Po delší pauze máme s #gismentors nový termín kurzu 🌱 @grassgis - GRASS GIS pro začátečníky, který se uskuteční v pátek 28. 2. 2025 v Praze.
📋 Přihlášky a podrobnosti: https://kurzy.gismentors.cz/
🎓materiály jsou volně k dispozici: https://gismentors.github.io/grass-gis-zacatecnik/
Collegue at our department hiring a PhD student for our 3-year project on floods in Mediterranean rivers! Remote sensing to study changes in river morphology and riparian canopy, including exciting field trips to wild rivers in Greece! 🏞️ 🌊 🛰️ Application deadline: 10/2, For detailed info mail to tomas.galia@osu.cz #AcademicJobs #phd #geomorphology #hydrology #RemoteSening #rivers
17.1.2025 08:34Collegue at our department hiring a PhD student for our 3-year project on floods in Mediterranean rivers! Remote sensing to study changes in...Just curious what do you call the process of creating/assigning spatial feature (point, polygon or line) to a location description or other information about locality? Like assigning spatial feature to species finding from literature described like "10 miles NE. of Springfield". In #biodiversity field this is usually called georeferencing. 🌍 🦗 🗺️ #gischat #spatialAnalysis #ecology #biogeography #GBIF
Colleagues from the Dep. of Biology and Ecology in Ostrava (Czechia) are looking for a post-doc (1 year with possibility of extension):
🧬 💻 Postdoc in bioinformatics - bioinformatics analyses (genome, transcriptome, proteome) of Trypanosomatidae https://prf.osu.eu/job-opportunities/?kdepr=31&prace=2680
#bioinformatics #endobionts #parasitology #Trypanosomatida #trypanosoma #jobs #AcademicJobs #JobAlert #biology
17.5.2024 08:21Colleagues from the Dep. of Biology and Ecology in Ostrava (Czechia) are looking for a post-doc (1 year with possibility of extension):🧬...Two post-doc postions are open at our Dep. of physical geography and geoecology in Ostrava (Czechia):
⛰️ 🛰️ Postdoctoral Researcher in Landslide Science: https://prf.osu.eu/job-opportunities/?kdepr=31&prace=2691 #RemoteSensing #landslide
🏞️ 🌊 Postdoctoral Researcher in Fluvial Geomorphology Modelling: https://prf.osu.eu/job-opportunities/?kdepr=31&prace=2692 #hydrology #fluvial #modelling
#geomorphology #PhysicalGeography #gis #python #rstats #AcademicJobs #JobAlert #jobs
17.5.2024 07:59Two post-doc postions are open at our Dep. of physical geography and geoecology in Ostrava (Czechia):⛰️ 🛰️ Postdoctoral Researcher...8. a 9. února se koná v Ostravě konference #ZoologickeDny2024. Registrace je prodloužena do 16.1. 🌍 🦗 🧬 🦕 🐘
https://www.ivb.cz/vyzkum/zoologicke-dny/ #zoologie #ekologie #zoodny2024 #avcr #ivb #OstravskaUniverzita
The neighboring department at the University of Ostrava is opening research positions in the field of human geography and/or local and regional development and sustainability transition – project „REFRESH – Research Excellence For Region Sustainability and High-tech Industries“
#AcademicJob #JobAlert #Geography #HumanGeography #Sustainability #UrbanDevelopment
9.1.2024 09:30The neighboring department at the University of Ostrava is opening research positions in the field of human geography and/or local and...Česká geografická společnost vyhlásila vítěze soutěže o nejlepší geografickou bakalářskou práci pro rok 2023. Na 5. místě se umístila Elizaveta Zhdanová, její práce je zárevoň moje první co jsem vedl. Gratulace všem umístěným! Už se chystáme na #zoodny2024 v Ostravě #cgs #geografie #biogeografie #Palaemonidae #ZoologickeDny2024 #OstravskaUniverzita https://geography.cz/prispevek/vysledky-souteze-o-nejlepsi-studentskou-vedeckou-praci-2023/
22.12.2023 08:13Česká geografická společnost vyhlásila vítěze soutěže o nejlepší geografickou bakalářskou práci pro rok 2023. Na 5. místě se...Registraion on #IBSPrague2024 workshops is open. There are three one-day worshop. Two are related with species distribution modeling (ecological niche modeling) with 'sdm' and 'Wallace' R packages (led by their creators!), and third is on use of #LiDAR data in biogeography. https://www.biogeography.org/prague2024_home/programme/ #biogeography #macroecology #ecology #WallaceEcoMod #sdm #enm #SpeciesDistributionModeling #EcologicalNicheModeling
14.10.2023 11:20Registraion on #IBSPrague2024 workshops is open. There are three one-day worshop. Two are related with species distribution modeling..."Většina druhů divokých opylovačů u nás nějakým způsobem ubývá nebo dokonce vymírá, jejich populace se snižují. Máme kvantifikováno, že v některých zemědělsky intenzivních oblastech se počty snižují až o desítky procent jedinců." 🦋🐝🪲🐞
#hmyz #biodiverzita #opylovaci
Motivated by @rotten77 and his wikibot @random_wiki, I dusted off and finished an old idea to create a social network bot 🤖 that would post wikipedia articles on biological and earth sciences (🌍 🏞️ 🗺️ 🌦 🦕 🌊 🌋 🌱 🧬). Here it is:
English 🇬🇧: @planetaryecologist
Česky 🇨🇿: @planetarniekolog
#mastodonbot #wikipedia #biology #ecology #earthscience
29.7.2023 16:36Motivated by @rotten77 and his wikibot @random_wiki, I dusted off and finished an old idea to create a social network bot 🤖 that would...Its official, now the Czech state geographic data including aerial imagery and surface/terrain models are open! 🗺️ 🥳 https://geoportal.cuzk.cz/(S(z2nuqmf1rn5xt01txctypjog))/default.aspx?lng=EN&mode=News&newsTyp=id&newsID=3127
#opendata #geodata #lidar #gischat
2.7.2023 11:56Its official, now the Czech state geographic data including aerial imagery and surface/terrain models are open! 🗺️ 🥳...Hello, World!
🦗 🌍 🛰️ 🗺️💻