Mae e gyfweliad â fi yn
yr wythnos hon... £1.75 oddi wrth eich siop papur lleol!
There's an interview with me in the Welsh language weekly newspaper Golwg... £1.75 from your local paper shop!
6.3.2020 15:52Mae e gyfweliad â fi yn yr wythnos hon... £1.75 oddi wrth eich siop papur lleol!There's an interview with..., without a budget, grew to a readership of 5,000 users a month.
As a practitioner of open data I'm reporting and sharing some key analytics:
13.2.2020 17:52, without a budget, grew to a readership of 5,000 users a month.As a practitioner of open data I'm reporting and...RT
Stori Neil Rowlands a
#DysguCymraeg #LearnWelsh #Dwyieithog #Bilingual
8.11.2019 18:01RT @S4CDysguCymraeg@twitter.comStori Neil Rowlands a @parallel_cymru@twitter.com #DysguCymraeg #LearnWelsh...Dyma adolygiad o'r albwm newydd, Arenig, gan Huw Dylan Owen
Ewch at wefan i ddarllen am waith ymchwil a hanes heddychiaeth yng Nghymru -
17.10.2019 17:18RT @GwasgPrifCymru@twitter.comEwch at wefan i ddarllen am waith ymchwil a hanes...- Dyma fideo ohoni i a rhai cyfeillion- Rhiannon, Sam a Grace, sydd yn drafod bethau i beidio eu dweud wrth bobl sy'n dysgu Cymraeg!
Anybody looking to find out more about exploring Japan and watching Wales' rugby games at RWC?
A daily blog from my awesome Uncle Dai!
Diolch i criw! Gobeithio bydd hyn, a'r pencampwyr eraill, yn dangos bod ein hiaith yn hygyrch i bawb, ac mae'n bosibl i ddysgu Cymraeg ac wedyn bod rhan o gymuned a darparu gwasanaeth go iawn trwy gyfrwng yr iaith.
8.10.2019 17:05Diolch i criw! Gobeithio bydd hyn, a'r pencampwyr eraill, yn dangos bod ein hiaith yn hygyrch i bawb, ac...RT
Erthygl gwych yn y WM bore yma am #ShwmaeSumae 2019, ac un o'n pencampwyr anhygoel, Neil Rowlands o sy' wedi cyfrannu cymaint nôl i ddiwylliant Cymraeg ac i'r sîn gyffrous o ddysgu Cymraeg gyda'i gylchgrawn dwyieithog arlein
Diolch Neil! 💚
8.10.2019 17:05RT @ShwmaeSumae@twitter.comErthygl gwych yn y WM bore yma am #ShwmaeSumae 2019, ac un o'n pencampwyr anhygoel, Neil Rowlands o...RT
"It matters not one jot if we're first-language or from a non-Welsh-language background. For the Welsh language to survive, we all need to use it as much as possible"
A lovely piece in the Western Mail today about one of #ShwmaeSumae 2019 champions, Neil Rowlands
8.10.2019 11:55RT"It matters not one jot if we're first-language or from a non-Welsh-language background. For the Welsh...RT
Congratulations - September Best Sellers! 📚🎉
4.10.2019 17:31RT @Books_Wales@twitter.comCongratulations - September Best Sellers!...RT
'The Jeweller' by Caryl Lewis, Translated by Gwen Davies ( is Book of the Month for October 2019. #bookofthemonth #lovereading
1.10.2019 16:51RT'The Jeweller' by Caryl Lewis, Translated by Gwen Davies ( is Book of the Month for...Hapus iawn i gefnogi'r Diwrnod eleni- ffordd wych i helpu mwy o bobl sylweddoli sut gryf yw'r iaith
Diolch am gefnogaeth:
Announcing the first champion for Shwmae Sumae Day 2019...
Founder of the online bilingual magazine@parallel_cymru, Neil Rowlands! Read more about him and his journey in learning Welsh here:
30.9.2019 17:37RT @ShwmaeSumae@twitter.comAnnouncing the first champion for Shwmae Sumae Day 2019...Founder of the online bilingual...Dyma gyfweliadau gyda dwy fenyw sydd wedi ennill prif wobrau i ddysgwyr eleni- Fiona Collins a Francesca Sciarrillo
Gall eu hesiampl nhw ysbrydoli dysgwyr eraill!
Elin Meek's fantastic Welsh adaptation of My Mixed Emotions, a book to help guide children through life's ups&downs, dealing with emotions+feelings, is out this week! A MUST for anyone with a little special and precious mini human in their lives🙏
24.9.2019 16:40RT @RilyBooks@twitter.comElin Meek's fantastic Welsh adaptation of My Mixed Emotions, a book to help guide children through life's...Diolch o'r galon i'r criw sydd wedi gweithio yn galed iawn i drefnu - roedd e'n wych i weld y Theatr Glan yr Afon yng Nghasnewydd llawn dop o bobl mwynhau defnyddio'r iaith heddiw!
If you'd like to help spread the word about Tŵt, DM us for a pack of these postcards you can leave at your pub, library, market or gathering!
18.9.2019 19:26RT @tootwales@twitter.comIf you'd like to help spread the word about Tŵt, DM us for a pack of these postcards you can leave at your...Sut mae hi i ddysgu a llwyddo yn defnyddio'r iaith Gymraeg?
What is it like to learn and succeed in using the Welsh language?
Yma mae Lynne Blanchfield, sydd wedi dysgu gyda yn esbonio mwy...
Dyma eitem sydd yn dadansoddi gemau Merched Cymru y mis hwn gan
Here's a bilingual item that analyses Wales Women's games this month: