at least I believe it is moss
What kind of fuckery is this?
28.2.2025 22:05What kind of fuckery is this?Time to play a video game:
Opens Elden Ring...
dies... ok, but its doable
dies... arg
dies... dies
whatever BAR it is then
22.2.2025 17:13Time to play a video game:Opens Elden Ring...dies... ok, but its doabledies... argdies... dieswhatever BAR it is thenI just fell into the Bobby Mcferrin improvisations rabbit hole. That guy is just amazing.
I'm in the stadium of feeling the urge of having to end all my sentences with either xD or lol. xD
12.2.2025 16:55I'm in the stadium of feeling the urge of having to end all my sentences with either xD or lol. xDmelancholic sad game and soundtrack
7.2.2025 23:28melancholic sad game and soundtrack #GerPol
Die Frage nach der Zweitstimme ist knifflige. Linke und deren nicht zu Ende gedachten Außenpolitik (kein Aufrüsten) und die unmenschlichen Ukraine Kurs oder die Grünen, die sich auf ein nicht existierendes Migrationsproblem versteifen. Die Stimme an die linke könnte verschenkt, aber halt auch die Eine sein, die sie über die 5% hebt und wenn sie im Bundestag sitzen werden sie ja kaum Einfluss auf die Ukrainepolitik haben. Ich glaub ich nehme einfach nen Würfel mit zur Wahl
6.2.2025 22:19#DePol #GerPolDie Frage nach der Zweitstimme ist knifflige. Linke und deren nicht zu Ende gedachten Außenpolitik (kein Aufrüsten) und die...Last weekend in Austria at the wilder Kaiser.
4.2.2025 14:04Last weekend in Austria at the wilder Kaiser.Extracting a 120 GB tar file with only 12 GB of free space on the disk is so fun...
23.12.2024 17:07Extracting a 120 GB tar file with only 12 GB of free space on the disk is so fun...Why are the best tasting Drinks poisonous? Seems to my like a fundamental design flaw in this thing called "existence" to me! Can someone please make a complaint to god (which ever), if you meet them.
14.12.2024 18:09Why are the best tasting Drinks poisonous? Seems to my like a fundamental design flaw in this thing called "existence" to me! Can...premonition is quite a banger, too
5.12.2024 22:11premonition is quite a banger, tooeverything is epic, while you listen to "kiss my ring" from the dune soundtrack
5.12.2024 21:33everything is epic, while you listen to "kiss my ring" from the dune soundtrackI: ...und auserdem bist du kleinkariert
G: Du bist kleinkareirt.
I: Ich kann garnicht kleinkariert sein, ich bin größer als du.
14.11.2024 17:37I: ...und auserdem bist du kleinkariertG: Du bist kleinkareirt.I: Ich kann garnicht kleinkariert sein, ich bin größer als du.Why the hell are X-Envelope-To and To not the same address, seams to me like the spam writers wanted to make sure, that the mail are going straight into the spam folder???
11.11.2024 13:54Why the hell are X-Envelope-To and To not the same address, seams to me like the spam writers wanted to make sure, that the mail are going...They aren't even addressed to me in the email header
11.11.2024 13:47They aren't even addressed to me in the email headerI just got 309 Spam emails in one minute. I should probably look into that, maybe someone tried to hide a mail, but on the other hand manually checking 309 emails...
11.11.2024 13:44I just got 309 Spam emails in one minute. I should probably look into that, maybe someone tried to hide a mail, but on the other hand...Its a polite way oft saying: I wanna get drunk, but there is only beer here and beer tastes horrible.
11.11.2024 13:08Its a polite way oft saying: I wanna get drunk, but there is only beer here and beer tastes horrible.Just finished Baludr's Gate 3. It toke me 81 hours and ohh boy do i love it. BG3 just single-handedly pushed me away from aRPGs as my favorite genre into cRPGs. Never toughed I would like turn based combat
Ho un domanda alle tutte persone qua, che parlare italiano. Sto imparare l'italiano e cerco dei film, (audio-)libri, podcasts, video canali, Blogs e musica in italiano. Sono grato per tutti consigli.
I've got a question for all Italian speaking people here. I am learning Italian and searching films, (audio)books, video channels, Blogs and music in Italian. I am thankful for every suggestion.
Pis don't like compiling stuff
9.8.2024 21:03Pis don't like compiling stuff