Working in a brothel for the first time tomorrow.
Violet is gonna bake cookies.
Post coital cookies
@anna Is it possible to change the URL for an account?
Ah looking at it more it looks like we need to make a new account, and just. Alias it over.
Is there any dangers of doing this?
10.7.2023 18:45@anna Is it possible to change the URL for an account?Ah looking at it more it looks like we need to make a new account, and just. Alias it...Getting the sex-worker representation in for the nixos survey.
(We added sexworker in brackets just in case)
8.7.2023 20:38Getting the sex-worker representation in for the nixos survey. (We added sexworker in brackets just in case)Content warning:Random kink posting.
Intellectual property is based.
(The sub is smart, and is property)
8.7.2023 16:06Content warning:Random kink posting.Intellectual property is based.(The sub is smart, and is property)British rail moment.
6.7.2023 20:15British rail moment.We got a surprise vaccine on our trip to the sexual health clinic.
Double needle time
We didn't make this. Just found it. Dunno who did.
5.7.2023 11:03We didn't make this. Just found it. Dunno who did.Bottoms when http 226.
(They are used)
Why did google force RCS chats to be the default.
Just had to write instructions down for a tech ignorant person on how to disable it because what do you know.
It fucking broke and they can't send an important text.
We have verified the thing we are building can take emoji passwords.
Bottoms everywhere may now rest easy.
30.6.2023 12:44We have verified the thing we are building can take emoji passwords.Bottoms everywhere may now rest easy.Content warning:rust-lang, kink.
A cute shock collar that has the shock bit encased inside a tiny lil Ferris plushy.
It shocks you when you make a mistake with your code, much to your domme's amusement.
Girlfriend experience? No hun you misunderstand. When we say GFE, we mean we offer girl-foe experience.
21.6.2023 13:47Girlfriend experience? No hun you misunderstand. When we say GFE, we mean we offer girl-foe experience.@anna Is the inability to upload documents (.odt, .pdf etc etc) a restriction set by you?
Or a restriction in mastodon itself?
19.6.2023 21:55@anna Is the inability to upload documents (.odt, .pdf etc etc) a restriction set by you?Or a restriction in mastodon itself?We feel dead
Content warning:Smoking kink. No nudity.
Who wants to be our ashtray?
17.6.2023 19:22Content warning:Smoking kink. No nudity.Who wants to be our ashtray?We are officially a nix critter.
Not nixOS, that shit always breaks on us . Just a nix critter.
The good news is our new blazer & body suit look really fucking good.
The bad news is the fucking lining broke after 3 hours. (We complained)
13.5.2023 18:26The good news is our new blazer & body suit look really fucking good.The bad news is the fucking lining broke after 3 hours. (We...Content warning:Selfie, Riding crop
We turned into a dommy mommy.
25.4.2023 17:07Content warning:Selfie, Riding cropWe turned into a dommy mommy.Commit eep.