Détecter la corruption dans les marchés publics ? 5 minutes de vidéo valent mieux qu'un long discours pour comprendre le projet DeCoMaP. Le premier épisode de série de vidéos d’animation"Recherche en court"
est sorti !
un peu de #dataviz #commandepublique en #opendata question de jeter un oeil au localisme et battre en brèche quelques idées reçues.10 ans de marchés publicisés au JOUE pour des acheteurs du 84 : https://phmorand.github.io/DeCoMaP/GA2.html
les données sont là https://nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02213-z
avec un petit peu de boulot en plus pour géocoder les rares fournisseurs non français...
New paper on a public procurement dataset, consituted for the DeCoMaP project.
- Paper: FOPPA: an open database of French public procurement award notices from 2010–2020 https://nature.com/articles/s41597-023-02213-z
- Dataset: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7808664
- DeCoMaP project: https://t.co/4iMYiRFlvH
I just had #ChatGPT take the test on Cluster_17 (https://cluster17.com/trouver-mon-cluster/, a website that proposes a political positioning after a 33 questions self-administered questionnaire).
His cluster is "Les Progressistes" (see https://cluster17.com/les-clusters/cluster-3/)
This seems to me to be in line with the results obtained by similar experiments seen on US political positioning tests.
It makes me want to imagine a robust replicable protocol to move from anecdote to analysis!
First attempt to get an answer to a technical question via mastodon: #publicprocurement #opendata since when is it mandatory/possible to enter a National registration number to identify the buyer and the supplier via the Tender Electronic Daily . The quality of this data is slowly improving but we are far from something really usable yet!
18.11.2022 15:40First attempt to get an answer to a technical question via mastodon: #publicprocurement #opendata since when is it mandatory/possible to...#introduction
I am a professor of economics at Avignon University. I have a weird passion for #auction, public #procurement and #opendata with a focus on #corruption detection. I will remain a beginner in #python and #Rstat all my life. A bit of popularization of my work (in French) here: https://books.openedition.org/eua/6496
More academic stuff here: https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/pierre-henri-morand
A bit of #dataviz and data analysis of public procurement here when I have time...