A #mastodon #fedilab hack that has made my mastodon experience much fuller: search for a #hashtag you want to follow. Follow it, but then also pin it in fedilab. Long press on it, press Any of these, then add other hashtag terms (separated by commas) to make one big happy list/hashtag timeline thingy you can go find interesting posts and people in. Example: I started with #geophysics, but also added geology, gis, Earthscience, scicomm. Vastly improved my experience on here. I have a few different pinned hashtag lists/groups like this
22.9.2023 12:48A #mastodon #fedilab hack that has made my mastodon experience much fuller: search for a #hashtag you want to follow. Follow it, but then...I've been working on a series of blog posts I have been calling #simplygeology to introduce #geophysics #geology or #gis concepts that I am often explaining to those unfamiliar with what I do. Here's my latest, on Ground Penetrating Radar: https://rileybalikian.blog/2023/09/08/ground-penetrating-radar-gpr-an-image-of-the-near-surface/
8.9.2023 18:53I've been working on a series of blog posts I have been calling #simplygeology to introduce #geophysics #geology or #gis concepts that I...