Paper day!
"The discovery and evolution of a radio continuum and excited-OH spectral-line outburst in the nearby galaxy NGC 660" Salter et al., AJ, accepted.
Our #Arecibo discovery and monitoring plus #VLBI observations of the decade+ length nuclear outburst in NGC 660
In Puerto Rico, the tradition, as I learnt it from my neighbour, is to pray for someone on the anniversary of their death for seven years.
Seven years ago today, Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, leading (after a botched response by a racist US government) to over 3,000 deaths.
Pray for Puerto Rico.
If anyone tells you they love Jesus and love guns, they're lying about the Jesus bit.
5.9.2024 02:52If anyone tells you they love Jesus and love guns, they're lying about the Jesus bit.Well, that was quick!
23.7.2024 00:23Well, that was quick!How much worse must the news expected in the autumn be if Sunak thinks it’s better to call an election now?
#UKPol #UKGeneralElection
#Fire visible from my office window – local news reports it’s near San Acacia, about 15 miles north of #Socorro
18.5.2024 00:37#Fire visible from my office window – local news reports it’s near San Acacia, about 15 miles north of #SocorroTimelapse of last night's #aurora from #Socorro, NM (34N). The brightish star in the upper centre is Polaris.
11.5.2024 17:12Timelapse of last night's #aurora from #Socorro, NM (34N). The brightish star in the upper centre is Polaris.#eclipse2024 maximality from Socorro
8.4.2024 20:41#eclipse2024 maximality from SocorroTrain derailed in #Socorro!
27.3.2024 02:25Train derailed in #Socorro!We should be referring to #ChristianNationalism as Ian Nationalism, because there’s certainly no #Christ in it.
It’s a bit unfair on blokes called Ian, though.
Chanted the #GreatLitany for the first time this morning. Think I got away with it! Nobody complained about the subtle change of “mankind” to “humankind” (and the prayers of the people followed this lead) – still need to fix this in the #BCP though!#TEC
18.2.2024 19:47Chanted the #GreatLitany for the first time this morning. Think I got away with it! Nobody complained about the subtle change of...Content warning:UK politics, transphobia
Rishi #Sunak really is a complete piece of shit.
A pre-planned jibe about trans people would be bad enough. But planning it for when he knew the mother of a murdered trans teen would be in the visitors' gallery watching is taking arseholery to a new level. What an absolute bastard.
#UKPol #Transphobia
The Great Green Owl is calling, and I cannot resist
31.1.2024 06:03The Great Green Owl is calling, and I cannot resistAnd so the world turns, and people in new industries find that the same truths hold now as a hundred years ago. #Unions are necessary for workers to defend themselves from the bosses.
The Guardian: Video game developers union membership in UK soars after thousands laid off
20.1.2024 18:56And so the world turns, and people in new industries find that the same truths hold now as a hundred years ago. #Unions are necessary for...I’m quoted in this Scientific American story about a possible primordial dark/low surface brightness galaxy detected in the radio at #GreenBankObservatory, presented at #AAS243. They took out all the careful caveats of course! (But I know to expect that)
#Astronomy #RadioAstronomy
My abiding memory of #NewOrleans is that drivers don’t stop for pedestrian crosswalks even when the lights are flashing until you step in front of their two tons of speeding metal, and sometimes not even then. And then shout at you for making them stop. A thoroughly unpleasant city. #aas243 #NOLA
14.1.2024 17:10My abiding memory of #NewOrleans is that drivers don’t stop for pedestrian crosswalks even when the lights are flashing until you step in...The Season of Christmas being past, it is now the Season of St Patrick on Walmart’s liturgico-commercial calendar!
14.1.2024 05:35The Season of Christmas being past, it is now the Season of St Patrick on Walmart’s liturgico-commercial calendar!The #aas243 crowd has left town. We have the restaurant opposite the conference centre to ourselves at 12:10pm!
12.1.2024 18:13The #aas243 crowd has left town. We have the restaurant opposite the conference centre to ourselves at 12:10pm!#Christian #Astronomers dinner at #AAS243 – meet at 6:30pm tonight (Wednesday) at the messages board next to the registration desk
10.1.2024 19:14#Christian #Astronomers dinner at #AAS243 – meet at 6:30pm tonight (Wednesday) at the messages board next to the registration desk