bluesky people!! please follow [url=][/url] if you want me to see your interactions.
neurospicy-flavored blitzwing fanatic. such a gooblet. server maid. transformers leaker. mediocre programmer. fan of fellow gooblets.
❗ [b]do not interact if![/b] your account is AD/NSFW-focused (if you post that stuff only occasionally i hardmute those words so you should be good), you deny the scientifically proven fact that fiction affects reality ("pro-sh.p"/"pro-f.ction"), you support richard stallman
check my pinned posts for some stuff i find helpful!
a :blitzheart: is how i like posts across the fediverse!
i add alt text to most of my posts ([url=][/url] does for me if i cant), but some alt text i boost might be lacking.
i run a variety of services for your privacy! you can watch twitch, search, browse fandom, and more without being tracked!! -> [url=][/url]
alts: [url=][/url]
AD/NSFW-focused accs [b]please dni[/b]! im repulsed due to trauma! i have related keywords hard-muted, so if you cw them, i'll be fine.
:pal_blitzy: free palestine! support: [url=][/url] / [url=][/url] / [url=][/url] / [url=][/url] !
[url=]#yesbridge[/url] as long as i consent >:3
[url=]#yesarchive[/url] because i believe in media preservation!!