#explainyourusername it's like thotiana but prozac
13.3.2025 22:28#explainyourusername it's like thotiana but prozacher pistol go bang bang boom boom pop pop
13.3.2025 22:17her pistol go bang bang boom boom pop popI cannot stress enough the importance of owning a good vibrator
13.3.2025 02:10I cannot stress enough the importance of owning a good vibratorshit. my job is actually kinda important. freaking out
12.3.2025 10:43shit. my job is actually kinda important. freaking outIM SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTING
3.3.2025 04:07IM SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTINGif Anora wins best pic or mikey madison wins best actress I'm gonna spontaneously combust
2.3.2025 04:31if Anora wins best pic or mikey madison wins best actress I'm gonna spontaneously combustupdate: i am a cyndaquil 🥹
27.2.2025 01:52update: i am a cyndaquil 🥹i get to BE a pokemon??? BITCHHH. i came out the womb wanting to be a pokemon
27.2.2025 01:50i get to BE a pokemon??? BITCHHH. i came out the womb wanting to be a pokemonis this game ONLY pokemon and no humans?? omg this is amazing why did i not know about this
27.2.2025 01:46is this game ONLY pokemon and no humans?? omg this is amazing why did i not know about thison monday i leave the peaceful bubble of unemployment to rejoin the workforce... decided I should find a game to destress during my free time. so i'm now playing pokemon again for the first time in years im exploding with serotonin omggg
(also im playing explorers of sky which is my first mystery dungeon game)
27.2.2025 01:41on monday i leave the peaceful bubble of unemployment to rejoin the workforce... decided I should find a game to destress during my free...i know damn well that jd vance is on a constant IV drip of botox and filler
26.2.2025 17:42i know damn well that jd vance is on a constant IV drip of botox and fillerhiii fediverse! super excited to be here and prob gonna make a proper intro post soon
but first I gotta say: I just had cinnamon toast crunch for dinner and I've reached new heights of pleasure. life has never been so beautiful
26.2.2025 07:52hiii fediverse! super excited to be here and prob gonna make a proper intro post soonbut first I gotta say: I just had cinnamon toast crunch...