New York Times article on the enigmatic #planet #LTT9779b!!
A rare #planet we discovered a few years back has now given us more insights into the nature of hot #Neptunes. We turned the eye of @ESA_CHEOPS to #LTT9779b, #Cuancoa, and found a world likely covered with metallic clouds, possibly hosting titanium rain!!…
10.7.2023 09:31A rare #planet we discovered a few years back has now given us more insights into the nature of hot #Neptunes. We turned the eye of...Our discovery of arguably the galaxy’s rarest known planet #LTT9779b, has led to us being able to help rename the system.
In honour of the indigenous #U’wa people of the North Eastern Andes of #Colombia, the star #Uúba in Sculptor is orbited by the majestic #Cuancoá!! #nameexoworlds
8.6.2023 00:20Our discovery of arguably the galaxy’s rarest known planet #LTT9779b, has led to us being able to help rename the system. In honour of the...A big day for our young Institute of Astrophysical Studies (IEA) @AstroUDP with the very first graduated doctoral student, Dr. Kriti Kamal Gupta!!
Congratulations to Kriti and her supervisor Prof. Ricci 🎉🍾🎉🍾
31.5.2023 19:52A big day for our young Institute of Astrophysical Studies (IEA) @AstroUDP with the very first graduated doctoral student, Dr. Kriti Kamal...More super exciting #exoplanets being studied by #Spitzer, the spacecraft that bade fairwell back in 2020!!
The Dean’s annual yearly address at @udp_cl, covering the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, including our own @AstroUDP, ended with some Chinese words of inspiration…it is the company and relationships that really count throughout this journey we all face!!
10.5.2023 19:54The Dean’s annual yearly address at @udp_cl, covering the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, including our own @AstroUDP, ended with...Only 1/3 of the #JWST proposals we submitted were selected for observations. All our eggs were thrown in the #LTT9779b basket, but sadly only one hatched!!
10.5.2023 19:48Only 1/3 of the #JWST proposals we submitted were selected for observations. All our eggs were thrown in the #LTT9779b basket, but sadly...We have found many #planets orbiting very close to their stars, and now it looks like we have seen one actually falling into the star’s upper atmosphere and being destroyed…going out in a blaze of glory!!
3.5.2023 19:39We have found many #planets orbiting very close to their stars, and now it looks like we have seen one actually falling into the star’s...Burning the midnight oil to perform my ranking for the Name #Exoworlds 2022 competition. Creative and enlightening suggestions for these planets, ranging from ancient cultural figures of power, to current natural wonders of the world...tough job on my hands here!!
17.4.2023 02:05Burning the midnight oil to perform my ranking for the Name #Exoworlds 2022 competition. Creative and enlightening suggestions for these...Can there exist composite state, macroscopic Dark Matter #Planets, and can we observe them? The question is being asked at least!!
23.3.2023 12:12Can there exist composite state, macroscopic Dark Matter #Planets, and can we observe them? The question is being asked at...The #IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report was just released today, showing again we have reached a stable 1.1C surface global temperature increase against pre-industrial levels. The report lays out ways to top out at 1.5C and hopefully reverse, but we need #government action now, so let's pressure policy makers!!
20.3.2023 18:29The #IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report was just released today, showing again we have reached a stable 1.1C surface global temperature increase...So #Venus, our sister planet in many respects, adds to the list of bodies in the solar system that are volcanically active…super cool result that could open up an even deeper understanding of the #evolution of Venus, and maybe even our own planet #Earth!! vía @NatGeo
15.3.2023 18:41So #Venus, our sister planet in many respects, adds to the list of bodies in the solar system that are volcanically active…super cool...#Genetic therapies raise serious #ethical questions, with a ‘techno-eugenics’ future on the horizon. We need to prepare for the forthcoming ‘designer baby’ reality as soon as possible, as when the genie is out the bottle, social pressure will make it hard to put back in!!
6.3.2023 11:56#Genetic therapies raise serious #ethical questions, with a ‘techno-eugenics’ future on the horizon. We need to prepare for the...A big night on the horizon tonight. We will launch our new #planet search project with the first observations, looking at a complete new population of #stars that should teach us a lot about how planet #formation is affected by the #proto-planetary disk #chemistry!!
22.2.2023 20:54A big night on the horizon tonight. We will launch our new #planet search project with the first observations, looking at a complete new...Further tests of the fundamental equations of state that help govern the internal structure of giant #planets like #Jupiter...I like it!!
21.2.2023 16:28Further tests of the fundamental equations of state that help govern the internal structure of giant #planets like #Jupiter...I like...A good day? When you submit a new paper to publish top results!!
A great day? When you submit a new paper to publish top results, and then you head off to beach for the weekend!! #science
10.2.2023 15:03A good day? When you submit a new paper to publish top results!! A great day? When you submit a new paper to publish top results, and then...Too much light pollution last night to get a good shot of #CometC/2022 E3 (ZTF) from #Pirque, but a couple of hours later the Moon’s appearance livened the party!!
The sky conditions weren’t helped by the contamination by the fires currently ravaging the country. :-(
8.2.2023 18:24Too much light pollution last night to get a good shot of #CometC/2022 E3 (ZTF) from #Pirque, but a couple of hours later the Moon’s...A pagar o no para las revisiones de papers #cientificos? Las #revistas estan aprovechandonos, y debemos compartir en los ganancias? A pagar por revision va a subir los costos? Un estudio dice que este trabajo vale ~2.000 millones de dolares por año!!
7.2.2023 18:56A pagar o no para las revisiones de papers #cientificos? Las #revistas estan aprovechandonos, y debemos compartir en los ganancias? A pagar...I spent all of last week hammering out #JWST proposals, non-stop. This week it is back to postdoc applicant reviews, interviews, and selection. Even though the teaching semester is closed at #UDP, when will I get back to the two papers currently hiding behind the 20 open tabs in my browser??
Response from David Drumlin, 'Maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe never!!'
31.1.2023 14:02I spent all of last week hammering out #JWST proposals, non-stop. This week it is back to postdoc applicant reviews, interviews, and...Been a stressful week of #JWST proposals.
The Friday Night Pint will definitely taste a little bit sweeter tonight!! #JWSTcycle2
27.1.2023 20:28Been a stressful week of #JWST proposals. The Friday Night Pint will definitely taste a little bit sweeter tonight!! #JWSTcycle2