mh (-)
I just... Idk the autistic burnout is so real. I feel it in my fucking bones. I'm so tired, and everything is on fire. I'm trying to not drown in all the badness going on but its so hard. Joy is resistance, and I'm seeking it out wherever I can.
But like. God its hard. Living as a traumatised autistic trans person is just terror sometimes. And just so fucking exhausting
14.3.2025 18:48mh (-)I just... Idk the autistic burnout is so real. I feel it in my fucking bones. I'm so tired, and everything is on fire. I'm...todays vibe is gay lil sock disaster
12.3.2025 00:05todays vibe is gay lil sock disasterJust saw a shrek chess set
hehe shress
10.3.2025 20:48Just saw a shrek chess sethehe shresstrans woman, but woman as in enby creature thing with a delicate dusting of masc and a side of cherries. garnished with an exquisite drizzle of AAAAAAAAA
10.3.2025 02:05trans woman, but woman as in enby creature thing with a delicate dusting of masc and a side of cherries. garnished with an exquisite drizzle...transphobia and transition
My area is super conservative and TURBO cishet. I'm noticing people giving me the side eye a lot more. And its kinda daunting ngl.
Its weird to love these changes so much but also be intimidated by them in other ways
10.3.2025 01:58transphobia and transitionMy area is super conservative and TURBO cishet. I'm noticing people giving me the side eye a lot more. And its...transphobia and transition
im not complaining, I LOVE what's happening to my body rn but godddd....
So I've been on HRT over a year and 3 months now. In this time, I've had no boob growth... Until about a month and a half ago, stuff started happening and now we're here: I'm starting to get some very noticeable boobs.
I LOVE them. BUT, ive not had the chance to get used to having them, and being more visably trans in public.
10.3.2025 01:57transphobia and transitionim not complaining, I LOVE what's happening to my body rn but godddd....So I've been on HRT over a year...god why does Element's notification sound have to be the most jarring notification sound ever
10.3.2025 01:53god why does Element's notification sound have to be the most jarring notification sound everYou know when a bunch of terrible and great stuff is happening all at the same time and your brain has no idea what to do so you feel a weird mixture of awful, optimistic and overwhelmed all at the same time? yea
10.3.2025 01:43You know when a bunch of terrible and great stuff is happening all at the same time and your brain has no idea what to do so you feel a...Like seriously, I don’t care how “nice” someone is acting, if they think that any marginalised group is worth less or express micro aggressions against them, then i just don’t let those people in my life.
We are fundamentally incompatible. Plus, I know that, when the time comes, most of them would happily throw me under the bus.
Im conflict averse and I can manage this, what is their excuse?!
8.3.2025 20:38Like seriously, I don’t care how “nice” someone is acting, if they think that any marginalised group is worth less or express micro...I don’t really understand how people who proclaim to be progressive or left wing, can be friends with or be friendly with people who are just avertly bigoted. So long as they’re “nice”, then that’s all that matters. They’ll make all the excuses in the world for these people, hell, theyll defend them more than they’ll stand up for marginalised folk. Its all about the ✨ vibes ✨
Fuck moderates.
I sound like a broken record but I have to rant or I’d fucking explode.
8.3.2025 20:36I don’t really understand how people who proclaim to be progressive or left wing, can be friends with or be friendly with people who are...I find it weird that the UK calls it " #benefits " and not " #welfare ", especially when even the #USA calls it welfare...
Maybe I'm overthinking it but: I hate the sentiment of "benefits". Its giving: "oh, you're BENEFITING from MY tax money so you can live as a disabled person, YOURE WELCOME", rather than what welfare says: "You need this money for your *welfare*, this is to support you to live a life that caters to your needs"
8.3.2025 15:12I find it weird that the UK calls it " #benefits " and not " #welfare ", especially when even the #USA calls it...transfemme butches FUCK YEA
8.3.2025 01:16transfemme butches FUCK YEAAuschwitz mention & UK pol/DWP discussions around disability
why the fuck does this frame out of the #UK government's latest disability #benefits / #welfare video look like its filmed at fucking auschwitz?!
A chilling metaphor tbh. The shit we have to go through as #disabled folk in this hellhole #disability #UnitedKingdom
7.3.2025 18:10Auschwitz mention & UK pol/DWP discussions around disabilitywhy the fuck does this frame out of the #UK government's latest...Your gal just got a contract!!! Negotiated a fantastic salary and my boss is perfectly happy with me getting up when I want, so long as I get the work done.
Start time is in about 6 weeks. Hopefully this will give me a chance to get more stability into my life before I figure out where my academic journey takes me next.
I'm SO lucky, even tho I do feel a little sad about putting my dream of Medicine on hold for now.
7.3.2025 16:59Your gal just got a contract!!! Negotiated a fantastic salary and my boss is perfectly happy with me getting up when I want, so long as I...I got a pack of 3M Auora FFP3 masks the other day for super cheap and OH MY GOD!!!! I never knew what it was like to have a good seal on a respirator mask until these... I'm in LOVE!! It was SO nice being on the packed train this weekend with next to no fear about getting infected. #stillMasking #masks #CovidIsNotOver
4.3.2025 04:00I got a pack of 3M Auora FFP3 masks the other day for super cheap and OH MY GOD!!!! I never knew what it was like to have a good seal on a...Im in a weird stage of my transition. For the first time in over a year after starting #HRT , my boobs are growing!!! My figure is WAY more femme now. SO much euphoria honestly.
But also? It feels like a very tense time to be visibly #trans, and I honestly thought id be better at being visible by now. But ive not had the chance given how slow its been.
The snide looks and stuff are gonna take some adjusting to. Things just feel less safe than they used to. Mixed complicated feelings!
4.3.2025 03:49Im in a weird stage of my transition. For the first time in over a year after starting #HRT , my boobs are growing!!! My figure is WAY more...not to mention the privacy angle. Notion is hosted in the US... Considering the stuff I write about there, I dont like the idea of that data being on american soil, even as a foreigner.
I think a lot about how much power these people get from our data. And lets face it, these people are BONKERS. I wouldnt trust them not to use this data for malicious purposes.
4.3.2025 03:25not to mention the privacy angle. Notion is hosted in the US... Considering the stuff I write about there, I dont like the idea of that data...god yes that badoop #mastodon notification sound just feeds my fucking soul
4.3.2025 03:20god yes that badoop #mastodon notification sound just feeds my fucking soulI REALLY want one of those awesome ThinkCenter Micros.... It would make an AMAZING #NAS or #homelab if only it had capacity for 4 or more SATA or NVME drives. But sadly it only has support for 2 NVME drives, and afaik no SATA slots, tho it does have PCIE....
But how am I going to get an enclosure that fits the chasis of the ThinkCenter? i just want a neat lil thing I can clip on top. I LOVE ITS SIZE! Ugh its so frustratinggggg.
Maybe I need a NAS and then a thinkcenter for anything computey?
4.3.2025 03:17I REALLY want one of those awesome ThinkCenter Micros.... It would make an AMAZING #NAS or #homelab if only it had capacity for 4 or more...I'm getting SO much more federation or #SelfHosted pilled with stuff.
I'm really appreciating the traditional model of selling sofware licenses as one off fees rather than monthly subscriptions.
Like with #Obsidian , I love it! Its also free. But its awesome that if the company dies tomorrow? My notes are still here, and I can still use the software.
If #Notion dies tomorrow? My notes are gone and I've lost my tool that my productivity relies on!
4.3.2025 03:15I'm getting SO much more federation or #SelfHosted pilled with stuff. I'm really appreciating the traditional model of selling...