this one also works
13.4.2024 01:59this one also worksmr teddy bonkers & the infiltrators 👍🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
7.4.2024 17:08mr teddy bonkers & the infiltrators 👍🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼the happiest clown with the biggest frown
5.4.2024 05:22the happiest clown with the biggest frown“i’m processing”
bitch u pouting
4.4.2024 22:33“i’m processing”bitch u poutinghey hbo max
stop showing me this stupid thumbnail of the skinny black guy in his underwear.
4.4.2024 04:10hey hbo maxstop showing me this stupid thumbnail of the skinny black guy in his underwear.serving size: 3! (:
me, having had 57 and moving on to 58: … hmm
permit me to do what i want and i will
2.4.2024 02:10permit me to do what i want and i willwhite claw tastes like criminal trespassing
27.3.2024 00:05white claw tastes like criminal trespassingme trying to get stable 30 fps on dragon’s dogma 2
24.3.2024 13:59me trying to get stable 30 fps on dragon’s dogma 2daytime saké
16.3.2024 17:18daytime sakéjust beat sekiro. incredible. how exhilarating it is to beat such a difficult game and in such an intense way too. wow i’m so happy rn hahah!
15.3.2024 01:23just beat sekiro. incredible. how exhilarating it is to beat such a difficult game and in such an intense way too. wow i’m so happy rn...i’ve said it a million times but man, sekiro is a gd masterpiece.
13.3.2024 14:54i’ve said it a million times but man, sekiro is a gd masterpiece.alright NAS; cast iron or stainless steel?
(there’s a wrong answer btw)
11.3.2024 00:13alright NAS; cast iron or stainless steel? (there’s a wrong answer btw)i like to assert my dominance in the household by cutting my steak w the chef’s knife
10.3.2024 23:37i like to assert my dominance in the household by cutting my steak w the chef’s knifeinstructions unclear; ejaculating.
10.3.2024 23:03instructions unclear; ejaculating.daytime whiskey
9.3.2024 18:51daytime whiskey