What platform beats Telegram in one-to-many UX ?
14.12.2024 13:44What platform beats Telegram in one-to-many UX ?So to self-host a blog, I downloaded caddy w the cloudflare plugin, I was under the impression that meant I didn’t need to forward ports
Am I wrong ?
I’m a dev-ops tech in disguise as a sys-admin I’m never as busy at work as I lead my family members to believe daily
22.10.2024 18:20I’m a dev-ops tech in disguise as a sys-admin I’m never as busy at work as I lead my family members to believe dailyToday’s mathematics : Supreme Knowledge, manifested as Wisdom
11.6.2024 20:02Today’s mathematics : Supreme Knowledge, manifested as WisdomFinally getting things back in order after a decade of aimlessness and couch surfing nowhere.
My only regret is not being able to thank Jaleel White for the Uriel character, the black man that played Nikon in Hackers, Aaron McGruder for the boondocks, Robert Townsend for Meteor Man & Hollywood Shuffle as well as the Black Man from the show Leverage.
13.2.2024 19:38Finally getting things back in order after a decade of aimlessness and couch surfing nowhere. My only regret is not being able to thank...My shit air tight but for some single mom, this was the whole farm.
2 all scammers :
May you lose years on Petrol Tour.
May the full weight of FDOC corruption fall upon the shoulders of you and your loved ones.
May your children know correction-officers as your God.
26.12.2023 18:12My shit air tight but for some single mom, this was the whole farm. 2 all scammers : May you lose years on Petrol Tour.May the full weight...Dotfile config = home-manager
System config = nix-Darwin
Stress config = ???
27.10.2023 19:21Dotfile config = home-manager System config = nix-DarwinStress config = ??? #nix #nixosThe wildest part of fighting alcoholism is the advertising, imagine fighting a meth addiction and YouTube dropping ads for ice in different flavors on a regular
I know both are relevant in the info-sec, field but in your professional opinion which one looks better in a portfolio or on a resume
*please comment why if possible
My first born and my youngest
20.12.2022 16:08My first born and my youngestI came of age in too close enough proximity to gun and gang violence for something someone racist online said to move me
I’d rather argue about why Debian is king, snap is the devil, and tik tok is spyware
20.12.2022 02:31I came of age in too close enough proximity to gun and gang violence for something someone racist online said to move me I’d rather argue...I never though I’d see one in person ever again peace to all the Phreakers, especially on the east coast MOD 1 - LOD 0
19.12.2022 22:53I never though I’d see one in person ever again peace to all the Phreakers, especially on the east coast MOD 1 - LOD 0@jerry “thanks for taking my advice into account, plz keep me posted on any further developments”
4.12.2022 06:11@jerry “thanks for taking my advice into account, plz keep me posted on any further developments”Plz bring the and keep the hate where you came from
Life long techie, phone phreaker fan, noob ctf player currently an info-sec student
1.11.2022 03:15Life long techie, phone phreaker fan, noob ctf player currently an info-sec student #introductionsStovegodcooks and chill
Uncomfortable Truth Warning
The pedophiles efforts to desensitize us to their desires is starting to take hold, they’ve began weaponizing perverse humor on social media to spread their ideology once they find a free speech square to stand on the kids are in trouble
21.8.2022 13:58Uncomfortable Truth WarningThe pedophiles efforts to desensitize us to their desires is starting to take hold, they’ve began weaponizing...The fediverse is really another world of the internet because going from sending a friend request to a black arch matrix chat server is crazy
20.8.2022 22:32The fediverse is really another world of the internet because going from sending a friend request to a black arch matrix chat server is...Many flies , few spiders, one web we all share
20.8.2022 21:16Many flies , few spiders, one web we all share28G stolen from Cisco by Yanluowang rasomware gang