Regn, regn gå din vei. Er det noe som heter. Morsomt allikevel da 😅👍
15.6.2024 14:05Regn, regn gå din vei. Er det noe som heter. Morsomt allikevel da 😅👍Sitter å ser på min sønns første fotballkamp i år 😁
21.9.2023 16:14Sitter å ser på min sønns første fotballkamp i år 😁I sitt here and listen to the rain falling on and off. The sound off the rain falling om the Roof tiles are verry southing. Butt from time tok time it get's a little to mutch
To see the differenses powerty in any given country are good. But then you need to travel to see differense between the level and depth that exists.
The shock,
The shock
TCG-CON in Drammen
#tcgforeningen #tcg-con
6.5.2023 13:04TCG-CON in Drammen#tcgforeningen #tcg-conA Murena one phone just found its way to my front door.
Yay !
21.4.2023 18:40A Murena one phone just found its way to my front door. Yay !#efoundation #murenaEVERSPACE 2 out now, devs focus on Proton for Linux - Steam Deck optimizations planned - #Linux
7.4.2023 12:45EVERSPACE 2 out now, devs focus on Proton for Linux - Steam Deck optimizations planned -...just saw this one. wow.. much better !
5.4.2023 18:02just saw this one. wow.. much better !Just out...
A short store about what i have been through of OS and other things before i ended up with Linux.
A warning: it is all written in Norwegian :)
22.3.2023 14:06Just out...A short store about what i have been through of OS and other things before i ended up with...I have no idea what "woke" means, but i scream with laughter every time i hear it, why ?
12.3.2023 19:39I have no idea what "woke" means, but i scream with laughter every time i hear it, why ?A nice trip too Kiel with family and friend of family. Lods of good food and good company ☺️👍
1.3.2023 21:01A nice trip too Kiel with family and friend of family. Lods of good food and good company ☺️👍A really nice update :)
TUXEDO OS 2 Launches with KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS and Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS
26.2.2023 09:36A really nice update :)TUXEDO OS 2 Launches with KDE Plasma 5.27 LTS and Linux Kernel 6.1 LTS...This is good news, i am a little exited right now. :)
Godot Engine 4.0 gets a first Release Candidate - #Linux
9.2.2023 11:04This is good news, i am a little exited right now. :)Godot Engine 4.0 gets a first Release Candidate -...Looks like just another Grim dark evning.
Ohh...Wrong universe
@camillalise Hallo ?
#tuxedocomputers #kdeplasma #ubuntu_lts #kubuntu
Now i have had my Tuxedo Stellaris 15 little over a week or so. I am still really happy with the buy :). First laptop i ever had that came without any windows or MacOS on it. It came with Tuxedo 1 (based on Ubuntu LTS and KDE Plasma) on it, a good choice. I have been busy playing AAA games and more :).
A llittle shoutout to tuxedocomuters ( )
#TuxedoComputers #KDEPlasma #Ubuntu_LTS #Kubuntu
27.1.2023 12:51Now i have had my Tuxedo Stellaris 15 little over a week or so. I am still really happy with the buy :). First laptop i ever had that came...Finally here !. My new Tuxedo Stellaris 15 came in the door yesterday and im really happy with it 😀👍
19.1.2023 08:28Finally here !. My new Tuxedo Stellaris 15 came in the door yesterday and im really happy with it 😀👍Got my self invited too a Birthday party with my family, this sight met me att the door. ☺️👍
14.1.2023 15:52Got my self invited too a Birthday party with my family, this sight met me att the door. ☺️👍walked outside to day and turned back, going Nah not to day im to old for that shit.
31.12.2022 12:19walked outside to day and turned back, going Nah not to day im to old for that shit.