New great work by Dario Stein.
What do Beck-Chevalley monads have to do with conditional probability?
Never forget that you do can do natural gradient descent in Haskell!
Excited to be in Seattle for the JMM!
Besides ACT today and categorical probability on Saturday, which sessions are my fellow category theorists attending?
Here's a lecture at MIT on Markov categories, symmetries, and generative AI, by Rob Cornish and myself.
#touchdesigner #streamdiffusion #bananas
New paper on Markov categories, proving Aldous-Hoover categorically, by Leihao Chen, Tobias Fritz, Tomáš Gonda, Andreas Klingler, Antonio Lorenzin.
The smartest thing the EU can do now is release a ton of funding for scientists, and relative visas. And I mean immediately.
9.11.2024 11:47The smartest thing the EU can do now is release a ton of funding for scientists, and relative visas. And I mean immediately.Spooky thought of the day:
If Death *makes* us all equal, then it's rather the great *co*equalizer.
The Applied Category Theory Adjoint School 2025 is coming!
The visualization is in terms of a more general version of diagrams, where we intuitively add new ''virtual'' objects to our category.
11.10.2024 09:15The visualization is in terms of a more general version of diagrams, where we intuitively add new ''virtual'' objects to our...If you, like I used to, find it hard to visualize weighted limits and Cauchy completion (for unenriched categories), I've just written a new exposition that could help!
I don't need a deadline. I need time to think, a lot of coffee, and no one to distract me.
24.9.2024 14:44I don't need a deadline. I need time to think, a lot of coffee, and no one to distract me.The worst part about writing grant applications is when they have to be in Times New Roman or Arial.
I can't wait to see Computer Modern back on my screen, and feel like a real mathematician again.
A generalization of inversion using Bayes' rule with applications to quantum.
Arthur Parzygnat @ Topos Colloquium
Here's another blog post, about imprecise probability, from the same group:
Introduction to categorical probability, a blog post from my ACT School students!
For all those that are interested, an introduction to conditional expectation to category theorists is now contained in this video, starting at time 36.54:
Convergence of martingales via enriched dagger categories. An extended version of my talk at CT!
Thanks to all my colleagues for the great work at ACT!
One more week of category theory now, at CT in Spain!
Markov categories, Bayesian inversions, and statistical experiments.
My talk at Tweag: