✨job✨ - the Media of Cooperation Research Centre at the University of Siegen is hiring a Digital Methods Research Associate. Read more and apply here: https://publicdatalab.org/2024/12/16/job-digital-methods-siegen/
16.12.2024 23:31✨job✨ - the Media of Cooperation Research Centre at the University of Siegen is hiring a Digital Methods Research Associate. Read more...The Digital Methods Winter School in Amsterdam will take place on 6-10th January 2025 with the theme “Chatbots and LLMs for Internet Research?”. Apply by 9th December. 📝✨ https://publicdatalab.org/2024/11/29/dmi25-chatbots-llms/
5.12.2024 10:56The Digital Methods Winter School in Amsterdam will take place on 6-10th January 2025 with the theme “Chatbots and LLMs for Internet...do you have screenshots of troubling interactions with AI? submit them to our call for screenshots to be featured in an online publication and workshop - now extended until 10th december 2024: https://publicdatalab.org/2024/10/24/troubling-ai-call-for-screenshots/
19.11.2024 19:52do you have screenshots of troubling interactions with AI? submit them to our call for screenshots to be featured in an online publication...Join us for launch of special issue on critical technical practice(s) in digital research on Wednesday 10th July, 2-4pm (CEST).
This will include an introduction to the special issue, brief presentations from several special issue contributors, followed by discussion about possibilities and next steps.
You can find further details and register here: https://publicdatalab.org/2024/06/14/ctp-special-issue-launch/
26.6.2024 19:02Join us for launch of special issue on critical technical practice(s) in digital research on Wednesday 10th July, 2-4pm (CEST).This will...Special issue on Critical Technical Practice(s) in Digital Research co-edited by Public Data Lab members Daniela van Geenen, @kfvanes & @jwyg is now out!
Featuring contributions on machine learning, digital methods, art-based interventions, one-click network trouble, web page snapshotting, social media tool-making, sensory media, supercuts, climate futures and more: https://publicdatalab.org/2024/04/24/critical-technical-practices/
If you’re interested in critical technical practices, there's also a new list: https://jiscmail.ac.uk/CRITICAL-TECHNICAL-PRACTICES
24.4.2024 11:09Special issue on Critical Technical Practice(s) in Digital Research co-edited by Public Data Lab members Daniela van Geenen, @kfvanes &...✨ new article ✨ on cross-platform bot studies published in special issue about visual methods 📝
zeehaven – a tiny tool to convert data for social media research: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/12/18/zeehaven-social-media-data/
drag and drop ndjson data gathered with @dmi's zeeschuimer tool, and download a csv file. ✨📦✨
#digitalmethods #csv #ndjson #tinytools #osint #newmedia #commodon #mediastudies #data #dataviz
18.12.2023 20:44zeehaven – a tiny tool to convert data for social media research: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/12/18/zeehaven-social-media-data/drag and...New article on GitHub and the platformisation of software development by @lbngr in Convergence: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/12/08/github-platformisation/
The article is accompanied by a set of free tools codeveloped with @dmi for researching Github.
#platformstudies #platformisation #newmedia #mediastudies #softwarestudies #digitalmethods #commodon #socialmedia #github #opensource
8.12.2023 15:52New article on GitHub and the platformisation of software development by @lbngr in Convergence:...A new article examining COVID-19 testing situations - moments in which it is no longer possible to go on in the usual way - on Twitter published in Social Media + Society, co-authored by @NoortjeMarres @gabrielecolombo @lbngr @jwyg Carolin Gerlitz & James Tripp.
#sts #feministsts #methods #visualmethods #commodon #socialmedia #covid19 #testing #situationalanalysis #situationalimageanalysis #testingsituations #nolongerpossibletogooninusualway
26.9.2023 00:00A new article examining COVID-19 testing situations - moments in which it is no longer possible to go on in the usual way - on Twitter...CW: AI in humanities and social science research
Call for papers: “Generative Methods: AI as collaborator and companion in the social sciences and humanities”, Copenhagen, 6-8th December 2023 📝https://publicdatalab.org/2023/08/03/cfp-generative-methods/
3.8.2023 20:46CW: AI in humanities and social science researchCall for papers: “Generative Methods: AI as collaborator and companion in the social...New working paper on "Testing ‘AI’: Do we have a situation?" based on conversation between @NoortjeMarres and Philippe Sormani: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/06/08/testing-ai/
#ai #testing #commodon #sts #scienceandtechnologystudies
8.6.2023 10:08New working paper on "Testing ‘AI’: Do we have a situation?" based on conversation between @NoortjeMarres and Philippe...How can generative soundscape composition enable different perspectives on forests in an era of planetary crisis? Join our forestscapes listening lab at #republica23 in Berlin:
https://publicdatalab.org/2023/06/04/forestscapes-republica/ #rp23
What is @Gephi Lite? Who and what is it for? What can it do? An interview with developers of new #opensource web-based network exploration tool:
@jacomyal @paulanomalie
#gephi #networks #networkanalysis #socialmediaanalysis #newmedia #commodon #dataviz
24.5.2023 10:43What is @Gephi Lite? Who and what is it for? What can it do? An interview with developers of new #opensource web-based network exploration..."Repurposing digital media for collective inquiry. Notes from the Public Data Lab 2017-2023" - @lbngr &
@jwyg will give a talk at the médialab, Sciences Po, Paris this afternoon reflecting on our first 6 years: https://medialab.sciencespo.fr/actu/repurposing-digital-media-for-collective-inquiry/
"As it turned out Bruno Latour was strongly supportive of our approach: the development of interdisciplinary methods of inquiry, which combine social science with art and design, became one of his principal occupations in the decades that followed."
Excerpt from “Seven moments with Bruno Latour” by @NoortjeMarres: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/03/08/seven-moments-bruno-latour-noortje-marres/
#brunolatour #STS #feministsts #politicalecology #4s #philosophy #controversymapping #issuemapping #digitalmethods #isabellestengers #donnaharaway
8.3.2023 11:44"As it turned out Bruno Latour was strongly supportive of our approach: the development of interdisciplinary methods of inquiry, which...✨📝New article✨ "Staying with the trouble of networks" by Daniela van Geenen, Jonathan Gray (@jwyg), Liliana Bounegru (@lbngr), Tommaso Venturini (@tommv), Mathieu Jacomy (@jacomyma) and Axel Meunier: https://publicdatalab.org/2023/01/26/staying-with-trouble-networks/
#openaccess #networks #datapractices #gephi #trouble #criticaldatastudies #criticaldatapractice #commodon #mediastudies #dataviz
26.1.2023 14:08✨📝New article✨ "Staying with the trouble of networks" by Daniela van Geenen, Jonathan Gray (@jwyg), Liliana Bounegru...“Does computation break epistemic binaries?” – online event with @LauraNelson @tommv & David Moats tonight (5.30 CET, 25th Jan 2023): https://publicdatalab.org/2023/01/25/computation-epistemic-binaries/
25.1.2023 11:11“Does computation break epistemic binaries?” – online event with @LauraNelson @tommv & David Moats tonight (5.30 CET, 25th Jan...✨ call for participants ✨ - digital methods winter school 2023
"What actually happened? The use and misuse of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)"
Digital Methods Winter School and Data Sprint, 9-13th January 2023 at the University of Amsterdam.
Applications open until 1st December 2022.
Read more & register here:
#digitalmethods #newmedia #commodon #mediastudies
4.11.2022 09:56✨ call for participants ✨ - digital methods winter school 2023"What actually happened? The use and misuse of Open Source...hiiiiii! ✨
we are a research network exploring what difference the digital makes in attending to public problems.
we develop materials and formats for collective inquiry with and about digital data, digital methods and digital infrastructures.
more at: https://publicdatalab.org/
#introduction #codesign
#criticaltechnicalpractice #datastudies #dataviz #digitalmethods #digitalsociology #feministmethods #feministsts #inventivemethods #issuemapping #scienceandtechnologystudies #sts #visualmethods