Coding games really forces you to not take things for granted, like for example, you have to tell enemies to stop chasing the players after they die. Although having corpses inexorably slide towards you is a whole other level of horror.
12.3.2025 03:59Coding games really forces you to not take things for granted, like for example, you have to tell enemies to stop chasing the players after...At a point we're I had a to make myself a little gantt chart tool to plan all the stuff me and @voidxwitch are doing for their music project 😬
6.3.2025 21:44At a point we're I had a to make myself a little gantt chart tool to plan all the stuff me and @voidxwitch are doing for their music...The animated title screen i designed for the Bitch on Bitch music video me and @voidxwitch released not too kong ago. Sometimes i jokingly say that i filme music videos mostly to design their titles, it just is so much fun. If you have a music video or a short film that need lovingly handcrafted titles and credits hit me up i'd love to do more of these :)
5.3.2025 02:49The animated title screen i designed for the Bitch on Bitch music video me and @voidxwitch released not too kong ago. Sometimes i jokingly...The second 12h day of shooting definitely hits different but we got through it and made some pretty cool images
24.2.2025 19:53The second 12h day of shooting definitely hits different but we got through it and made some pretty cool imagesAnyone in or around rosemont would a have a 20" or more crt tv that works that we could borrow / rent today for a music video shoot? Ours is broken and we're trying to find a replacement asap
23.2.2025 16:10Anyone in or around rosemont would a have a 20" or more crt tv that works that we could borrow / rent today for a music video shoot?...Had a good 12 hour say on set today working on the next @voidxwitch music video, looking forward to another one tomorrow (for real tho, 12 hour is good by our standards)
23.2.2025 05:26Had a good 12 hour say on set today working on the next @voidxwitch music video, looking forward to another one tomorrow (for real tho, 12...I'm so excited to be building my first set for a music video tomorrow, I really hope it'll capture properly the feel of 90's half-finished basement at your parent's home where you retreat to play video games.
22.2.2025 01:52I'm so excited to be building my first set for a music video tomorrow, I really hope it'll capture properly the feel of 90's...These last 2 weeks were basically a game jam for me and I'm pretty excited to show the result!
21.2.2025 00:19These last 2 weeks were basically a game jam for me and I'm pretty excited to show the result!Ok I figured it out, if i import my assets as glTf with separate texture and replace the material in godot then i can make the vertex shading work! :D
18.2.2025 21:25Ok I figured it out, if i import my assets as glTf with separate texture and replace the material in godot then i can make the vertex...alright I'm pretty stumped, can't seem to figure out how to do vertex lighting in godot from imported models coming from blender, anyone figured that out?
18.2.2025 16:29alright I'm pretty stumped, can't seem to figure out how to do vertex lighting in godot from imported models coming from blender,...Little preview of the silent-hill-like town i'm working on
17.2.2025 19:39Little preview of the silent-hill-like town i'm working on#theWorkshopI'm at the step of making levels for my little game in godot and I'm so glad i took the time to learn about grid maps and modular assets
17.2.2025 19:33I'm at the step of making levels for my little game in godot and I'm so glad i took the time to learn about grid maps and modular...Cozy inside doing game dev while a snow storm rages outside
16.2.2025 23:55Cozy inside doing game dev while a snow storm rages outside
16.2.2025 17:41 found the time to put the fog photos i took earlier this winter on my website
So glad to be tattooing again :D
16.2.2025 04:00So glad to be tattooing again :D
15.2.2025 14:36
14.2.2025 02:23 some banana bread as a reward for digging up the car from under that mountain of snow 😬
14.2.2025 00:34Baking some banana bread as a reward for digging up the car from under that mountain of snow 😬Let's fucking go!!
11.2.2025 17:11Let's fucking go!!