#SundaySentence #bezos #washingtonpost #democracy https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/10/26/washington-post-endorses-kamala-harris-satire/
27.10.2024 13:05#SundaySentence #bezos #washingtonpost #democracy...#sundaysentence @matthewklam
20.10.2024 12:36#sundaysentence @matthewklamProud to be part of #270Reasons & join writers supporting #KamalaHarris. Health care must be more than a "concept." New technology means we not only learn about current health issues but also about future challenges. My kids have a #BRCA2 mutation, meaning a sharply increased cancer risk. #HarrisWalz2024 get it 270reasons.com
9.10.2024 21:49Proud to be part of #270Reasons & join writers supporting #KamalaHarris. Health care must be more than a "concept." New...The ice outside shifts—the Arctic stammering its jaws as a cat does when it sees a bird #SundaySentence
6.10.2024 13:11The ice outside shifts—the Arctic stammering its jaws as a cat does when it sees a bird #SundaySentenceLoitering was an art form. Especially when one was loitering with purpose #1linewed @dmoren
2.10.2024 21:29Loitering was an art form. Especially when one was loitering with purpose #1linewed @dmorenYou see that duck over there? I've been watching that duck all day and it hasn't blinked #1linewed #kidlit #picturebook
25.9.2024 21:29You see that duck over there? I've been watching that duck all day and it hasn't blinked #1linewed #kidlit #picturebookCongratulations to the Pauli Murray Center and the opening of Pauli's childhood home in #durhamNC https://indyweek.com/culture/pauli-murray-center-for-history-and-social-justice-aims-to-continue-legacy-of-durham-civil-rights-icon/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=INDY+Week&utm_campaign=65dbc23182-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_09_24_12_32&utm_term=0_-65dbc23182-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]
24.9.2024 21:29Congratulations to the Pauli Murray Center and the opening of Pauli's childhood home in #durhamNC...Cal has professional experience of shitbirds like this, whose lies take up so much space that people believe them just because disbelieving all of that would be too much work #SundaySentence
22.9.2024 12:39Cal has professional experience of shitbirds like this, whose lies take up so much space that people believe them just because disbelieving...Not even one's own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes #SundaySentence
15.9.2024 12:05Not even one's own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and...Rip, who is a creature of sense, has taken one sniff of Johnny and decided that nibbling his own ass for fleas is a better use of his time #SundaySentence #TanaFrench
8.9.2024 15:30Rip, who is a creature of sense, has taken one sniff of Johnny and decided that nibbling his own ass for fleas is a better use of his time...We tend to smother our lives, collecting all the burdens we can carry, forever sweating the inconsequential #SundaySentence
1.9.2024 15:17We tend to smother our lives, collecting all the burdens we can carry, forever sweating the inconsequential #SundaySentenceAll her life, Michelle had thought she knew what she would do if the Gun came to her school, but the Gun doesn’t care about the stories people tell themselves in their own heads #SundaySentence @RachaelKJones https://buff.ly/3AzxGj0
25.8.2024 12:07All her life, Michelle had thought she knew what she would do if the Gun came to her school, but the Gun doesn’t care about the stories...Titus thought the only place where segregation was practiced without reproach besides the church on Sunday morning was a funeral home. Both were the last bastions of Ole Southern social conventions #SundaySentence
21.7.2024 10:27Titus thought the only place where segregation was practiced without reproach besides the church on Sunday morning was a funeral home. Both...TW: SA [Families] do not unconditionally support victims, even when the abusers don’t dispute what happened. They do something more self-protective and sacrifice the person who has disturbed the quiet of the family #SundaySentence #alicemunro https://www.thecut.com/article/alice-munro-daughter-sexual-abuse-family-secrets.html
14.7.2024 12:04TW: SA [Families] do not unconditionally support victims, even when the abusers don’t dispute what happened. They do something more...But they should have known she didn’t need her voice, only the words Hualit had given her, Spanish reshaped with the hammer of exile #SundaySentence
7.7.2024 13:54But they should have known she didn’t need her voice, only the words Hualit had given her, Spanish reshaped with the hammer of exile...Memorials inevitably bring us face to face with philosophical questions of justice, collective memory, free will, moral culpability, & individual vs. national responsibility. Nowhere is that tension more on display than in Normandy #sundaysentence #dday80thanniversary
9.6.2024 11:41Memorials inevitably bring us face to face with philosophical questions of justice, collective memory, free will, moral culpability, &...The ability to speak about fictions is the most unique feature of Sapiens language...fiction has enabled us not merely to imagine things, but to do so collectively #SundaySentence https://buff.ly/3QRAD3C
25.5.2024 11:22The ability to speak about fictions is the most unique feature of Sapiens language...fiction has enabled us not merely to imagine things,...The pit and Pieterzoon's screams had measured them all, had forced them to look within themselves. And no man had liked what he'd seen #SundaySentence #shogun
5.5.2024 14:03The pit and Pieterzoon's screams had measured them all, had forced them to look within themselves. And no man had liked what he'd...We were seated in a "yellow" cafe on July 2, 2020, the day after China's new national security law went into effect in Hong Kong #1linewed #hongkong #china #democracy #protest
1.5.2024 21:29We were seated in a "yellow" cafe on July 2, 2020, the day after China's new national security law went into effect in Hong...As if, after three years as a combat nurse, she'd learned about high explosive from the things it wrote on people's skin #SundaySentence
21.4.2024 12:52As if, after three years as a combat nurse, she'd learned about high explosive from the things it wrote on people's skin...