo, on Jono and Gazza!"
December novelty product idea: a head-band with a cloud above it, so the cloud appears to be above the wearer’s head. From the cloud descend rain drops. (LEDs? Tinsel?)
When people ask what it is, you reply, “Rain, dear.”
You can do this in the half-century or so prior to the 1960s as well. It won’t help you blend in, but years later someone will connect the dots and they’ll be like, “WAIT, WHAT?”
13.12.2024 15:31You can do this in the half-century or so prior to the 1960s as well. It won’t help you blend in, but years later someone will connect the...If time travelling to anytime later than the 1960s and you are worried that you won’t blend in: simply dress outrageously and carry a sonic screwdriver. Everyone will assume you are cosplaying as the Doctor.
13.12.2024 15:03If time travelling to anytime later than the 1960s and you are worried that you won’t blend in: simply dress outrageously and carry a...This Is Just To Say
that I have deleted
all of the tweets
or x's
or whatever the fuck they're called
from our nonprofit's #Twitter account
or x account
or whatever the fuck they're called
because twitter
or x.com
or whatever the fuck they're called
have new terms of service
that come into force on Friday
that let them scrape all our tweets
or x's
or whatever the fuck they're called
for their AI.
I haven't deleted the account itself,
so we still have the account name
so no-one can impersonate us
over there at twitter
or x.com
or whatever the fuck they're called.
Discovered yesterday that DALEK is in Wordle's dictionary.
30.6.2024 02:18Discovered yesterday that DALEK is in Wordle's dictionary.A thing you might want is cPanel hosting. It's comparatively cheap. Inside your cPanel you can relatively simply deploy any of a vast range of CMSes etc, including WordPress. (This is different to paying WordPress for hosting.)
7.3.2024 04:45A thing you might want is cPanel hosting. It's comparatively cheap. Inside your cPanel you can relatively simply deploy any of a vast...I wish to point out that charges against Greta Thunberg and friends for protesting in the UK were thrown out by District Judge John Law, and that this is awesome.
3.2.2024 04:53I wish to point out that charges against Greta Thunberg and friends for protesting in the UK were thrown out by District Judge John Law, and...I've emailed my member of parliament re Australia stopping its funding for UN relief in Gaza.
If others want to do the same, here are a couple of links to be going on with:
#AusPol #IsraelPalestineConflict #Israel #Palestine #Genocide
29.1.2024 06:22I've emailed my member of parliament re Australia stopping its funding for UN relief in Gaza. If others want to do the same, here are a...Happy Rum Rebellion Day, celebrating the only time an Australian leader has been removed by force.
I obsessed a teeny weeny bit on WA electrical prices.
6.1.2024 09:19I obsessed a teeny weeny bit on WA electrical prices.http://dougburbidge.com/synergytariffs.html“…the trap snaps shut, and the siren sounds, waking us up. At which point, we tell Santa that the only way he’s getting out of this chimney is if he drops his entire sack of toys down to us first.”
“It’s just this sort of thing that got you onto the naughty list in the first place.”
When I am emperor, manufacturers/sellers of bowls will be required to also offer for sale a spoon whose curvature perfectly matches that of the bowl.
1.12.2023 14:26When I am emperor, manufacturers/sellers of bowls will be required to also offer for sale a spoon whose curvature perfectly matches that of...Support for the Voice is slowly falling. 😞
But "only about half of people say they feel well informed about the referendum", ""People are saying 'oh I just need someone to explain what it's all about'", and "the source people are most likely to trust for information about the referendum is their friends and family." So one-on-one conversations may help.
Good day to try out worLdle, a geography guessing game: https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/
25.8.2023 02:21Good day to try out worLdle, a geography guessing game: https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/Freezer Tetris is the game wherein you attempt to jigsaw all of your frozen goods purchases into the freezer. I lost today, and as penalty was forced to eat the remains of the old tub of ice cream.
10.8.2023 08:39Freezer Tetris is the game wherein you attempt to jigsaw all of your frozen goods purchases into the freezer. I lost today, and as penalty...The admin invited me to write an #Introduction message. Here it is.
Hello. I am not a dropbear. I am definitely not sitting in a nearby tree waiting to drop on you as you pass by. You definitely don't need to take any defensive precautions. Don't carry an umbrella; don't wear a bike helmet; don't smear Vegemite behind your ears. You shouldn't even bother to look up. You're perfectly safe.
14.6.2023 12:31The admin invited me to write an #Introduction message. Here it is.Hello. I am not a dropbear. I am definitely not sitting in a nearby tree...