Content warning:new personal AD/horny-on-main account
I still worry about accidentally stepping on toes and running afoul of moderation but hey if that becomes a problem and my account there gets removed I can always then remove the redirect here on and resume using it since a migration won't delete anything. Should mostly be NBD especially if I try to keep who I follow backed up and/or synchronized.
19.2.2023 20:37Content warning:new personal AD/horny-on-main accountI still worry about accidentally stepping on toes and running afoul of moderation but...Content warning:new personal AD/horny-on-main account
Just wanted to share a follow-up to this post chain of mine -- shut down and I unfortunately forgot to migrate the account in time. I migrated my account to and have been loving it there. At this point I'm planning on migrating this account (not deleting it) as well to and also making my VTuber/Streaming posts on that main.
Still keeping my other Masto-instance accounts and trying to remember to use them.
19.2.2023 20:35Content warning:new personal AD/horny-on-main accountJust wanted to share a follow-up to this post chain of mine -- shut...I remember running into this nonsense back when I was trying to eagerly embrace Metro apps when Windows 8 was released. I'm less eager to attempt to work with it these days, though.
7.2.2023 19:46I remember running into this nonsense back when I was trying to eagerly embrace Metro apps when Windows 8 was released. I'm less eager...Today I decided to check out the Amazon Prime Video app in the Windows Store to maybe get better playback than I can with Firefox. All seemed to be going well for a while until I found out that "Metro" apps still behave in ridiculous ways on multi-display systems when one is doing standard desktop stuff. UAC prompts pause and minimize the app, moving a Window to the screen with the app does the same, and not even PowerToys' Always On Top can stop it from doing what it shouldn't.
What a joke.
7.2.2023 19:45Today I decided to check out the Amazon Prime Video app in the Windows Store to maybe get better playback than I can with Firefox. All...Well would you look at that I woke up to an invitation to the Twitch Affiliate program and now a short time later find myself done with that initial process. So much to do, so heccin excited, and a strem scheduled this afternoon!
Oh ma gaa it looks like I finally got the Twitch achievement for the very last eligibility requirement I had to meet for the Affiliate program which is average viewer count! It is heccin late at night but *squees loudly* I really hope this means I'll get the invitation for the program soon.
The plot thickens way back in 2018.
7.2.2023 01:04The plot thickens way back in 2018. frustrating that I just spent so much time (hours) trying to get my Arch Linux installation to boot because at some point the whirlpool hashing algorithm was marked deprecated upstream and not mentioned except maybe at the upstream website/source code repository. Not sure I agree with the decision upstream but I'm not the one who has the maintain the code. AFAIK there's nothing wrong with the algo it's just not used widely so openssl moved it to a "legacy" module last year.
7.2.2023 00:54Kinda frustrating that I just spent so much time (hours) trying to get my Arch Linux installation to boot because at some point the...Very reassuring to me how much engagement I see on my various Fediverse accounts when I rarely make use of hashtags to increase my reach. Gonna get so heccin' powerful when I start really leaning into tagging wherever appropriate.
6.2.2023 22:42Very reassuring to me how much engagement I see on my various Fediverse accounts when I rarely make use of hashtags to increase my reach....TL;DR: American Conservatism has always been cruel in a remarkable way that lacks much of any self-awareness of action and consequence and those of them who pretend to be "socially liberal" generally do so to prevent their social standing from running into problems like being "cancelled" by libs and institutions they want to keep the company of.
6.2.2023 22:34TL;DR: American Conservatism has always been cruel in a remarkable way that lacks much of any self-awareness of action and consequence and...For those wondering what that self-interest would be I'm talking about not just soothing their own minds by telling themselves they aren't enabling the bad (read: dominant) portions of the American Right but getting social points by convincing your average liberal that they don't vote to hurt people they vote to lower taxes. That's both an abstraction and a deflection. Fiscal conservatism will always cause real-world pain and hardship for the poor/vulnerable because it's a feature, not a bug.
6.2.2023 22:26For those wondering what that self-interest would be I'm talking about not just soothing their own minds by telling themselves they..."Fiscally conservative but socially liberal" is about as least-offensive as it gets in how they engage in cruelty but in the American political system when someone votes that way it helps direct national policy in both a fiscally and socially conservative direction. "Fiscally conservative but socially liberal" is ultimately a statement of self-interest and focus that requires a willful ignorance of or apathy towards what is happening and has happened from a vote and/or power shift.
6.2.2023 22:19"Fiscally conservative but socially liberal" is about as least-offensive as it gets in how they engage in cruelty but in the...Was American Conservatism ever much more than hand-wringing and saying "this is evil" while at the same time taking great pleasure engaging in vicious cruelty if not outright elimination towards vulnerable groups? I'm speaking of American Conservatism itself and not any political party.
I'm not much of a "good" vs "evil" person but I will say IMNSHO American Conservatism has always engaged in a disproportionate amount of evil against fellow humans not to mention animals.
6.2.2023 22:08Was American Conservatism ever much more than hand-wringing and saying "this is evil" while at the same time taking great pleasure...I love streaming and I love being something of an entertainer. Eventually making anything of a living from streaming is the goal but I remind myself often that getting there is an endurance race for me it's not a sprint. Not to put myself down or anything but I don't think my style lends itself to getting big quickly and that's fine I'm building an audience that does appreciate and enjoy what I do
So incredibly close to making Affiliate on Twitch after my Encased strem yesterday oh my gawsh! This is a goal of mine that I've been working on for almost a year now so it feels great to almost have it achieved! I've had to remind myself a few times that everyone gets to Affiliate and Partner on a path that's somewhat unique to them and it's best to not dwell on how long one has been working towards a particular goal. You especially shouldn't compare your success to the success others have had.
6.2.2023 17:42So incredibly close to making Affiliate on Twitch after my Encased strem yesterday oh my gawsh! This is a goal of mine that I've been...Not sure when exactly the shift took place but I just noticed that quite literally any time I check Twitter to peek at certain accounts and current events transphobia and transphobic accounts are shoved into my face. I have a very substantial blocklist containing mostly those people so it's very clear to me that the algorithm seems to be trying to shovel transphobic nonsense into the feeds of people who have made it clear that they're not interested. More of "the cruelty is the point" IMNSHO.
4.2.2023 17:19Not sure when exactly the shift took place but I just noticed that quite literally any time I check Twitter to peek at certain accounts and...I meant for today to be so much lighter mentally than it has been but I've been wrestling with some pretty heavy stuff instead. Good experience overall but oh ma gaa that was quite a while. So much more certain now about my own transition goals and the availability of knowledge that could help me help others should I be in a position to.
Hoping to switch gears soon and get some games going.
Nothing quite like spending an extended period of time wondering what happened to someone you knew a long time ago. Especially when it seems like their legitimate internet presence just kind of suddenly dried up before being used in strange ways (read: hacked and turned into a bot account) for a year or two before drying up again.
Really hope she's doing alright. I think about this ex a lot lately and I dunno why other than she was one of the rare ones I felt safe around.
4.2.2023 01:55Nothing quite like spending an extended period of time wondering what happened to someone you knew a long time ago. Especially when it seems...I went from a hard-Left teen to a centrist dweeb before returning to those hard-Left roots during the 2016 primaries. I was naive enough to believe Tulsi and supported a Bernie/Tulsi ticket until she started going mask-off and while I continued to move Left I saw a lot of people go from valid points like "Liberals enable Fascists and often share some of the same beliefs" to "Trump was better than Biden" and I couldn't help but notice the demographics of that group. Plenty of CisHet white dudes.
2.2.2023 03:18I went from a hard-Left teen to a centrist dweeb before returning to those hard-Left roots during the 2016 primaries. I was naive enough to...I'm so tired of the bar being 10 miles underground at this point when it comes to American politics. The fact that an anti-semitic white nationalist homophobic and transphobic bigot gets featured (and praised!) by a big-name dumbass like Greenwald reminds me of the uncomfortably numerous people I've seen in Leftist spaces online reveal themselves as Populists with no meaningful concept of solidarity. Feels so gross knowing how close I was to getting funneled into that bullshit.
2.2.2023 03:09I'm so tired of the bar being 10 miles underground at this point when it comes to American politics. The fact that an anti-semitic white...