A question for #histodon folks... Is it important for a professional historian who does not work in academia to create a portfolio? What are the best platforms? Have you seen any outstanding examples you can share?
Having transitioned from a career in graphic design and marketing, I totally understand why portfolios are useful, I just don't quite know how to pivot that knowledge into a new field.
Morning coffee in the garden, listening to red-tailed hawks on the hunt, and the honeybees gathering nectar and pollen from the lemon tree. Visited by this beautiful American Lady butterfly for a few moments, while the dog naps in the sun. Bliss.
#butterfly #butterflies #WingedThings #MondayMeditation #UrbanDruid #druid #pagan #nature #GardenAdventures
No matter how far I live from the ocean, #tallships will always fascinate me. That’s why I did my Masters in early modern maritime history! This was an experimental shot I took using a digital camera through the lenses of a 1952 Argus camera.
Now that the holiday break is over, I’m going to add more #history content into my feed along with my #photography work. Happy 2023!
#ageofsail #experimentalphotography #earlymodern #maritime #MaritimeHistory #vintagephotography #ship
6.1.2023 14:20No matter how far I live from the ocean, #tallships will always fascinate me. That’s why I did my Masters in early modern maritime...#throwbackthursday to the best photography trip I’ve ever taken. Newfoundland was on my bucket list for years, and while the reason I traveled there was devastatingly sad (a funeral for a dear friend), the photographs from that trip still take my breath away. Thank you Kim, for sharing your favorite place with us, even though you are no longer with us.
#newfoundland #explorenl #photography #landscapephotography #fishingvillage #NewfoundlandAndLabrador #travel #travelphotography
5.1.2023 13:23#throwbackthursday to the best photography trip I’ve ever taken. Newfoundland was on my bucket list for years, and while the reason I...Nature thrives in the most unlikely of places. Taken in San Marcos, Texas while on a hike.
#lichensubscribe #mosstodon #texas #naturephotography #urbandruid #everydaymagic
It’s #FungiFriday and I have another beautiful mushroom to share. It’s amazing what you can find on a hike when you slow down to look at the details!
#mushtodon #fungi #mushroom #forestfloor #urbandruid #mycology #photography #naturephotography #macrophotography
One of my favorite things about living in central Texas is the snails that come out after it rains. It’s like a tiny glimpse into a fairytale world.
#mosstodon #lichensubscribe #mushtodon #snails #everydaymagic #urbandruid #photography #naturephotography
Sometimes, when it is cold enough, and the faeries are feeling friendly, they come by to dance across the windows.
#frost #frostodon #macrophotography #nature #coldweather #photography #showandtell
I’ve picked up a lot of followers in recent days, so I thought I’d do an #introductionpost. Hi! I’m Amy. I’m a #historian by training & an #archivist by trade. My research specializes in #earlymodern #maritime history. I am a practicing #pagan of a #druidry persuasion & I work as a researcher in a national religious archive that is part of the Christian church. I was once a professional photographer. My feed will be filled with lots of #photography , #history , #folklore , & probably #pirates
24.12.2022 14:12I’ve picked up a lot of followers in recent days, so I thought I’d do an #introductionpost. Hi! I’m Amy. I’m a #historian by...For #FungiFriday, how about some Dead Man's Fingers? The spider webs add a certain something, yes? Always a little unnerving when you come upon these in the forest.
#mushtodon #mosstodon #mycology #nature #photography #hiking #texas
23.12.2022 17:18For #FungiFriday, how about some Dead Man's Fingers? The spider webs add a certain something, yes? Always a little unnerving when you...The first day of winter is definitely coming in strong! It’s important to find unconventional beauty, even when the land is encased in ice.
#lichensubscribe #mosstodon #ice #macrophotography #magicworlds
For #waterfallwednesday, let’s journey to Southern Wisconsin (USA) to one of my favorite spots. You park in a nondescript patch of gravel just off a meandering highway, and then hike through the woods toward the sound of running water. And then you arrive. Magic.
#mosstodon #waterfalls #landscapephotography #wisconsin
As we, in the North, walk forward into the light, my friends in the South seek rest in the dark. The balance of nature ties us together, no matter where we are. A Blessed Solstice to all of you, my friends...
#yuletide #solstice #druidry #pagan
I’ve discovered that #thicktrunktuesday is a thing and I’ve never been more enthused to use a hashtag! My little #druid #pagan heart is dancing!
20.12.2022 13:43I’ve discovered that #thicktrunktuesday is a thing and I’ve never been more enthused to use a hashtag! My little #druid #pagan heart is...On the recommendation of many yesterday, #mushtodon, #sporesondence and #lichensubscribe were equally fun to explore! In thanks, I give you this lovely.
20.12.2022 13:23On the recommendation of many yesterday, #mushtodon, #sporesondence and #lichensubscribe were equally fun to explore! In thanks, I give you...Up at 3:45 in the morning because insomnia is a constant companion and fell into the magic of #mosstodon. Thought I’d add one of my own favorite photos. Now off to discover if there is a hashtag specifically for mushrooms…
19.12.2022 09:52Up at 3:45 in the morning because insomnia is a constant companion and fell into the magic of #mosstodon. Thought I’d add one of my own...RT @JonathanFoyle@twitter.com
A furious fifteenth-century finch, from Coventry.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JonathanFoyle/status/1602252000481185792
13.12.2022 13:23RT @JonathanFoyle@twitter.comA furious fifteenth-century finch, from Coventry.🐦🔗:...RT @USFWSPacific@twitter.com
Wisdom, the world’s oldest known wild bird, recently returned to Midway Atoll!
The beloved Laysan albatross, or mōlī, is at least 71 years old. Biologists first identified and banded Wisdom in 1956 after she laid an egg, and the large seabirds aren’t known to breed before age 5.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/USFWSPacific/status/1600901726219161600
11.12.2022 04:57RT @USFWSPacific@twitter.comWisdom, the world’s oldest known wild bird, recently returned to Midway Atoll!The beloved Laysan albatross, or...RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.com
Gregory Hines with Sammy Davis Jr in 1989 celebrating Sammy’s 60th year in show-business.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichaelWarbur17/status/1600600788837011500
8.12.2022 13:25RT @MichaelWarbur17@twitter.comGregory Hines with Sammy Davis Jr in 1989 celebrating Sammy’s 60th year in show-business.🐦🔗:...RT @buitengebieden@twitter.com
Reindeer and the Northern Lights.. 😊
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/buitengebieden/status/1600193664134807554
7.12.2022 03:38RT @buitengebieden@twitter.comReindeer and the Northern Lights.. 😊🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/buitengebieden/status/1600193664134807554