Oof! For the first time in nearly 40 episodes, our voiceover service is having server issues. Script is complete, but can not be rendered by the usual supporting cast of hosts. Would rather not bring in a new cast last minute, so holding up to see what happens.
17.6.2023 10:19Oof! For the first time in nearly 40 episodes, our voiceover service is having server issues. Script is complete, but can not be rendered by...Today in #MLBHistory a #Yankees pitcher went to bed with visions of strikeouts in his head!
"Louisiana Lightning" indeed, the next day, he'd strike out 18 batters. As a lefty, it'd only been done two other times before that, we hear.
Who was the Louisiana Lightning?
16.6.2023 21:40Today in #MLBHistory a #Yankees pitcher went to bed with visions of strikeouts in his head!"Louisiana Lightning" indeed, the next...Oof. Still not able to speed the voices up without digital artifacts being introduced. Thought we had it, but we do not. Will keep looking. Came close with Pydub and noisereduce, in fact, noisereduce might be applied in the future.
16.6.2023 16:25Oof. Still not able to speed the voices up without digital artifacts being introduced. Thought we had it, but we do not. Will keep looking....En route to your pod app, available first at https://www.mlbresultscast.com. Spent some time looking at speed again, tomorrow Mike & Pam should sound approximately 15% faster.
16.6.2023 11:46En route to your pod app, available first at https://www.mlbresultscast.com. Spent some time looking at speed again, tomorrow Mike & Pam...Oops! A simple misunderstanding had kept our 'cast from syncing with iHeart!
This has been fixed, and we welcome #MLB fans from iHeart to the feedback loop!
15.6.2023 20:52Oops! A simple misunderstanding had kept our 'cast from syncing with iHeart! This has been fixed, and we welcome #MLB fans from iHeart...16 games yesterday, and those west coast matches don't play nice with our editors nap schedule.
Today's episode is up on your pod provider, or at https://www.mlbresultscast.com/2185541/13044810-neighborhood-watch-mlb-scores-stats-for-yesterday-june-14-2023
"Neighborhood Watch" MLB Scores & Stats for Yesterday, June 14, 2023
15.6.2023 12:1216 games yesterday, and those west coast matches don't play nice with our editors nap schedule.Today's episode is up on your pod...Trivia time again... today in #MLBHistory marks another no-no anno.
Some 90-years ago, a #Reds #MLB pitcher threw the second of two back-to-back no-hitters!
Do you know his name?
Need another hint?
JVM ...
Hit play or unmute, or both, to find out!
15.6.2023 12:10Trivia time again... today in #MLBHistory marks another no-no anno. Some 90-years ago, a #Reds #MLB pitcher threw the second of two...Today in #MLBHistory we had a certain #MLB pitcher throw no fewer than 235 pitches in a 13-inning game.
Old schoolers know who this is, what about the youngsters? Need a hint? 1974...
Need another?
California #Angels...
One more? Sorry, you just have to listen! Hit play or un-mute for the quick story.
14.6.2023 16:09Today in #MLBHistory we had a certain #MLB pitcher throw no fewer than 235 pitches in a 13-inning game. Old schoolers know who this is, what...Thank you, https://sportsfeed.me/ for including us on the server! We can promise to deliver some great information in some crazy ways... Stay tuned 😀
14.6.2023 16:07Thank you, https://sportsfeed.me/ for including us on the server! We can promise to deliver some great information in some crazy ways......